Before & After: From Tired Tire To Awesome Ottoman
I’ve been on the hunt for a new ottoman for a while now, but like many things in life, the money has been needed elsewhere. I’ve obviously survived, but there might be a new DIY creation in my future! Check out what this old tire looks like now!
Nikki over at That Was A What? has turned this trusty old tire into her new ottoman. She had been coveting rope covered versions online, but even inexpensive ones were pushing $500 or more. So she made her own with bags of rope and super glue from her local hardware store.
A plywood top and bottom were added to round out the look, and when all was said and done, Nikki had exactly the ottoman she wanted. It’s a perfect place to put your feet up at the end of the day. Want to see how it’s made?
Read More: That Was A What?
(Images: That Was A What?)