The Home Decor Questions You Didn’t Know You Wanted Us to Ask, Answered
Have you caught on to the fact that we happen to find Rory and his shared vibrant urban jungle LA paradise pretty darn fantastic? We’ve gotten him to share the secrets of sharing an apartment (with no separate bedroom) with another person. He’s graciously given us a more in-depth look at his closet. In this post he and his boyfriend Chris answer eight burning home decor questions you never realized you wanted us to ask, but you’ll be happy we did.
What one thing of the other’s would you like to throw out?
Rory: His attitude.
Chris: Rory’s ugly dead flower/plant that has faded from a tropical yellow/orange gradient to a stale and translucent brown that he swears is “coming back to life”
What was something you owned as a teen that forecast your style now?
Rory: I had a jungle themed room with leaves and plant murals on the wall and animal print bedding… *blinks slowly*
Chris: Fashion magazines
If you were a ghost doomed to haunt your home for eternity, what update would a future family make that would send you into a poltergeist-like rage?
Chris: A “Live Laugh Love” sign. *shudders*
Which fictional character would be most at home in your place?
Rory:Peg Bundy after she divorces Al and moves to L.A.
Chris:Johana Eberhart from The Stepford Wives, and/or Barbie.
Your mom is 5 minutes away — what’s your super fast cleaning up trick?
Rory: My mother’s signature move is telling me she’ll be there at noon then at 5 of 9:00 calling to tell me she’s downstairs — so if you’re in a rush — Clorox wipes and stuffing clothes where they don’t belong is tried and true.
Chris:Throw everything in the closet — (obviously). Has never failed me.
Sexiest spot in your house?
Rory:The fridge.
Chris:The bathtub is huge and has a large shelf for candles.
What’s your favorite spot?
Rory: On the couch with the dog in my lap and all the blinds open.
Chris:The bed. I take any chance I get to be in bed.
How does your home make you happy?
Rory: It provides visual nourishment for my soul.
Chris:It’s always a pick-me-up to come home to a candy colored castle in the sky.
Can’t get enough of this home’s style? See more photos → A Vibrant Urban Jungle Paradise in Downtown LA
Absolutely have to see more of Rory’s fashion in action? → Closet Tour: Rory’s Zesty, Creative Wardrobe