5 Beautiful Things to Buy For Your Wedding Now (Then Keep for Your Home Later)
There are two methods to saving money: One is to spend less in the first place (always a wise idea when we’re talking about an expensive day like a wedding). But the other way to make the most of your money is to get more use out of the things you buy. Think of these five objects as wedding investment pieces: They’re things you might need just once for the big day, but you can use them at home for years and years after.
Vases & Pots
At the wedding: To hold cut flowers or potted plants in your centerpieces. I potted succulents and kale for my own wedding, pictured above.
After the wedding: For potted plants or cut flowers, but this time on the patio or dinner table.
Pretty Objects
At the wedding: Use objets d’art as part of the table decor, or to punctuate a display on the head table or cake table or wherever.
After the wedding: On a bookshelf, coffee table, or anywhere that could use a little decoration.
Artwork & Prints
At the wedding: Have guests sign it in lieu of a traditional guestbook.
After the wedding: Display your one-of-a-kind guestbook at home on the walls.
At the wedding: As part of a centerpiece.
After the wedding: On the dinner table, or keep them around for parties you’ll throw at home.
Gorgeous Containers
At the wedding: As a place to collect cards and small gifts.
After the wedding: As a vase or terrarium. Or a catch-all dish in the entryway. Or a place to display a collection (or even your dried-out bridal bouquet).
Did you keep any decorations from your wedding?