3 Simple Solutions for a Clutter-Free Space
If you think the secret to a clutter free home is getting rid of everything you own, or becoming the sort of crazed cleaning fiend who can’t stand to have a single thing out of place, we have good news for you. Here a few simple solutions — things that are easy to integrate into your life — that will make it a snap to keep your place clutter free.
The first tip might be the most important: stop clutter where it starts, right at the front door. Maxwell is a huge proponent of a ‘landing strip,’ a multi-functional space right inside the entry to your apartment that helps you stay in control of clutter by stopping it before it even gets into your space.
Do you have trouble putting things away? Professional organizer Fay Wolf has a simple solution — store things right where you use them. The easier it is to put things up, the more likely you’ll be to do it.
But no matter how vigilant you are, there are probably going to be a few things — scissors, rubber bands, random odds and ends — that don’t really seem to have a home. Instead of leaving these things out on counters and tables, designate one drawer as a ‘junk drawer’. During that last phase of putting things away, when you usually start stressing over where all those little things should go, just sweep them into the junk drawer. Bam. Done.
Thanks for watching, and happy organizing!
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