It’s Baaaaaack: A Dozen Modern Decoupage DIY Projects
While decoupage has some less-than-pleasant associations for me—the browned, peeling masking tape-decoupaged vases at my favorite Mexican restaurant, the sticky and stained tabletops at a diner I used to frequent—it is a fantastic technique that can easily transform boring or beat-up globes, shoes, balloons, and recyclables into something truly special.
Jun 15, 2016
Way Beyond Lanyards & S’Mores: Adult Camps for Creatives and Crafters
If the idea of spending your vacation making a leather belt, block printing your own table runner or weaving a modern floral crown, appeals to you more than sightseeing or sunbathing, a crafting retreat might be just the vacation you need.
Jun 1, 2016
10 Holographic DIYs Fit For a Unicorn
Iridescent, holographic, rainbow fun has been taking over decor, fashion, makeup, and even food — check out the Unicorn Grilled Cheese, Lucky Charms Ice Cream Sandwiches, metallic rainbow flatware, and rainbow-sparkle Birthday Cake Popcorn over at The Kitchn — and I can’t get enough. Here are 10 projects that will let you revel in the over-the-top shiny rainbow madness. Brace yourself: this roundup includes both Koosh balls and a seahorse unicorn!
May 23, 2016
Takeaway Tips for a Sure-Fire (& Stylish) Craft Area
If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by the tornado of craft supplies that has taken over a room (or perhaps your whole home), you might need to employ smarter storage tools to keep your supplies in check. This craft room features several clever ideas that could be used in your home—no matter if you have an entire room or just a small area.
Apr 20, 2016
3 Super Simple Ways to Wrap Cookies as Gifts
Freshly baked cookies during the holidays are the best gifts ever. You want all your hard work to shine and for your goodies to look and feel special. However patience, talent, and time are often in short supply. Here are three of the easiest ways to package up your homemade treats! Pick a theme (like plaid!), buy some materials, and have yourself a good ‘ol time packaging up your cookies. The three packaging “recipes” from the video are below.
Dec 9, 2015
Want to Make Your Own Presents This Year? Here’s Our Homemade Holiday Gift Idea Exchange
All this holiday season, Apartment Therapy is featuring homemade gift ideas that you can easily make and give to family, co-workers and friends. Check out all the projects after the jump and learn how to make each one!
Nov 16, 2015
Crafty Centerpieces You Can Make in 10 Minutes for $10
The day of family, friends, and good food to be thankful for is just around the corner. If you’re hosting Thanksgiving this year and looking for a way to make your table extra-special without taking too much time away from your host duties, here are a pair of centerpiece ideas that you can make in around 10 minutes for $10 or so. It’s easy to get caught up in all the details of hosting Thanksgiving and become a little overwhelmed.
Nov 14, 2015
10 Smart and Stylish Storage Solutions for Your Craft Space
If you’re a crafter, you know how quickly things start to pile up. Yes, I do need that many different types of scissors and that many colors of ribbon! If you have a designated craft area either large—lucky!—or small, it’s nice to (at least try to) keep it organized, especially if it’s in a part of your home that’s not off-limits to guests.
Nov 8, 2015
7 Beautiful Projects You Can Easily Make Out of White Air Dry Clay
There’s something about white clay that feels both earthy and pure — resulting in projects that look both organic and modern, minimalist but substantial, and delicate yet sturdy. The air dry variety also comes with an ease of use that makes the process as simple and satisfying as the outcome. Above, the clay and rope combo is a massive texture party, all in this one bowl from Fall for DIY.
Nov 4, 2015
20+ Creative DIY Headboard Ideas
Make your headboard the main attraction of your bedroom.
Nov 4, 2015
Amazing Dog & Cat Halloween Costumes from Instagram
Lick or treat! Pet owners nailed it this year, with dog and cat costumes touching upon politics, the 1980s, and pop culture. And all the dogs are, of course, thrilled to be there and wearing masks, fake ears, wigs, and who knows what else. Enjoy the pet parade! Above, Oliver the Golden Doodle channels a certain 80s sitcom. “It’s your world. Let’s paint some happy little trees!” courtesy of brookesphynx. Ace Ventura, Pet Detective! Costume and hairstyling by k9_closet.
Oct 29, 2015
10 DIY Ideas to Decorate, Accessorize & Identify Keys
There are plenty of reasons to decorate your house key. Like if you need to tell it apart from other keys. Or maybe it’s just because you just love a little something extra. Either way, I wouldn’t say these DIY projects are for everyone, but if you’re so inclined, here are 10 easy ways you can jazz up a boring house key. Grab some nail polish and lets get started.
Aug 7, 2015
100+ DIY Project Ideas & Activities for Memorial Day Weekend
It’s a 3-day weekend, which means there’s both time to relax and get some stuff done around your home. Whether you’d like to do something artsy-craftsy, or knock off some household chores from your to-do list, here are tons of DIY projects, activities and decorating ideas to choose from. Dig deep and have a great holiday!
May 22, 2015
15 Mother’s Day Brunch DIY Decor Ideas
Not only is Mother’s Day a time to celebrate and thank all the wonderful moms in your life but it’s also a great excuse to host and style a beautiful spring brunch. Setting up a gorgeous table shows your guests how special they are and makes an event that much more memorable (and provides lots of great photo opps!). With the Spring season, there’s no shortage of colorful inspiration.
May 7, 2015
Before & After: Ideas for Turning an Unused Room into an Inspiring DIY Craft Room
Have a spare room that you want to turn into a creativity-inducing craft room the likes of which have never been seen? You just might find some inspiration and ideas in Tasha’s DIY craft room that features bold colors and patterns as well as stylish supply storage solutions. From Tasha: We transformed the remnants of our twin girls’ nursery to my craft room/home office. I selected a neutral gray for the walls and a black and white color palette.
Nov 30, 2014
Chunky Wool Blankets to Buy or DIY
At the top of my wish list for this fall is a giant chunky knit wool blanket. I keep seeing them on Scandinavian design blogs, and every time I do I take a minute and imagine how wonderful it would feel to be snuggled up underneath a blanket that feels like a giant wool sweater for your entire body. So I’ve hunted down a few sources for these enormous lovelies, and also a few DIYs for those of you brave (and talented!) enough to make your own.
Oct 2, 2014
Make It: 5 DIY Curtain Tie Backs
Are your curtains in need of some tie backs, but you don’t want to spend a lot of money on them? Here are 5 crafty DIY versions. 1. Brass Curtain Tie Back, DIY from Blackbird 2. Rope Curtain Tie Backs, DIY from Cottage in the Oaks 3. Ribbon Curtain Tie Back, DIY from Homemakers Challenge 4. Utensil Curtain Tie Back, DIY from Country Living 5.
Aug 18, 2014
Easy & Cheap St. Patrick’s Day Crafts You Can Make Before the Weekend
Whether you’re throwing an impromptu party or just trying to avoid getting pinched, it’s not too late to get a little green. Try out one of these easy crafts that celebrates St. Patrick’s day and decorate your table, mantel, patio, or yourself with some Irish spirit. TOP ROW: 1. Tunnel Fringe Garland | Julep from Minted 2. Clay Pot Planters | The Merrythought 3. Crepe Paper Shamrock Streamers | Studio DIY 4. St. Patrick’s Day Confetti Poppers | Haute Chocolate 5.
Mar 12, 2014
7 Last-Minute Valentine’s Projects: It’s Not Too Late For Love!
What’s that you say? Valentine’s Day is tomorrow? I should probably do something about that… Perhaps I’ll whip one of these sweet, quick crafts, which utilize elements most of us probably have around the house. Good luck to us all! Heart Garland by Hank & Hunt: Make this using scrap paper or old magazines, and then hang it someplace so your Valentine has to walk through it. Tangled in love!
Feb 13, 2014
DIY Project Idea: How to Sew a Cross Stitch Pillow
Rae of Rae’s Days loves incorporating handmade items into her home, and especially playing with proportions or putting an unexpected twist on something traditional. So with that in mind, she created this pillow using some chunky yarn and classic cross stitch.
Jan 16, 2014
DIY Project Idea: Paint Chip Art Canvas
This DIY art project comes to us from Allison at Simple Silver Linings, who wrote in to share this great idea for making your own custom canvas out of paint chips. It’s not terribly difficult and just requires some patience, a computer, and maybe a few trips to the paint department of your local home improvement store. Here’s how: Paint Chips – lots of paint chips!
Jan 15, 2014
DIY Party Decorations: How To Make a Mini Pennant Banner
I’ve come a little late to the pennant and bunting bandwagon, but I’m here now, and I cannot get enough of adorable banners! They’re perfect for parties or weddings, but I also love to see them jazzing up a bookcase or lending a sassy wink to a traditional picture frame. This miniature banner is a birthday gift for my crafty sister-in-law, so I chose a toned down palette of warm yellows and a pretty mauve in order to make the banner suit her home décor.
Jan 13, 2014
30 Homemade Holiday Gift Wrap Ideas
Go homemade! Not only can you get exactly the look you want, but it makes gift giving more personal. Here are thirty fabulous homemade holiday gift wrap ideas to make the people on your holiday list feel extra special without breaking the bank. 1. Foil Baking Gift Wrap: Hey Look 2. Raid Your Craft Stash Gift Wrap: A Lovely Lark 3. Polka Dot & Yarn Gift Wrap: Cotton & Flax 4. Neon Bow Gift Wrap: How About Orange 5. Pom Pom Gift Wrap: Katie’s Pencil Box 6.
Dec 10, 2013
DIY Craft Supply Spotlight: Felt Products, Tools & Projects
There is something so wholesome, tangible and satisfying about felt. Not only is it warm and comforting, it’s also majorly colorful and energizing as well. Which might just make it the world’s perfect fabric for wintertime. Projects and ideas abound, and this is your guide. Here are some products and projects that will give you the warm fuzzies: These cute boxes were made using inexpensive stiffened felt (called E-Z Felt) found at a major craft supply store.
Dec 5, 2013
10 IKEA Holiday Decorating Ideas Worth Stealing: 2014 Edition
Ikea stylists are good at showing us common folk how to style our homes in inspirational ways for the holidays. You don’t need to shop at the Swedish giant in order to have a festive and fun household this season. Follow these tips, tricks, and suggestions to do it yourself. TOP ROW: Hang Ornaments on the Wall: Perfect for small spaces, wall-hung “trees” have all the festive feeling without the large footprint.
Nov 20, 2013
DIY Lighting Ideas: 15 Nightlight Projects for Grown-Ups
There are plenty of reasons for an adult to have nightlights in the house. Some use them to avoid tripping during late night trips to the bathroom, or to illuminate the path to a midnight snack in the kitchen. And, yeah, OK? Some of us might still be a little afraid of falling asleep in the dark. Whatever the reason for the all-night soft lighting, nightlight options aren’t limited to the fairy and fire truck options in the kids’ aisle.
Sep 30, 2013
DIY Secret Hiding Spots
TOP ROW: 1. Stylish Wall Storage from Mamamekko 2. Doortop Stash from Make 3. Beck Marks the Spot for Secret Storage 4. Secret Storage Sofa from Ana White 5. Hidden Jewelry Box from Design Sponge BOTTOM ROW: 6. Hollow Stash Book from Vivid Please 7. Hidden Bookcase from Imgur 8. Floating Secret Drawer from Stashvault 9. DIY Hide-a-Key from Zakka Life And, if all else fails, just go buy this and stick it in your fridge: 10. Iceberg Lettuce Safe Do you have a secret hiding spot?
Mar 13, 2013
Before & After: Kim’s Closet to Craft Room
The closet in my guest bedroom never hosted much clothing, and I decided it’d be a perfect tucked away spot for sewing and crafting.My workspace in my last apartment was a craft cabinet, so a closet was a step up. I painted the bottom portion of the wall with leftover paint and built a desk with wood and metal braces from Home Depot. I hung acrylic shelves on the left wall and added a custom corkboard, task lamp, filing cabinet, and calendar.
Feb 28, 2013
Before & After: Drab Cardboard Boxes Turned Chic Organizational Bins
Emily of Namely Original is a crafty college student who’s never short on clever DIY’s and always excited to share them. This time she’s taken some boxes headed for the landfill and turned them into organizational bins cute enough to put on display.This is certainly one of those crafts that begs the question “Why didn’t I think of this?
Feb 8, 2013
Emily’s Mighty Modern Mini Home
Name: EmilyLocation: Covington, Kentucky Although I can’t actually live here, working on this mini home for the past few months certainly makes it feel like I could curl up on the tiny couch and call it home. The idea of a renovating and decorating a dollhouse was interesting to me because it allowed me to decorate rooms and transform spaces in days rather than weeks/months and to be honest, I was looking for a project with a little more instant gratification.
Jan 24, 2012
PiƱatas, A Christmas Tradition
In Mexico, Christmas festivities officially begin with the Posadas, a series of nine parties occurring every day from the 16th until the 24th of December. Posadas are said to have been invented by the Spanish priests who in their attempt to convert the locals to Catholicism began holding nine masses before Christmas due to the similar timing of the celebration of the birth of the Aztec god of war, Huitzilopochtli.
Dec 13, 2011
DIY Your Own Acrylic Side Table
For those of us who didn’t take plastics class in High School, working with acrylic might be a new skill to learn. It isn’t as tricky as you might think and this is a great project to get you started. It only required a few supplies, all of which are easily gathered from your local hardware store.We checked in with Shelly Leer over at Mod Home Ec and she’s been busy whipping up this acrylic side table project for Indy Star.
Oct 11, 2011