This Is When You Should Book Your Holiday Flights, According to Kayak
‘Tis the season to start planning for holiday travel.
While festivities don’t technically start for a couple of months, those who have to travel are on the hunt for deals. After all, with the holidays being such a costly time of the year, saving money where you can is crucial to avoiding credit card damage—or at least lessening the blow.
Thanks to Kayak, we now have the inside scoop on when the best time to book your domestic airline tickets is. *Drum roll please* And the answer is…right this very second.
From now until September 17, domestic flight prices for Thanksgiving travel are at their lowest, with median one-way airfare at about $300. Travelers can expect those prices to rise from that point onward, and by mid-October, flights will be 14% more expensive than they are now. In other words, if you know you’re going to be traveling for Thanksgiving, the time to buy is now.
For those who are booking flights around Christmas, historical data shows that airline tickets are the cheapest around the third week of September. Since we’re talking about late-December, you technically have a bit more time to hold off until prices skyrocket around November 25. But again, if you know traveling is inevitable, mark your calendars for next week!
And for those venturing overseas, Kayak suggests booking your airline tickets before October 20, when median airfare is $628.
So, if you’re in it to win great airline prices this year (more money for present shopping, yes?), the time to browse is now.