I Don’t Have a Linen Closet, But This Container Store Find Is a Huge Help
In the grand scheme of things, and for being in such an old New York City building—where charming pre-war walk-up equals tenement—my closet situation really isn’t all that bad. Two in the bedroom (which I commandeered for my clothes and shoes), a coat closet in the living room (that my fiancé uses for his clothes) and one utility closet in the dining room that should probably be full of sensible things like cleaning products, linens, bulk toiletries purchased on shopping sprees in the burbs, and maybe an air mattress.
But instead I’ve shoved all sorts of tote bags, picnic blankets, and random pieces of art in there that I might want someday. So there’s really no place for things like washcloths or hand and bath towels, but obviously, I need those things and had to figure something out.
My first thought was just using a drawer in my dresser, which is right outside my bedroom door. But between pajamas, gym clothes, socks, and underwear, that was a no go. And there’s definitely no room for a free standing wardrobe of any kind. I could do a trunk, but truthfully there’s not much space at the foot of the bed either, since I made the upgrade to a king mattress. I added an over-the-door drying rack for towels in use, but I still needed a place for a few reinforcements, should guests come over or I flake on laundry one week. And then it dawned on me. One of the random things I actually hate about my bathroom—the fact that the tile shower surround doesn’t go all the way up to the ceiling—was actually a design blessing in disguise. Because that patch of drywall would make it super easy to install a double decker shelf for folded towels.
So this Double Acrylic Wall Shelf from The Container Store has essentially become my linen closet. Because it’s clear, it doesn’t take up a lot of visual space, even when it’s loaded with folded towels, which is a pro in a tiny bath. It’s open shelving, so you have to keep your stacks tidy. And it’s probably a good idea to get rid of those mismatched, ratty towels from college because all your bath linens are on display when guest come over. That is, unless you’re lucky enough to have a guest bath too. But this $28 space-saving system has worked for me, and it just might for you too.