This Weighted Blanket is Made for Both Hot and Cold Sleepers—And it Has Over 1,000 5-Star Reviews
We all know drifting off to sleep and staying asleep can be difficult. There’s always that task from work that didn’t get taken care of, or your room’s temperature or outside street noises are keeping you awake. One way to get relief is investing in a Amazon’s Movers and Shakers section. Not only is the price right, but it has over 1,000 5-star reviews, with many reviewers saying they wish they had purchased one sooner.
What’s unique about this particular blanket is that your purchase comes with two machine-washable duvet covers to choose from: a warm fleece material that’ll keep you toasty in the winter, and another cover made of CoolMax Microfiber technology to ventilate heat away from your body. If you’re a hot sleeper, this feature is huge, especially if you tend to avoid thick blankets but need some stress relief.
Plus, while most weighted blankets are filled with glass or plastic beads to create weight, Degrees of Comfort uses nano-ceramic beads. These beads are finer and denser, kind of like silky sand, and require less fill for the same weight—and they stay evenly distributed throughout the blanket for total comfort.
One reviewer said that she would have some restless nights from stress and would wake up multiple times. “The best solution would be of course to eliminate the stress—comes from my job—but since the lottery win is not in sight, I have to find other ways to deal with occasional phase related stress,” she joked. “This blanket is perfect. It calms me, and due to the weight—not too heavy—I do not toss around so much. The latter has two positive effects: better quality sleep and, believe it or not, less back pain.”
It’ll not only help you fall asleep, but stay asleep. “I find myself sleeping until the alarm rings and desperately wishing I didn’t have to get up,” said another reviewer. “I never imagined that to be possible. I awake refreshed, not aching and stiff; I feel rested, and not ‘hungover’ from hours of struggling to make myself sleep.”
Weighted blankets should be about 10 percent of your body weight and not drape over the sides of your bed—otherwise, the blanket could slip to the floor, disrupting your sleep. This blanket is available in eight weight options, starting at 5 pounds (for a 50-lb child) and going up to 20 pounds (for a 200-lb adult). You can buy in navy, sand, or gray, and prices start at $55.99.