Make Your Visitors LOL With One of These Cheeky Doormats
No matter your level of interest in design in general, decorating your home can be an experience occasionally fraught with stress—like trying to choose between three equally fabulous paint colors, sticking to a budget, or the lingering urge to just get rid of everything and start all over again. However, not every piece in (or outside) your home has to flawlessly interpret your personal style in a new and unique way. A whimsical accessory chosen just for fun’s sake makes a house feel like a home, and acts as a reminder to not take yourself so seriously all the time. Case in point: This assortment of oh-so-cheeky welcome mats.
Who wouldn’t smile at the above design by the appropriately named Clever Doormats ($43.50, Wayfair)? No one has to know just how true it might be to your household.
If you’ve been meaning to get to know the neighbor across the hall, the witty Neighbors Doormat by Reed Wilson Design ($50, Uncommon Goods) will surely get the conversational ball rolling.
This Reed Wilson Design doormat ($50, Urban Outfitters) should come with a doorbell that plays the rest of the Guns N’Roses classic, in my opinion.
Here’s a design that can either be an entendre or a Dr. Who reference. No matter how you see it, this Clever Doormats design ($30, also sets the appropriate expectations for a smaller home.
Though it could read sarcastically on those days when you’re wearing ancient Birkenstocks to take out the trash, we’re taking this delightful doormat by Etsy seller AHalOfAGirl ($35) at its word.
Send guests on an actual journey with a Journey pun from Etsy seller BeThereInFive ($38).
Speaking of puns, this doormat ($29, West Elm) doesn’t disappoint in that department. It’s a dad joke for sure, but we’re not above those.
I think Mr. Burns would be a fan of this doormat by Etsy seller TheCheekyDoormat ($49).
Wine-related doormats are a genre all their own, but this design ($34, Clever Doormats) stands out from the hundreds of “wine all the time”-type sentiments.
If you prefer martini glasses over wine glasses, you’ll be a bit more appreciative of this design from Etsy seller RusticHustleShop ($39).
The number of us who remember mix tapes is dwindling, but why not enjoy a throwback moment when you come home each day. Best of all, you can personalize this doormat ($38, Uncommon Goods) with your own name.