Calling All NYC Pet Owners! Do You Want Your Dog or Cat to Be Famous?
Let’s make your pet a star! We’re looking for three pet-owning readers in New York City who want to share their home, lifestyle and pet on video with Apartment Therapy this month. If you’ve just adopted a puppy and can’t stop Snapchatting about it, have been raising your German Shepherd for over a decade, or just can’t wait to get home to snuggle with your cat – you might be just the person we’re looking for.
We are working with an advertiser to explore the secret life of pets in three video house tours! If you’ve been wanting to show off your animal and home, submit your information below, and you could have your story sponsored and documented by our team!
We are seeking:
We look forward to hearing your stories and meeting your pets!
The AT Team
*We’re so sorry that this is offer is limited to homes in NYC – thanks for understanding!