These Minuscule Wingless Springtails are Easily Mistaken for Fleas
I’m not typically squeamish when it comes to bugs. Until they get inside my house where they don’t belong, that is. The creepiest are usually those teeny tiny ones—like springtails—that are so hard to see I start getting paranoid that they’re everywhere. Springtails are minuscule wingless bugs found all throughout North America that thrive in dark, damp places.
Aug 5, 2018
The Surprising Place You Don’t Even Need to Clean
Keeping the kitchen clean is hard work. Every single day, multiple times a day, you spill food across the floors and countertops. You chuck crusty dishes into the sink. You splatter sauce or grease. And the effort of keeping it all spic and span— all that wiping, sweeping, and scrubbing! — can get totally tedious day in and day out.
Aug 5, 2018
The $7 Find Everyone Should Have in Their Shower
Soap scum and water marks are ubiquitous in most showers and baths. So often we treat them as an inevitable nuisance that is hidden from most eyes and that we address when we deep clean the bathroom, have guests coming, or just can’t take it anymore. And then we look for quick fixes and hacks like the baggie method to tackle the clinging grime (nothing wrong with that!).
Jul 30, 2018
This $20 Find Makes Cleaning the Toilet a Breeze, Forever
Let’s face it: Of all the arduous tasks on our housekeeping to-do lists, cleaning the toilet is arguably the worst. And while certain hacks, like removing the toilet seat, can make the process of deep cleaning your toilet go a lot more smoothly, we discovered a $20 solution that will make it even easier. An easily-removable toilet seat, like this one from Home Depot, will make cleaning your bathroom a breeze.
Jul 29, 2018
Do This and You’ll Never Have to Dust Your Hard-to-Reach Spots Again
I’ve written a lot about dusting, but like a doctor who stops for Krispy Kreme on the way to work, I have some blind spots when it comes to this one part of homekeeping. Namely, I’m not the best at staying on top of dusting the hard-to-reach spots in my home. Not that it doesn’t bother me that the tops of my built-ins and kitchen cabinets are coated with a thin coating of dust (ok, more than a thin coating).
Jul 24, 2018
4 Ways to Hack Our Favorite $3 IKEA Organizing Staple
The magic of IKEA pieces is not only in their well-thought-out, small-space-maximizing design, but in the numerous ways each versatile piece can be repurposed and hacked. Here are four ways to transform one of our very favorite IKEA staples, the VARIERA bag dispenser, into more than meets the eye.
Jul 23, 2018
9 Cleaning Tasks You Can Skip All Summer Long
Welcome to Apartment Therapy’s Chore-Free Summer. Every weekday until July 20, we’re arming you with time-saving shortcuts and hacks that’ll help you work smarter, not harder, when it comes to homekeeping this summer. Because cleaning doesn’t have to be a chore. This post is the last day of our chore-free summer series, to get the rest of the posts go here.
Jul 20, 2018
Does it Work? We Tested Those Soap-Free Spaghetti Scrubber Sponges
I recently learned something that totally blew my mind: you uh… actually don’t need soap to wash your dishes. Or at least, that’s what one cleaning brand called Goodbye Detergent claims, thanks to their Original Spaghetti Scrub. Spaghetti Scrubs are an environmentally friendly sponge alternative.
Jul 18, 2018
Smart Ways to Make Cleaning the Kitchen Less of a Chore
Welcome to Apartment Therapy’s Chore-Free Summer. Every weekday until July 20, we’re arming you with time-saving shortcuts and hacks that’ll help you work smarter, not harder, when it comes to homekeeping this summer. Because cleaning doesn’t have to be a chore. Not all kitchen messes are created equal. But whether you’re a dedicated home cook or somebody who has local takeout joints’ phone numbers saved as favorites, you still have to clean up after yourself.
Jul 18, 2018
5 Lazy Ways to Avoid Cleaning the Bathroom
Welcome to Apartment Therapy’s Chore-Free Summer. Every weekday until July 20, we’re arming you with time-saving shortcuts and hacks that’ll help you work smarter, not harder, when it comes to homekeeping this summer. Because cleaning doesn’t have to be a chore. Cleaning the bathroom is an oft-reviled chore, and for very good reason. You’re forced to get intimate with your filth—and the filth of the people you live with.
Jul 17, 2018
20 Surprising Things You Can Clean in the Dishwasher
Before you spend another minute wiping, dusting, or disinfecting something you don't have to, look for these things that can get clean in the dishwasher.
Jul 16, 2018
The Easy, Lazy Way to Clean Your Floors This Summer—Just Don’t
Welcome to Apartment Therapy’s Chore-Free Summer. Every weekday until July 20, we’re arming you with time-saving shortcuts and hacks that’ll help you work smarter, not harder, when it comes to homekeeping this summer. Because cleaning doesn’t have to be a chore. Our goal with this whole chore-free summer series is to give you back your time and let you enjoy a more carefree season.
Jul 13, 2018
7 Grimy, Gross Things You Can Just Spray Down With a Hose
Welcome to Apartment Therapy’s Chore-Free Summer. Every weekday until July 20, we’re arming you with time-saving shortcuts and hacks that’ll help you work smarter, not harder, when it comes to homekeeping this summer. Because cleaning doesn’t have to be a chore. There are few summertime tools as versatile as the garden hose. It’s a pool-filling, sprinkler-fueling, heat-quelling, thirst-quenching blessing of a thing.
Jul 12, 2018
The Cleaning Workhorse You Already Carry in Your Purse
It’s become ubiquitous. Whether it’s a tiny bottle of colored gel clipped to a teens’ backpack, or the more natural version that’s a common diaper bag companion, hand sanitizer is becoming a staple of everyone’s personal bag. Besides its obvious purpose (don’t forget that the CDC still recommends hand-washing as the best line of defense!), you can also bust out your hand sanitizer to accomplish these little cleaning tasks, at home and on the go.
Jul 10, 2018
3 Smart Ways to Do Fewer Dishes This Summer
Welcome to Apartment Therapy’s Chore-Free Summer. Every weekday until July 20, we’re arming you with time-saving shortcuts and hacks that’ll help you work smarter, not harder, when it comes to homekeeping this summer. Because cleaning doesn’t have to be a chore. No other household chore draws as much ire as the dishes. Maybe it’s because they just never. seem. to end.
Jul 10, 2018
7 Powerful Things You Can Do with Just an Ice Cube
Dare we say these hacks are… really cool?
Jul 8, 2018
Now That I’m an Adult, I Finally Understand My Mom’s Unfair Rule for Keeping the House Clean
Now, as a 30-something adult, I get it. I have the exact same rule for keeping the bedroom clean at home.
Jul 7, 2018
4 Things You Should Never Clean with Baking Soda
From scrubbing pots and pans to deep-cleaning appliances, baking soda is such a great cleaning agent that it’s tempting to want to use it on everything. But even though it’s gentler than some alternatives, baking soda still has some downfalls. Because it’s abrasive, you have to be careful with surfaces that are lightly sealed or that have a finish that can be worn away (the same way you would be careful with scrubbing too hard with a scratchy sponge).
Jul 5, 2018
One Way You Might Be Sabotaging Your Own Vacation
Besides the relaxation and change of pace offered by a vacation while it’s happening, an additional benefit of taking time off is being primed to appreciate and enjoy your own home, routines, and everyday life again. Nothing kills this buzz more, though, than returning to a home that slams you with unpleasant demands the minute you walk in the door.
Jun 27, 2018
You’re 10 Days Away from a Chore-Free Summer!
Just whisper the word “summer” to a kid, and you’ll put on a musical in their minds. A vibrant scene where school is out, ice cream trucks are singing, and there’s veritas in the very idea that playing with a garden hose is a perfectly acceptable agenda for an entire afternoon. The mental stage production doesn’t quite have the same simple magic for an adult. Because when you’re grown, life doesn’t stop for summer.
Jun 27, 2018
One Smart Thing You Should Always Do After Washing the Dishes
Let me begin with a caveat: I do not always do the dishes straight away. I do try to, because I think it’s always easier to just deal with the mess instead of letting it pile up. Why not put that coffee mug in the dishwasher or give that chef’s knife a quick rinse and dry and put it safely back on my magnetic strip? The alternative is that I don’t do those things and I just leave it all out on the counter.
Jun 26, 2018
If There’s Such a Thing as a Sexy Toilet Plunger, This is It
Toilet plungers are not something we tend to discuss. But, for sure, we want them to work and we sure hope there’s one accessible if we—horror!—happen to need one in someone else’s bathroom. (By the way, this post has some great tips for how to unclog a toilet, should you find yourself without a plunger). Whether it’s through consideration for your guests or to equip your own home with the top tools for the job, we found the one toilet plunger to replace all others.
Jun 24, 2018
This 3-Word Cleaning Strategy is Your Shortcut to Spotless
When it comes to housekeeping, few people know the ropes as well as Durk Johnson. In addition to serving as the executive director of Vacation Rental Housekeeping Professionals (VRHP)—a national organization that specializes in housekeeping principles and procedures—he has over fifteen years experience in cleaning luxury rentals around the world.
Jun 23, 2018
This Miracle Stain Remover is My Best $7 Secret
No matter what I spill, or what I spill it on, I have a single stain remover I can trust to be my front line against anything.
Jun 18, 2018
You Should Use a Screwdriver When You Clean the Bathroom—Here’s Why
Cleaning the toilet happens to be not only among the most odorous of chores, but also one that simply must get done to maintain any modicum of cleanliness in your house. But no matter how regularly you clean it and how much of a stickler you are for doing it the “right” way, you may not end up with a toilet that looks or—ahem—smells as fresh as you’d like.
Jun 14, 2018
7 Things You’re Cleaning Too Much
Believe it or not, it’s actually possible to clean too much. Whether it means you’re cleaning an item too often or cleaning it more than necessary, over-cleaning is a surefire way to waste time and energy—and sometimes, ruin your stuff. To prove our point, we rounded up some examples of everyday items that we can pretty much guarantee you’re cleaning too much. From jeans to dishes—yes dishes!
Jun 12, 2018
Get Your Martha On For Less: Jet Is Having A Sale On Fancy Laundry Supplies
While few of us can boast a laundry room that looks like a zen retreat (unless you’re Mandy Moore), there is one way to make washing your clothes feel more luxurious: using fancy laundry supplies. Everything, from the design to the smell, to the lack of bright blue liquid spilling on your washing machine, makes it a lot better. But, of course, it can be hard to rationalize splurging on something that goes towards a household chore.
Jun 7, 2018
Want to Be on Apartment Therapy? We’re Giving Lucky Readers Cleaning Makeovers
No matter who you live with — a great roommate, your best friend, your partner — keeping house is never easy. One person’s neat piles are another person’s mess. One of you might leave dishes in the sink, but the other might leave your shoes in the middle of the floor. Or maybe that gym bag your roommate keeps by the door is actually emitting an odor that you suspect she doesn’t even smell. Apartment Therapy gets it. (Seriously. We really, really get it.
Jun 4, 2018
Why You Should Pour Flour in Your Sink
A clean sink is one thing, but a shiny sink is another.
Jun 3, 2018
One Trick that Could Make Cleaning the Toilet Fun—Okay, Not Fun But At Least Not Awful
Toilet-cleaning ranks as one of the most dreaded of all household chores, and no wonder; it’s a dirty, dirty job. Personally, I don’t mind it that much because I’d much rather know it’s clean and shiny than put off doing it. Plus the more often you do it, the less yucky the whole ordeal is. There’s one part that always flummoxed me, though, until I had a silly epiphany that solved the problem.
May 28, 2018
John Mayer Has a Laundry Collab – Yes You Read That Right
There is no better smell than laundry fresh out of the dryer. You will never want to get out of bed after putting fresh sheets on your mattress. That smell is to die for! Apparently, one celebrity loves laundry so much, they decided to branch out of their career path to create their own laundry collaboration. Did you know that John Mayer loves laundry? Yes, the man who sings the song “Your Body Is A Wonderland” has his own laundry detergent.
May 26, 2018
This Cult-Favorite Soap Cleans More Than Just Floors
With four children and three pets, I’m on a perpetual quest for a cleaning product that gets my floors squeaky clean. On a whim, I decided to try Murphy’s Oil soap on our tile floors since it’s one of those old-time standbys everyone seems to have at least heard of. When I saw that my mop water was dirtier than it’s ever been, I became a Murphy’s Oil Soap convert. Turns out, however, that floors aren’t all it’s good for.
May 24, 2018
Why You Should Stick Dryer Sheets in the Bathtub
There's a magic trick involving dryer sheets and dish soap that will make your next deep clean go a lot easier for you.
May 21, 2018
24 Dust Magnets You Probably Haven’t Cleaned in Forever
Dust is gross. A mixture of dead skin cells, pollen, dust mites, dust mite feces, pet dander, textile fibers, burnt particles of cosmic rocks, decomposing insects, and more—dust is no doubt dirty. But it harbors a more sinister component, a fact that has motivated me, for one, to finally become a little less lax and more fatalistic about how much of it I allow to stick around in my home.
May 21, 2018
We’re All Using Clorox Wipes Wrong, Apparently
A microbiologist pointed out there's a 4-minute rule printed right on the package.
May 20, 2018
Want Cleaner Dishes? You Should Start With Dirtier Plates
Pre-washing dishes is one of those divisive things about life at home. If you’re secretly (or not so secretly) a pre-rinser, it’s because you think it’s the only right way to do it, and that not pre-rinsing is gross/dirty/lazy/doesn’t work/what-have-you. I know because I’m one of them. I grew up with a dishwasher that really didn’t get dishes clean on its own, so pre-washing became my practice.
May 15, 2018
We Tried This Cult-Favorite Bleach Alternative and Here are the Results
In a recent quest to rid a gorgeous old handmade quilt of some weird unknown stains, I came across a so-called “miracle product” named Retro Clean. It promised to be able to do heavy lifting of bleach without being harsh and corrosive—in other words, the perfect solution for my delicate, yet well-loved vintage linens.
May 1, 2018
Stop Washing The Dishes: THIS is What Hosts Really Want From Their House Guests
Bless the houseguest who hops up after a great meal and beelines for the kitchen sink. Thank you for your service on the serving ware, but also for saving the rest of us from the awkward dance of feeling out which one of us guests was going to volunteer as tribute to the trifle dish. Somewhere in the course of home history, “doing the dishes” became synonymous with “being a good houseguest.
Apr 25, 2018
Survey Says This is the Grossest Thing You Can Have in Your Kitchen
I’m not swayed by inner satisfaction or the captivating sparkle of a spotless countertop. No—my main motivation for cleaning my space is almost always making sure that the people who see it don’t think I’m gross. (Even if those people are just the UPS guy and my local Thai place’s delivery driver.
Apr 18, 2018
Only Have One Minute to Spring Clean the Bathroom? One Hour? Try These Tricks
This year, we’re on a mission to help you tackle spring cleaning on your time. Each weekday until April 13, we’ll guide you through a plan to clean and organize different areas of your home, but you’ll have the flexibility to choose exactly what to work on and how long you have to dedicate to the job. Nobody really likes cleaning, do they? I’m a home editor and I don’t even like cleaning. I enjoy having a clean home, of course.
Apr 12, 2018
The $1 Kitchen Storage Trick That Might Save Your Plates
If you’re a practical person and invested in high quality tableware in classic white, good for you! Your dinner guests will have to look long and hard to spy those tiny chips your plates may have accumulated over the years. For the rest of us who opted for brightly colored vintage dishes that we have to constantly protect with our lives — we need all the help we can get to keep our priceless pieces looking pristine. So what help do we offer? What ingenious tip have we? Ready for it?
Apr 10, 2018
The Small Cleaning Task With a Really Big Impact
This year, we’re on a mission to help you tackle spring cleaning on your time. Each weekday until April 13, we’ll guide you through a plan to clean and organize different areas of your home, but you’ll have the flexibility to choose exactly what to work on and how long you have to dedicate to the job. It’s all too easy to ignore your walls. They don’t nag at you like filmy windows or a sink filled with dishes. They’re always just kind of there.
Apr 10, 2018
Why You Should Always Steal the Shower Cap From the Hotel
Who among us hasn’t snatched a tiny hotel toiletry (or 10) in our time? Let she without blame cast the first miniature moisturizer bottle. For the record, though, why would they leave them out if they didn’t want you to take them? We say keep growing your collection. And while you’re at it, make you don’t forget the most underrated of items: the humble hotel shower cap. You may be wondering, “But, why? Like, why?
Apr 9, 2018
Yes, Your Sofa (and Other Furniture) Needs Spring Cleaning, Too
This year, we’re on a mission to help you tackle spring cleaning on your time. Each weekday until April 13, we’ll guide you through a plan to clean and organize different areas of your home, but you’ll have the flexibility to choose exactly what to work on and how long you have to dedicate to the job. You can put away the rubber gloves and all-purpose spray for now.
Apr 6, 2018
Rubber Duckies Are Not The One (If You Hate Bacteria)
Every once in a while we come across disappointing bits of information about some of our childhood favorites. I’m sorry to say, today is one of those days. According to TIME, a study published in the journal Biofilms and Microbiomes showed that the rubber duckies that have kept kiddos entertained during bath time for generations hoard “potentially pathogenic bacteria.
Mar 31, 2018
Dusting Isn’t Futile, You’re Just Not Doing It Right—Here are Some Dos and Don’ts
Dust, as we somewhat euphemistically know it, is a pretty disturbing amalgamation of pet dander, dirt, soot, hair, pollen, dust mite feces, and other tiny particles that get in our breathing zones and relentlessly coat every surface in our homes. Probably because dust is so pervasive, dusting is one of our most dreaded—and, therefore, often most neglected—chores. Here are some dos and don’ts that should take some sting out of the task.
Mar 29, 2018
Why You Should Leave a Cup of Rice in Your Closet
Rice is a staple on dinner tables around the globe, but has many other great uses that go beyond the kitchen. Most of us have used it to save our cell phones from unfortunate run-ins with water because it’s hygroscopic and can trap the water molecules, but have you ever used it to trap odors? A cup of rice in a stinky space can make a world of difference. Making a deodorizing rice jar is one of the easiest, and best smelling things you can do for your home.
Mar 28, 2018
Do Household Cleaning Products Actually Expire?
Do you know how old your furniture polish is? If you have to think back to a specific purchase and then do math, chances are it’s expired. And what about those other products you have to reach way back in the cupboard for — those products you only use a few times a year? Yep, almost all cleaning products expire — but what does that mean exactly? Simply put, it means that they’ll break down and become less effective.
Mar 26, 2018
The Secret Miracle Cleaner You’ve Had in Your Apartment Since College
When you’re looking for an effective cleaner, most of us would love to find something inexpensive, non-toxic and — while we’re being picky — something we already have at home. Often white vinegar, the darling of every DIY cleaning maven, fits the bill. But some people just cannot stand the smell. So can we suggest another substance to fulfill your green clean dreams? One that you may have buried in your freezer or pantry (or out on the bar cart) already?
Mar 24, 2018
Heading to an Estate Sale This Weekend? Keep an Eye Out for These Cleaning and Organizational Products
If your reaction to the title of this post was “eww“, that’s valid, I hear you, secondhand items aren’t for the faint of heart. But there are those among us who were born thrifty and live the 3 R’s of recycling to the fullest. We like saving money, staying out of big box stores, and know that estate sales are more than just great places to find unique vintage home decor. Thrifty as I might be, I’d never buy cleaning products from a “thrift store.
Mar 23, 2018
This Just Might Be the Easiest Way to Handle Your Spring Cleaning This Year
Yes, it’s that time of year again. Get your spot cleaner and grout brushes ready, but this time around you can eighty-six the dread. We’re here to help you flip the script and reclaim spring cleaning in a way that fits your real life. Instead of feeling like you need to achieve everything from spotless ceiling fans to blemish-free baseboards, we’re going to focus on progress — not perfection.
Mar 21, 2018
Why You Should Let Ice Cubes Melt on Your Rugs and Carpet
Whether you’re rearranging or moving out, heavy furniture can leave behind quite the unattractive footprint on your carpet — and the longer the furniture has been there, the harder it is to persuade those carpet fibers to spring back into shape. So instead of laying on the floor with various carpet cleaning tools for hours on end, try this super simple method instead.
Mar 20, 2018
Is it Okay to Use the Same Rags to Clean the Whole House?
When it comes to keeping cleaning cloths straight, you already know some of what not to do.
Mar 15, 2018
The Biggest Unsolved Mystery in the History of Kitchen Appliances
We’re living in a world where anything is possible. I can talk to my light bulbs. My plants water themselves. There’s an electric car floating out in space somewhere right at this very moment. The sky’s the lim— ok the sky isn’t even the limit anymore. Mind-blowing technological breakthroughs are happening across every industry every day, proving that anything we can dream up is possible.
Mar 11, 2018
The Latest Hotel Amenity is Designed to Save the Environment and Put Money Back in Your Pocket — Would You Opt In?
When you stay at a hotel, are you the “Do Not Disturb” type, or a “Service, Please” traveler? While the hospitality industry has traditionally erred on the side of service, some hotels now allow visitors to opt out of in-stay housekeeping — whether to protect the environment or their own privacy — often in exchange for perks like food and beverage credit or rewards points. I, for one, think this is brilliant.
Mar 11, 2018
9 Simple Sponge Hacks Everyone Should Know
For such an unassuming object, kitchen sponges are kind of rock stars. In addition to being responsible for getting our dishes and utensils clean, these thirsty squares can be repurposed in ways we haven’t even thought of yet. But, rest assured, the ways we do know of prove pretty darn ingenious.
Mar 11, 2018
Why It’s Smart to Put a Pair of Tights On Your Vacuum Cleaner
Size doesn’t matter. We each possess a few tiny things (earring backs, a sentimental ring, an important LEGO piece, a single minuscule screw that apparently is supposed to hold your entire IKEA table together) that, if lost, would bring about certain ruin. OK maybe not ruin — but losing them would definitely put a kink in an otherwise pleasant day. So file this tip away for later.
Mar 8, 2018
The Weird Hardware Store Find You Need in Your Kitchen
Until you know how to harness its power, you won't appreciate this mysterious concoction for all it can really do.
Mar 7, 2018
Why You Should Keep Coffee Filters in the Living Room
It’s easy — and sometimes good — to be compartmentalized. It’s one way to keep ourselves sane and present in a world of multi-tasking and many-hat-wearing. But when it comes to uses for items around the house, thinking outside the box — or the room, as the case may be — can unearth some pretty handy applications for things we already have on hand.
Feb 23, 2018
Here’s How You Should Really Be Cleaning a Cutting Board
Although there’s a lot of room for variation when it comes to how you clean around the house, you can’t escape this one truth: You’re either getting something clean, or you’re not. This distinction is especially important in the kitchen, where cleanliness is not only a matter of taste, but of health and safety, too. That’s why you need to know what techniques will get your cutting boards clean for real.
Feb 20, 2018
Why You Should Never Throw Away Silica Gel Packets
Those tiny little packs of dessicant that come in your new pack of shoes or your vitamins have many uses around your home. Anywhere that moisture is a problem, silica gel packets can help alleviate the issue. Keep them stored in an airtight container away from pets and children (they are a choking hazard) and whip them out in the following scenarios. Keep vitamins from moisture damage.
Feb 19, 2018
Why You Should Save Your Spent Coffee Grounds
If you’re a coffee-drinker, you generate a generous amount of coffee grounds each day. Definitely don’t toss them down the literal drain (coffee grounds are among the biggest offenders when it comes to drain-clogging kitchen scraps), but don’t toss them in the garbage either! Here are several ways you can use the grounds, even after you’ve run water through them for your morning brew. Use them to scrub pots and pans.
Feb 15, 2018
The $500 Reason Why You Should Put Food Coloring in Your Toilet
If you’re planning on picking up some green food coloring for your St. Patrick’s Day beer, get a head start on it now. Because it turns out food coloring is a pretty useful tool outside of the kitchen, too. If you suspect that your toilet might be leaking, food coloring or any other type of dye can help. Because it’s wasteful and costs money.
Feb 12, 2018
So… Is it OK to Pee in the Shower?
We’ve all been there. Just after the ceremonial un-robing that occurs prior to hopping in the shower and closely following the forthcoming cascade of water from the shower head — your bladder beckons. But it seems like a lot of work to get out of the shower, grab a towel, dry off, and make your way back to the commode. So you ask yourself the age-old question, “To pee or not to pee?” Yep, we’re going there. Don’t worry; we’re all friends here.
Feb 8, 2018
The $2 Cleaning Tool Paper Towel Addicts Need to Try
It will entice even die-hard paper towel lovers to reach for something else instead.
Feb 7, 2018
Your Spotless Grout is Sexy, and Other Squeaky Clean Findings From Match’s “Singles in America” Study
I’ve always considered the bathroom the final frontier for a new relationship (you’re practically married the first time you pee with the door open). But it turns out that romance really starts in the bathroom nowadays. According to dating website Match’s 2018 Singles in America study, 91 percent of modern singles are turned on by a date’s clean bathroom. Get thyself a grout brush, fellas.
Feb 5, 2018
This Hamper Could Make You Look Forward to Laundry Day
We’re a month into 2018 and if you’re anything like me, you’re struggling to make your resolutions happen (or even just begin them). Luckily, a little organization can go a long way when you’re trying to get your sh*t together, so it pays to find products that make staying organized a whole lot easier. Case in point: this stylish laundry sorter on sale today at Amazon.
Jan 29, 2018
Knock Out Your Chores & Your Workout With This 2-for-1 Task
This is it! The final weekend (and final weekend assignment) of the January Cure. It’s quite a doozy, but if this month has taught me anything, it’s that we can all make magic happen when we set our sights on a goal and work together to keep morale up. Yep, we’re cleaning the bathroom. Cancel your plans, skip the gym, and set aside some time this weekend to get your washroom clean and shiny.
Jan 26, 2018
Why You Should Keep Car Wax in Your Kitchen
Car wax can fill in tiny scratches and dings in a car’s clear coat. It can also keep away finger-print smudges and make it easier to clean the dirt and grime off of a car’s surface. All this while giving the exterior an attractive shine. Don’t these all sound like achievements you’d like to unlock all over your home, too? Turns out car wax is great for all sorts of household hacks. Here’s why you should keep a tub in your kitchen.
Jan 25, 2018
Is it OK to Clean your Laptop with Cleaning Wipes?
Considering computers aren't exactly chump change, they're not an investment you want to ruin.
Jan 19, 2018
Your Dream Bedroom is Just a Weekend Away
Well-curated style means nothing without tailoring and polish. Think about a great outfit paired with just-rolled-out-of-bed (in a bad way) hair. Your bedroom is the same. You may think you need a new headboard or a fresh coat of paint on the walls, but the first thing you should do is clean. Really: Give your bedroom a deep, intentional cleaning and see if you don’t feel a little better about the way your boudoir looks and feels. Let’s get going.
Jan 19, 2018
Is it OK to Store Dirty Laundry in the Washing Machine? We Have the Answer
Adult life is full of difficult decisions. Like which vocation to choose as your profession. Or where to settle down. Or this classic conundrum: what you do when the pile of dirty clothes currently taking up residence in the corner of your room isn’t big enough to wash yet? For many of us, that means tossing the pile into the washing machine to lay in wait until enough clothes accrue to run a cycle — hamper be damned. I mean, it’s a perfectly logical step, right?
Jan 15, 2018