5 Ways to Work Out Your Abs… in Front of Your Couch
If you’re seeking stronger abs, you’ll be hard pressed to find a core routine that doesn’t include planks. Gone are the days when people crunched to oblivion (while wearing headbands and leg warmers) in order to build core strength. The plank is in, and it’s here to stay. Planks are one of the best bodyweight exercises you can do to strengthen your abs.
May 3, 2019
5 Fun Home Workouts You Can Do Together with a Partner or Roommate
Grab your roommate, romantic partner, or friend and try this living room partner workout. These workouts are fun, fresh and can be done in any size apartment. Some require equipment—like a dumbbell or kettlebell—but could be substituted with something else your already have lying around your apartment. Send this to your workout buddy and plan a workout sesh—stat. You’ll probably burn just as many calories laughing as you do moving through these exercises.
May 3, 2019
5 Common Things in Your Bedroom That Could be Stressing You Out
Your bedroom should be a calming space. That’s why it’s important to know which things in your bedroom—clutter, lighting, and even your color palette— might be accidentally stressing you out. Thankfully, we have holistic-minded interior designer Carolyn DiCarlo to call upon for advice.
May 3, 2019
Here’s What to Keep and Throw Out After a Power Outage
Whether you live in an area that’s prone to thunderstorms, hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, or any other number of natural disasters, if the power goes out, we all have the same questions: How long can we still eat the food in the refrigerator or freezer, and what should we keep or pitch after the power comes back on? Here’s a guide to help you both monitor and know what to do with food when there’s no electricity.
May 3, 2019
The Total-Body Workout You Can Do at Home (in Your Living Room)
No space to work out? Been there, tried that excuse.
May 3, 2019
7 Things at Home that Are Killing Your Concentration
Finding it hard to concentrate on things while you’re at home? There might be some things in your space that could be working against you. To figure out what items at home could be inadvertently killing our concentration and fussing with our focus, we called on Anjie Cho, architect and feng shui educator, for help. Read ahead to see what she had to say. According to Cho, lighting can make or break your ability to focus when you’re at home.
May 3, 2019
Here’s How Whitney Port Spends a Perfect Night at Home
Perfect Night In is a series where we ask actors, artists, entrepreneurs, and beyond how they’d spend the ultimate luxury—a blissful evening at home. Since The Hills premiered 12 years ago, TV personality (and new mom to 1-year-old Sonny) has kept busy with a range of projects—from taking on a fixer upper and transforming it into her dream home, to teaching kids empathy through gardening with Mrs. Meyer’s Compassion Flower Project.
May 3, 2019
It’s Libra Season: Your October Home Horoscope
Prepare your finest glass cleaner and step through the looking glass, astral voyagers. October’s cosmic clarity is brought to you by the sign of Libra, and the zodiac’s aspirational aesthete has us both reckoning with our spatial reality, and vision-boarding our dream houses. Libra energy’s notorious sense of “balance” actually reminds us that coming into equilibrium is a highly dynamic, individualized process.
May 3, 2019
5 Times You Shouldn’t Reach for That Cup of Coffee
You might live every day like it’s National Coffee Day, but turns out it actually only falls once a year (on September 29). From tired mornings to chaotic workdays and even the occasional late-night cup, your coffee powers you through a lot—and probably deserves to be celebrated. Since today’s the big day (and there’s free coffee all over the place), there’s no better time to reflect on the current state of your relationship with the buzzy beverage.
May 3, 2019
6 Things Healthy People Do on Their Way Out the Door
We’ve all been there. It’s Monday, 8:45 a.m., raining, and you rush out the door just in time to make it to work—15 minutes late. By starting your morning off on a bad foot you’ve inadvertently set a negative tone for the rest of your day, and by the time you get off work you’re ready to go to straight to bed and hopefully, start tomorrow with a better outlook.
May 3, 2019
How Nate Berkus and Jeremiah Brent Spend the Perfect Night In
Perfect Night In is a series where we ask actors, artists, entrepreneurs, and beyond how they’d spend the ultimate luxury—a blissful evening at home. Designers Nate Berkus and Jeremiah Brent are the epitome of a power couple. They rescue homeowners in desperate need of renovations through their TV show “Nate & Jeremiah By Design,” they started an exclusive furniture line with Living Spaces, and they are fathers to two kids, Poppy and Oskar.
May 3, 2019
The 7 Healthy Secrets of People Who Drink Plenty of Water
I will be the first to admit that I do not drink enough water during the work day. It’s not for lack of good intention: I start the day strong, but by mid-morning I slowly start falling off track. I’m certain that the culprits (okay, excuses) are the same ones that plague you (i.e., not getting up from my desk enough to refill my glass, forgetting to keep a glass on my desk, or when I do, simply forgetting about it). No more excuses!
May 3, 2019
IKEA’s New Quiz Will Help You Love Your Space More
We all know that it takes work (a LOT of work) to create a space that we can truly call “home.” It’s not only about the physical appearance, but the emotional response that occurs within the four walls. It’s the place that we retreat to after a long day, where we can truly be ourselves without an ounce of effort. And in order to gain such a great sense of home, we must first discover what that feeling of home is—a task that is not easy to achieve.
May 3, 2019
If Your Place Doesn’t Feel Like Home, You’re Not Alone, IKEA Says
It turns out that “Home Sweet Home” goes far beyond just where you live. IKEA just released their Life at Home Report 2018 and the findings show that the traditional concept of “home” has evolved significantly in recent years. The annual report nailed down five core emotional needs that embrace the feeling of home: privacy, comfort, ownership, security, and belonging.
May 3, 2019
Here’s How Catherine Zeta-Jones Spends the Perfect Night In
Perfect Night In is a series where we ask actors, artists, entrepreneurs, and beyond how they’d spend the ultimate luxury—a blissful evening at home. Catherine Zeta-Jones has left little to no stone unturned in the acting world—from portraying Velma Kelly in the screen production of “Chicago” to starring in the critically acclaimed Broadway show “A Little Night Music.
May 3, 2019
How Grace Bonney Spends a Perfect Night In
Perfect Night In is a series where we ask actors, artists, entrepreneurs, and beyond how they’d spend the ultimate luxury—a blissful evening at home. If you’re a longtime fan of Grace Bonney’s lifestyle blog, Design*Sponge, you’re in good company. In fact, the author recently launched a print magazine and a podcast called just that: Good Company.
May 3, 2019
Cancel Your Plans: This Under $30 Amazon Buy Will Make You Want to Stay In
In my opinion, there’s nothing more luxurious than a long, leisurely soak in a truly divine bathtub. While in reality, this is an activity often relegated to a glamorous hotel stay, perhaps a little self care upgrade at home could make it a more regular treat. Enter this bath tray, which has a place for nearly everything you could ever want to bring with you into the tub (and even some things you don’t).
May 3, 2019
We Asked 6 Healthy Eaters What They Banish from Their Kitchen Counters
Wellness starts at home. That’s why it’s important to know what kinds of things healthy eaters avoid keeping in their kitchens—or at least out of plain sight. We called upon six of our favorite health, wellness, and fitness expert friends to find out what stuff they’ve ousted from their kitchen counters, and they had lots to share. From small appliances to tempting treats, read on to see what healthy eaters say you shouldn’t openly keep in your kitchen.
May 3, 2019
6 Things Healthy People Do Before Halloween
The truth: Eating healthy all of the time isn’t easy. And eating well around Halloween—when candy is openly passed around and sold in bulk at discounts at the store—is even harder. That’s why we reached out to some of our favorite health, fitness, and wellness experts for advice on how to stay mindful of what you’re eating during this sugary time of year.
May 3, 2019
Doctors in Scotland Are Now Prescribing Nature to Patients
On the remote Shetland Islands—a British archipelago in the North Sea about halfway between the UK and Norway—residents can now take a dog for a walk on the beach or bird watch in a wildlife preserve and literally say, “It’s just what the doctor ordered.
May 3, 2019
Here’s How Garance Doré Spends the Perfect Night In
Perfect Night In is a series where we ask actors, artists, entrepreneurs, and beyond how they’d spend the ultimate luxury—a blissful evening at home. There is no doubt that Garance Doré is a woman of many trades. She is a skilled photographer and illustrator, which can be seen through her highly visual Instagram and blog Atelier Doré. Doré uses her platform to discuss everything from photographer street style to updates on her ongoing L.A. home renovation.
May 3, 2019
It’s Scorpio Season: Your November Home Horoscope
Power up your flashlights for a deep dive into basements, and far beneath the bed, spatial voyagers. November’s cosmic mix finds us prepping for a full-throttle karmic clean out. Find pleasure in the purge, as you swap out past lives for future furniture. The astral plane is dominated by the Sun in Scorpio, which gifts us the glow-in-the-dark chance to make peace with every part of ourselves.
May 3, 2019
Here’s What Happens to Your Body When Daylight Saving Time Ends
Resetting your clocks for Daylight Saving Time can be a serious setback for your sleep schedule. When DST ends (this weekend! the clocks fall back at 2 a.m. on Sunday) and the hours of daylight are reduced, your daily routine can be significantly disrupted. (And, PSA, until Sunday it’s technically wrong to write “EST” in your emails. See: What Everyone Gets Wrong About Daylight Saving Time) So what exactly happens to your body when Daylight Saving Time ends?
May 3, 2019
Alyssa Edwards Is Hosting a (FREE!) Summer Camp, and She’s the Counselor You Never Knew You Needed
If there’s anyone who could be the poster child for following your passion, it’s Alyssa Edwards. Born Justin Johnson, the little boy from Mesquite, Texas fell in love with dance and has gone on to become a world-famous drag queen, a fan favorite on ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race,’ owner of Beyond Belief Dance studio, and the star of his own Netflix series, ‘Dancing Queen.’ Now Edwards is partnering with TAZO for a (free!
May 3, 2019
There’s A Psychological Reason You Want to ‘Nest’
My house has never looked better than it did in the third trimester of my pregnancy. My kitchen cabinets and bedroom closet were organized, my carpets and counters were clean, and my living spaces were decked out with the latest mid-century pieces from Target and CB2. As I deep-cleaned and primped my home prior to the baby’s arrival, I knew exactly what was happening: I was nesting. (And then the baby came, and all bets for a clean or well-designed home were off.
May 3, 2019
Here’s How Olivia Wilde Spends Her Perfect Night In
Perfect Night In is a series where we ask actors, artists, entrepreneurs, and beyond how they’d spend the ultimate luxury—a blissful evening at home. What comes to mind when you think of Olivia Wilde? It might be her role as Dr. Remy “Thirteen” Hadley on the well-known series “House,” or her job as chief brand activist for natural skin care brand True Botanicals.
May 3, 2019
4 Locals From the ‘Unhappiest’ State Share Why They Love It
If you’ve never been to West Virginia, you might have some thoughts about what the state is like. Most people who don’t know much about the region think of coal mines and bluegrass. And some people think of the numerous studies that position the state near or right at the bottom of happiness indexes. And it’s not for nothing. From self-reported life evaluation to physical health, West Virginia often falls behind.
May 3, 2019
6 Small Ways You Can Be More Self-Sufficient at Home
Remember that time you said you were going to double down on being less wasteful at home? Good news: It doesn’t have to be a huge undertaking, as long as you’re willing to add a few quick and easy skills to your repertoire. Being more self-sufficient at home starts with relying less on outside services and wasteful resources. It’s the type of change that happens when you commit to a lot of small tasks in order to make a greater holistic impact on your home life.
May 3, 2019
How Tia Mowry Spends Her Perfect Night In
Perfect Night In is a series where we ask actors, artists, entrepreneurs, and beyond how they’d spend the ultimate luxury—a blissful evening at home. Since the “Sister, Sister” days, actress Tia Mowry has kept busy in both her professional and personal life. For one, Mowry has starred on her own TV series “Tia Mowry at Home” that has aired on the Cooking Channel since 2015.
May 3, 2019
Target Is Selling a Weighted Blanket That’s Actually Affordable
And it'll be an even better deal on Black Friday.
May 3, 2019
This Cult-Favorite Wall Decor Could Make Your Bedroom a More Comfortable Place to Sleep
Sometimes it’s difficult to keep the annoying sounds around your apartment—loud neighbors, street noises, and chatty roommates—at bay. So what to do when you’re sick of the noise and desperate for a bedroom you can actually get some sleep in? Fret not my perturbed friends; there’s an effective (and Amazon Prime-friendly) way to silence obnoxious noises out for good—beloved by design firms and DIY’ers alike.
May 3, 2019
This Eco-Friendly Weighted Blanket Will Get You Through Chilly Nights
‘Tis the season for brewing your favorite tea and cozying up with something warm and fuzzy. It’s cold outside and these bones ain’t gonna warm themselves, ya know? The minds behind the eco-friendly weighted blanket Reviv clearly understand the importance of reducing stress and getting a good night’s sleep. Currently funding on Kickstarter, the blanket has over 3,000 backers and has raised almost $600,000 at press time.
May 3, 2019
How Carson Kressley and Thom Filicia Spend a Perfect Night In
Perfect Night In is a series where we ask actors, artists, entrepreneurs, and beyond how they’d spend the ultimate luxury—a blissful evening at home. If you were a fan of the original “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy,” then you should immediately recognize these two members of the OG Fab Five, Carson Kressley and Thom Filicia.
May 3, 2019
Is it Okay to Brush Your Teeth in the Shower?
When it comes to getting ready in the morning, it helps to find shortcuts to make your a.m. routine go faster and more smoothly. But sometimes, those timesaving morning methods might work against you in the long run. Case in point: brushing your teeth in the shower. While it may seem like a smart idea to wash your mouth, body, and hair in the same place to save time in the morning, turns out brushing your teeth in the shower might be bad for your hygiene.
May 3, 2019
A Microbiologist Reveals the 4 Germiest Things on an Airplane
‘Tis the season for travel, which means you may be spending more time than usual inside of airports and airplanes. Unfortunately, it’s also the season for common colds, bugs, the flu, and other germ-induced sicknesses, that’s why it pays to know what kinds of things to avoid (and precautions to take) to bypass any untimely illnesses while traveling for the holidays. So for advice on germy places to stay away from on a plane, we called on microbiologist Kelly A.
May 3, 2019
Are You Stubborn and Optimistic? One Study Says It Could Be the Key to a Long Life
Think a healthy diet and regular exercise are the only keys to a long life? Well, a new study of Italy’s oldest residents found that many of them share character traits that might play a role in their longevity—particularly the hard-headed among them. Those traits? Stubbornness, optimism, a love for family and country, and a willingness to work hard.
May 3, 2019
I Researched 30 Yogurts and Now This Is the Only One I’ll Buy
I recently spent hours examining every yogurt label I could find to determine which yogurts have the least amount of sugar. I was focusing on toddler yogurts for this story for Kitchn about low-sugar yogurt brands, but it got me thinking about the yogurts I eat, too. It was shocking, truly, to discover most yogurts have a ton of added sugar. I had frequently heard this was the case, but I assumed it was the “dessert” yogurts like strawberry cheesecake or cookies and cream.
May 3, 2019
How to Get Through Airport Security With Your Skincare Routine Intact
We all have our daily skincare routines, but what to do when traveling and you can’t bring all your stuff on board with you? We asked two of our favorite skincare experts, sought-after esthetician Renée Rouleau and facialist to the stars, Joanna Vargas, for advice on how to get through airport security with your skincare regimen intact, and here’s what they had to say.
May 3, 2019
I Wore Blue Light Glasses Every Day for a Week and Here’s How I Felt at the End
As a freelance writer, I spend the better portion of my week staring at screens. Add in my post-dinner social media scroll ritual and my weekly Netflix binges, and I’m pretty much a walking blue-light zombie—which isn’t necessarily a major concern, in and of itself. During the day, the wavelengths emitted from computer, TV, and phone screens can actually boost attention, reaction times, and mood.
May 3, 2019
Does Sharing Your Life with Pets Make You More Successful?
If you’ve been considering long and hard whether or not adding a(nother) pet to your family is the right move, two new research studies are full of reasons to enter 2019 as a pack: Having a pet can help you be more successful. Two new pieces of research released in November prove scientifically that pets have a positive impact on our lives, from teaching us to be more responsible and better leaders to being better bedmates than our mates.
May 3, 2019
One Way to Make Sure You’re Feeling Great Through the Holiday Season
The holiday season is always hectic. Each of us is trying to do more things with less time, and when you combine that stress and lack of sleep with the peak of cold and flu season, you might find yourself out of commission if you’re not careful. There are a lot of things you can do to keep seasonal sickness at bay (washing hands, eating well, and getting plenty of sleep are three great ones), but we thought we’d dedicate this weekend project to the cause, as well.
May 3, 2019
This Creepy Illustration of a Glass of Water Will Haunt You
Humans are mostly made of water, which is why when we drink the element, good things happen — like regulating our temperature, keeping our muscles and joints spry, and of course, helping to filter out the toxins in our body we ingest all day. That’s why we like to think of the water we drink as the purest substance we put in our bodies. While that may be true, according to science, the water we drink is not exactly as pure as we’d hope.
May 3, 2019
Furniture Shopping with Your Partner? Bad Idea, Study Says
Looking to replace an old piece of furniture shared with your S.O.? Hopefully this next bit of news won’t put a damper on your shopping plans. Aside from its mere (and unsightly) existence threatening to drive a wedge in your relationship, the act of shopping for furniture can be bad for your marriage.
May 3, 2019
Tim Gunn Talks Holiday Trends and Life After “Project Runway”
You know how they say never meet your heroes? Well, they were certainly not talking about Tim Gunn. You’ll be pleased to know that the affable mentor from “Project Runway” is just as lovely in real life as he is on TV. But you might have to wait a little while before he returns to your screen; Gunn, along with host and executive producer Heidi Klum, announced their exit from the fashion competition show in September to develop a new series for Amazon.
May 3, 2019
The $2 Trader Joe’s Buy I’m Hoarding to Combat Holiday Stress
It’s the week before Christmas and all through the house, everyone is stressing and starting to grouse. If the holidays makes you anxious, you’re not alone. While there’s inevitably a lot to do, it’s important to work some self care into your routine, not only to preserve your sanity, but so that there’s enough gas in the tank for the marathon of parties, family gatherings, and other obligations about to bombard your every waking moment.
May 3, 2019
It’s Capricorn Season: Your January 2019 Home Horoscope
Roll out your plushest carpet and up your thread count, astral voyagers. January’s starlit floor plan is laboriously luxe and self-sufficiently sumptuous, as Capricorn energy fills the skies. The zodiac’s cosmic queen rules over her domain with ease, grace, and grit, deciding exactly which mountains to climb and tapping the resources to keep the throne for the long haul.
May 3, 2019
7 Surefire Ways to Fail at Your New Year’s Resolution
Maybe you want to pay off debt or cushion your savings in 2019. Perhaps you want to get to that yoga class you’ve been meaning to go to, or try to cook healthier meals. No matter what your New Year’s resolution is, now’s the time to be proactive in planning: A whopping eighty percent of New Year’s resolutions fail by February. Want to make sure you stay disciplined and dedicated to the goals you’ve set for 2019?
May 3, 2019
The Trip You Should Take in 2019, Based on Your New Year’s Resolution
On January 1, anything seems possible. A brand new year is a clean slate and an enticing opportunity to embark on ambitious goals. Unfortunately, we all know that a few weeks or even days later most New Year’s resolutions usually fall by the wayside—but maybe 2019 can be different. Instead of tripping up on your lofty New Year’s resolutions, why not be proactive and book a trip that will help you stay motivated?
May 3, 2019
10 Things You Can Learn from People Who Read a Ton of Books
“Read more” is always a popular New Year’s resolution. And like all of the common resolutions that maintain their spot atop the aspirations list year after year, it’s easier said than done. From finding time to read to discovering books that’ll keep your attention, there are plenty of roadblocks that might keep you from diving into books as much as you’d like to. But fret not my book-deprived friends, there’s hope for better reading ahead.
May 3, 2019
10 Cool Gym Bags That Don’t Look Like Gym Bags
The only thing better than a good workout session is having a stylish—and functional—gym bag to stash your gear in. Unfortunately, gym bags that don’t look like, well, gym bags, are few and far between. So we rounded up 10 of the sleekest athletic bags on the web for you to drool over. From a quilted denim duffle bag to a pretty floral patterned stunner, here are 10 sporty bags that are chic enough to carry outside of the gym, too.
May 3, 2019
People Are Listening to ‘Slow Lit’ to Bore Themselves to Sleep
While there aren’t official stats on how many hours adult spend searching for foolproof ways to fall asleep, the collective struggle of grownups in search of quality shuteye is well-documented. To help the masses get ample snooze time, we’ve seen studies that recommend women sleep next to their dogs, and even explore the scientific benefits of sleeping with socks on, but here’s another option that may be a little more pleasing to you (and your feet).
May 3, 2019
5 Small Steps to Get Over Your Money Anxiety, from the Author of “Bad With Money”
Podcaster and comedian Gaby Dunn never thought she’d write a book about money—let alone become a voice of financial literacy among millennials. For most of her adult life, Dunn didn’t understand her finances, mostly because she didn’t take the time to look at them. Weighed down by student loans and credit card debt, it was easier for her to leave mail unopened than face the grim reality inside the envelope.
May 3, 2019
Scientists Genetically Engineered a Houseplant for Cleaner Air
While we’ve been busy compiling hacks designed to help you to get cleaner air at home, scientists have been hard at work coming up with a seriously hardcore fix of their own: genetically modifying a houseplant to purify the air. Without getting into the dizzying details of what it takes to genetically modify a seed, here’s what we know about this scientific undertaking that could increase the air quality in our homes.
May 3, 2019
Cheap Ways to Exercise at Home Instead of Your Expensive Gym
One of the biggest hurdles in my own fitness journey is just making it to the gym. Then, when I’m there, there’s waiting around for equipment to open up. And did I mention the high membership fees? I’ve tried a few at-home workout apps, but many of those require some kind of equipment, which can get pretty pricey pretty fast. Thankfully, some handy bloggers have found their own solutions to creating their home gyms.
May 3, 2019
One Good Reason You Shouldn’t Use Screen Time as a Punishment
Parenting is hard. It’s also a lot of other things, but a truer three-word sentence has never been uttered. We’re all learning as we go—reading parenting books as we encounter the challenges that make us realize why we need parenting books, and spending every evening after the kids are (mercifully) in bed wondering if we’re doing it all wrong.
May 3, 2019
How Technology Is Changing the Way We Sleep
When it comes to sleep, there’s a reason technology gets a bad rap. Excessive screen time before bed can disrupt the body’s circadian rhythm by suppressing melatonin production—which means you might be better off delaying that late-night Insta-scroll until the daylight hours (or investing in a fancy pair of blue-light blockers). But there’s one tech trend that could have the opposite effect: Apps and products that use technology to help you sleep better.
May 3, 2019
5 Ways to Appreciate Your Home Right Now, Flaws and All
There’s no shortage of advice about how to improve your home. While there’s nothing wrong with dreaming about your next house project, home-improvement FOMO doesn’t do anyone any favors. Enter the concept of Home Positivity: By focusing on the things that make your space uniquely home, you can cultivate contentment in it right now, without a trip to your local Lowe’s or Home Depot.
May 3, 2019
How Moll Anderson Spends Her Perfect Night In
Perfect Night In is a series where we ask actors, artists, entrepreneurs, and beyond how they’d spend the ultimate luxury—a blissful evening at home. If you follow entertainment news and are a loyal fan of interior design, odds are you are aware of Moll Anderson. Known for her lifestyle advice and tips, there’s little that she doesn’t touch when it comes to the home—and on every platform imaginable, too.
May 3, 2019
Can a Paint Color Spark Joy? These Hues Just Might
If you’ve recently decluttered your home with the KonMari Method, you may be thinking, “What’s next?” With a clean slate and your home in harmony, these hues with joy-sparking names could be the key to a happier space.
May 3, 2019
Aldi Is Coming for My Wallet with Plant Sales Under $5
While it still feels like winter in many places–especially where there’s still snow on the ground–an easy way to ring in spring is bringing indoor plants into your home. Luckily, Aldi has your back with its latest deals on five-inch pots with assorted foliage and vegetable and herb seed packets. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the offerings: Also known as the dwarf umbrella tree, schefflera arboricola grows best in bright, sunny areas and should be pruned when needed.
May 3, 2019
Wait, a Cacti Black Market Exists? How to Know If Yours Is Sustainably Sourced
We all have been swooning hard for a while now on cacti. Not only have we been loving the image of the iconic desert plant on interior wall murals and bedspread prints, but we love the cactus itself, too. Robust and relatively easy to care for, these wonderful additions to the home bring a lovely southwestern vibe into any space. Luckily for all of us, most cactus dealers—online and off—are responsible. They grow their plants from seeds and wouldn’t dream of poaching.
May 3, 2019
It’s Time to Marie Kondo Your Inbox—Here Are 9 Proven Ways to Do It
There’s always that friend. You know, the one with 76 unheard voicemails, 150 unread texts, and—gulp—15,964 unread emails in her inbox. (Or maybe that “friend” is you.) Either way, keeping your inbox uncluttered or even reaching Inbox Zero can feel like impossible feats of #adulting. But digitally cleaning house doesn’t have to be your least favorite chore.
May 3, 2019
2 Simple Habits to Help You Avoid Some Way-Too-Familiar Email Mistakes
While email is a quick and convenient alternative to other forms of communication (especially if you dread phone calls), digital conversations come with their own unique inconveniences. If you’ve ever sent an email before you’re done writing it, replied all when you meant to reply to just one person, or copied your entire office on a juicy, personal email, you know exactly what we mean.
May 3, 2019
IKEA Hacks Itself to Make Furniture More Accessible for Those with Disabilities
IKEA Israel is teaming up with two nonprofits to make their products easier to use for people with disabilities. Along with nonprofits Milbat and Access Israel, Ikea has 13 new items designed to upgrade handle-less drawers and low-profile furniture, Fast Company reports.
May 3, 2019
6 TV Siblings Show Us Why Being Roommates with Family Can Be Wonderful
Today is National Siblings Day, a day to celebrate just how wonderful it is to have your siblings in your life, and also to post embarrassing pictures of them. For some, siblings aren’t just the people you spent your childhood with—believe it or not, some siblings choose to live together out there in the real world. Before you scoff at the entire idea, yes, living with a sibling can be hard—there can be a lot of baggage there—but it can also be wonderful.
May 3, 2019
‘The Bold Type’ Got One Thing Right—There’s Nothing Like Walking Around Naked At Home
What’s the first thing you want to do when you get home for the night? Pour a glass of wine? Unpack your multiple bags? Call your mom to see how her day was? While I love that last option, for me, it’s taking everything off. Yes, that’s right: All I want to do is unclasp my bra and strip off my pants; let all my worries land in the basket with my dirty laundry. And then, keep it that way, for the rest of the evening. No clothes, no problems.
May 3, 2019
It’s Taurus Season: Here’s Your May 2019 Home Horoscope
Break out the good goblets and cover your bathtub in rose petals, astral voyagers. May’s magic comes courtesy of the zodiac’s edible flower, sweet, sumptuous Taurus, and invites us to plump it up and let all of the season’s explosive spring vitality simply come through us.
May 1, 2019
Capsule Wardrobe Update: Eleanor’s Spring Capsule
Earlier this year, I wrote a 3-part series about my recent experiment with capsule wardrobes: why I did it, how I did it, and what I learned. While many of you seemed to like the idea of capsules and the posts themselves, a common comment was that you’d prefer to see real-life examples of what a capsule wardrobe looks like— i.e., my own wardrobe. Gulp. There were a few reasons I didn’t do this the first time around.
Apr 30, 2019
Decluttering Emotional Attachments: Should I Keep My Mother’s Paintings?
Q: I was wondering whether you would kindly give me some advice. I’m sure my problem is common to many people, and yet it is not really addressed on the internet anywhere. My problem is that after my mum died two years ago, I, as only child, had to deal with all her stuff (most of it I have donated). However I am confused emotionally about her framed finished paintings she did – I haven’t been able to get rid of them although I don’t think I want them.
Apr 30, 2019
Iris Apfel Has Her Own Emojis Despite Not Knowing What an Emoji Is
Iris Apfel is coming to a phone keyboard near you. Everyone’s favorite fashion forward nonagenarian is back with her own custom emojis, courtesy of Macy’s. Apfel is currently the face of Macy’s in-house brand INC, and the emojis are a part of that campaign. They also come just in time for her 95th birthday, on August 29. “I’m a little old for emojis, and I didn’t know what they were,” Apfel said in a press release.
Apr 30, 2019
Fashionable People: Jen’s ’70s Style with a Modern Twist
If you toured Jen’s vintage Oakland home, you know that she’s inspired by the warm, natural style of the ’70s. She creates an inviting, cozy home with mainly items she found at estate sales and flea markets, and her wardrobe is just as much driven by her affection for thrift shopping. Read about the things that inspire her fashion sense and some of her best flea market finds below. Does your personal style influence your home style? Yes. Definitely.
Apr 30, 2019
Sleep Among the Books in these Residential Libraries
Home is where your books are. Or at least that’s the case when it comes to residential libraries, where you can spend a night among the sweet, sweet scent of books. In Colorado, two bookstore employees are working to transform an abandoned 60-acre cattle ranch into what they call a “literary ‘home on the range’ for writers, artists, and nature-lovers.
Apr 30, 2019