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Shelby Vittek

About Me

Shelby Vittek is an award-winning food, wine, and travel writer. Her food writing has won several awards from the Association of Food Journalists, and her work has appeared in numerous publications. She has never lived in a state without a Wegmans.

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I Gave Up Plastic for One Week and It Was Very Eye-Opening
I’ve been thinking a lot about my relationship with plastic. Perhaps you have too, Because the problem with our plastic-filled world is a topic that has become impossible to ignore. First, there was that awful, horrible video about the turtle with a plastic straw in 2015 (watch at your own risk). This year there was the June 2018 National Geographic cover unveiled in May, with an arresting photo of a plastic shopping bag partially submerged in the ocean, giving the illusion of an iceberg.
Aug 16, 2018