10 Tiny Details that Really Up Your Organization Game
When it comes to housekeeping, a little effort can truly go a long way. That’s why it pays to mind the details when you’re organizing all of your home’s unsightly stuff. Small things that might seem insignificant—think: box labels, basket lids, and table skirts—can actually make a world of difference when you’re putting together your place. If you take the time to smartly conceal all of your apartment’s clutter, you’ll end up looking equal parts stylish and organized. So read on for ten teeny tiny details that still manage to do some serious work for your space.
1. A Lid on the Hamper
Believe it or not, putting a lid on your laundry basket can be a game changer for scoring a more put-together pad. Not only does it cheaply cover up all of your dirty clothes, it turns an otherwise unattractive accessory into something a little more streamlined.
2. Storage Boxes
Funny how something as simple as a storage box can make such major impact when organizing your place. Canvas bins, gift boxes, and other cute containers don’t just look great—they hide all your keepsakes and hardly cost a thing.
3. A Table Skirt
4. Door-Fronted Furnishings
Whenever possible, opt for furniture with doors when you’re choosing television stands, armoires or cabinets—they’ll do an ace job of visually decluttering your space. Much like a miniature junk closet, you can stockpile everything from your electronics to your unmentionables, and no one will ever know what’s really behind closed doors.
5. Cord Organizers
An oft overlooked but insanely chic way to conceal unattractive cords are cable hideaways. Available online and at most hardware stores, cable organizers help cover up unsightly wires without sacrificing an ounce of style.
6. Bed Risers
A quick way to create additional storage space is to buy set of bed risers. Used to elevate everything from your bed frame to your sofa—and usually under $20—you’ll have extra room for stashing eyesores in no time.
7. Key Hooks
Looking for an easy way to keep your entryway organized and your keys in check? Key hooks can work wonders for your foyer and your morning routine without ever breaking your budget.
8. Multi-Tasking Furniture
Take the time to invest in a furnishings that pull double duty—storage ottomans, sleeper sofas, and beds with built-in drawers—and you’ll end up with more space and seating.
9. A Box that Hides your Mail
No need to waste your time on anything wall-mounted, medium-sized storage box will hide most of your snail mail nicely; just don’t forget to pay your bills!
10. Space Saver Bags
You’d be surprised at how much you can actually squeeze under your bed or inside in your closet when you use remove oxygen from the equation. Pick up a few quality vacuum-sealed bags to store your unused clothes and linens and you’ll save tons of space while protecting them from mold and dust mites.
Re-edited from a post originally published 10.26.2016 – TW