Yigit Pura’s Modern Condo In The City
Name: Yigit Pura Location: Nob Hill — San Francisco, CA Size: 570 square feet Years lived in: 8 months — own When Yigit decided to take the leap and buy an apartment in the city, he wanted a home that intrigued him every time he walked through the door. Clocking in at just 570 square feet, this one bedroom has a small kitchen, a cool modern bathroom, and a nice view of downtown San Francisco.
Sep 4, 2015
5 Things Holding You Back From Creating a Truly Great Home
Want a truly great home? However you define a truly great home for you, there are a few things that can hold anybody back from achieving a great space that brings them peace, motivates them and is a place they love being in. Peruse this list to see if any of these items are keeping you from creating the kind of space you’d like to have.
Sep 4, 2015
Having These 5 Things in Your Entryway Will Save You Time Every Day
If you’ve been reading Apartment Therapy and participating in the Cure, you know all about the power of a well-organized entryway to help catch clutter and keep your home looking beautiful. But did you know the things you decide to keep by your front door can also save you time every day?
Sep 3, 2015
Michelle’s Warm and Elegant Houston Home
Name: Michelle and Stephen Taussig Location: Garden Oaks; Houston, Texas Size: 2,632 square feet Years lived in: 1 year; Owned Michelle’s home is big, warm, and very beautiful, but it also tells a story — or rather, several. With its mixture of heirlooms, thrifted items, impressive art, and smart design, Michelle’s home is elegant, cozy, and endlessly interesting.
Sep 3, 2015
Goth Glamour: 10 Stylish Black Bedrooms
There’s something sort of perfect about black in a bedroom: what says ‘sleep’ more strongly than the color of the night? Here are 10 rooms where this moody hue is the backdrop for a seriously stylish space. Above: Jenna Lyons’ black bedroom from Domino, arguably the one that began it all. An elegantly moody space from Est Magazine. A black bedroom with gold accents from Farrow & Ball.
Sep 3, 2015
How To Sneak a Home Office into ANY Room
Do you dream of a dedicated space to work from home, write that novel, pay the bills or the dozens of other ways that people with gorgeous home offices feel inspired to do thanks to their amazing work-centric space? ANYONE can find room for a home office in their home (even people in tiny studios). All you really need are these eight elements arranged in a way that fits your space’s size and your lifestyle. Why put any time or effort into carving out a home office in the first place?
Sep 2, 2015
Will You Be Prepared if the Power Goes Out? What to Pack in An Apartment Survival Kit
We’ve had a series of pretty wicked storms lately in Atlanta. With the kind of thunder and lightning that shock you out of whatever you were doing and make you double-check your battery supply and if you even actually own a fully-functioning flashlight. Which, it turns out you don’t, if you’re me. That moment was a bit of a realization – after 22 years of living in Florida, I got accustomed to prepping for hurricane season with the rest of the community every summer.
Sep 2, 2015
Keep Your Spouse, Partner or Roommate Happy: Discover Their Love Language
Have you heard of The Five Love Languages? It’s a best-selling book by author Gary Chapman and it basically boils down to this: People like to be appreciated in one of five different ways. It’s a great concept for relationships, but might also help strengthen your bond with non-romantic roommates.
Sep 2, 2015
5 Different Ways to Keep Your Glass Shower Door Clean for Good
There are two types of people in the world: Shower curtain people and glass door people. No matter which you prefer (which do you prefer?), we can all agree that glass shower doors are kind of a pain to keep clean. Here are 5 tips, products and solutions that make it a cinch to keep your shower door spotless around the clock. Without a doubt, this is the most effective way to keep a clean glass shower, but it’s also the most demanding.
Sep 1, 2015
Fact or Fiction: You Can Revive an Overripe Banana With a Hairdryer
(Image credit: Kelli Foster) From The Kitchn → Can You Really Revive an Overripe Banana with a Hair Dryer?
Sep 1, 2015