We Found the One Bright Spot in an Otherwise Dark World of Mattress Reviews
If the recent Fast Company article about the burgeoning e-commerce mattress industry has you feeling like you don’t know who to trust anymore, you’re not alone. (TL;DR: Some, er… many mattress review sites are more than a little biased based on which mattress brands are willing to give them the biggest cut of their sales.) With all that Fast Company has brought to light, you’re right to feel a little skeptical of online reviews.
Apr 30, 2019
This Homemade Mask is The Ultimate Fix For Dry, Damaged Hair
Between beanies, coat hoods, and dry, winter air, my hair always ends up looking like the Cousin It version of itself by New Year’s Eve. As a curly girl, I was getting sick of forking over $20+ for hair treatments and trying DIY hair masks that left a funky smell (I’m looking at you, mayonnaise mask). So this year I started looking into other options and kept reading about how great aloe is for your hair.
Apr 30, 2019
This Therapeutic Space in Manhattan Is Designed with Healing in Mind
Name: Alma Location: 515 Madison Avenue — Midtown Manhattan, NYC Size: Lounge/Waiting area: 800 square feet Private therapy rooms: 100-120 square feet typically Group therapy rooms: 200-250 square feet typically Interior spaces—the personal and public environments we spend much of our time in—have an impact on us. Emotionally, and sometimes even physically. You can improve and change decor elements in your home to affect the way you and others feel in your space.
Apr 29, 2019
How David Burtka Spends His Perfect Night In
You may know David Burtka through a number of accomplishments. It might be his theatrical performance in productions like “The Play About the Baby,” or his appearances in episodes of “How I Met Your Mother,” or his current profession of being a successful celebrity chef. (And yes, of course we know he’s married to the wonderful Neil Patrick Harris.) A graduate of Cordon Bleu, Burtka now runs his own catering company, Gourmet M. D.
Apr 29, 2019
What Book to Read Next, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Happy World Book Day!
Apr 29, 2019
The Electric Toothbrush That Will Make Your Teeth (and Your Bathroom Counters) Look Amazing Is 50% Off on Amazon
I got my Philips Sonicare Diamond Clean toothbrush through a series of delightful, though non-replicable, means. In my last job I had the opportunity to interview Gordon Ramsay about his partnership with Philips’ air fryer. Because he is a busy man, the interview got moved twice, although all was instantly forgiven when he got on the phone and apologized profusely in his British accent.
Apr 26, 2019
Here’s How to Tell If You Need to Declutter Your Schedule
KonMari madness has taken hold of America. Purge your closet! Rid yourself of excess! Dump your bad boyfriends! Diagnosing clutter is easy when you’re being plonked on the head by expired cans of tuna every time you open an overstuffed closet—what’s more difficult to diagnose, however, is schedule clutter.
Apr 21, 2019
SF House Tour: The Janssen Family’s Roving Abode
Name: Matt, Sara, and Bella JanssenLocation: On the road, at time of post: Scottsdale, AZSize: Approx. 200 sq. ft. (32 ft x 8 ft)Years lived in: 8 months >> We couldn’t have dreamed up a more appropriate house tour to end our Small Cool month. You may remember Sara, Matt and Bella as finalists from the contest last year. We were impressed by their declaration, “Small is BETTER! Even with a 3-year old and surely more on the way, we will never go back. Small is the new big!
Apr 18, 2019
The 9 Best Adjustable Height & Standing Desks
They say that sitting is the new smoking, and with potential health hazards such as decreased circulation, heart disease and back or neck pain and thrombosis—yikes!—we can see why. Personal well-being aside, sitting for prolonged periods can also effect performance at work due to low concentration and productivity (don’t lie…we know you’ve considered a George Costanza under-the-desk nap before).
Apr 14, 2019
15 No-Spend Challenge Ideas (Plus 3 Important Rules) You Can Try to Save Money
For those times when you need a little more motivation (and cash flow).
Apr 12, 2019
20 Different Ways to ‘Break the Script’ and Make Some Memories This Weekend
Many of us thrive on routine, but when things become too cyclical, time can feel like it's speeding up.
Apr 12, 2019
Target Just Released a Sensory-Friendly Home Collection for Kids, Including Weighted Blankets Under $50
Target’s children’s home line, Pillowfort, just rolled out a new collection of sensory-friendly items and it’s just what we’ve been missing. In response to customer feedback, the collection caters to the needs of parents who want stylish but affordable and accessible items for their little ones. For those restless days at home or harder than usual bedtimes, products like the weighted blanket apply pressure for relaxation and calmness.
Apr 8, 2019
Clever Green Solutions to Everyday Issues
Some of my favorite Re-Nest posts are the ones that share clever solutions to everyday issues (you know, the kind that make you think “huh, how did I not know about this?”). From removing pesky stains to keeping pests at bay and everything in between, here’s a roundup of our favorites from 2011!TOP ROW• 1 Use Citrus Peels To Start Your Seedlings• 2 Hot Tip: Wrinkles? Forget the Iron. Use a Spray Bottle.
Apr 7, 2019
It’s Aries Season: Here’s Your April 2019 Home Horoscope
Crack open the cans of eggshell paint, and rev your vacuum cleaners, astral voyagers. April ignites the cosmos with a clean, clear call to action, as Aries energy urges us to refurbish, renew, and re-dedicate ourselves to our one-of-a-kind designs. This particular season comes locked and loaded with Pluto power. The lordess of the underworld, this planet’s position in April is a crushed red velvet carpet invitation to relish taking responsibility for our own existences.
Apr 3, 2019
6 Confidence-Boosting Tips to Remember The Next Time You Need to Be More Assertive
Standing your ground isn’t always easy. No matter how confident you feel about something, being openly assertive with others when communicating your needs is an entirely different beast. So we called on Antonia Di Leo, licensed therapist and clinical director of Andrea Cornell Family Therapy for advice on how to be more assertive from day-to-day.
Apr 2, 2019
This Kickstarter Solves The Most Annoying Thing About Reusable Straws
Last year, an intense political debate arose over the use of plastic straws, culminating in the #StopSucking movement that fueled even more divide between the establishments and cities that chose to adopt the anti-plastic straw stance and people with disabilities who cited the various ways in which the decision ignores their needs. Fortunately, the creators behind the Rain Straw aim to make the act of sipping more sustainable and accessible for everyone.
Apr 1, 2019
39 Ways to Take Care of Your Future Self
If you’re anything like me, you have a flurry of thoughts swirling somewhere in the back of your head—ones that whisper their contents inconveniently as you’re trying to sleep or sit and relax. They’re the voices you shush as you pick up your book or flick on the TV. Not that you should heed their every intonation, but some of these thoughts are possibly (probably?) necessary to-dos that you’ve been putting off for years.
Mar 31, 2019
Man Says He and His Wife Switch What Side of the Bed They Sleep On, Causing a Twitter Meltdown
When it comes to our homes, people tend to have strong opinions. Millennials are abandoning their top sheets. People argue about whether or not you should keep your toaster on the counter or in the cupboards. Just recently, people online were debating about how many towels people need in their homes, and the results were varied. But the newest heated debate on Twitter has to do with what side of the bed you sleep on. Twitter user Steve O’Rourke is at the heart of this online debate.
Mar 30, 2019
Grow Your Dream Herbal Garden Indoors With Aldi Kits For Under $6
We know by now that Aldi’s plant game (which includes a variety of hanging plants and foliage in sleek white pots) is strong, and they don’t seem to be letting up anytime soon. In this week’s installment of Aldi Finds, there are basil, lavender, and strawberry growing kits. And since you can never have too many indoor plants (the limit does not exist), here’s a breakdown of what’s inside. The $5.
Mar 27, 2019
Here’s Another Study That Will Validate (or Shame) Your Bed-Making Habits
Do you feel like you can’t officially start your morning until you make your bed? Well, it turns out that there’s more anecdotal evidence that this simple task could contribute to your productivity. In a survey of 1,000 people, the company Best Mattress Brand determined how bed-making affects productivity and health.
Mar 25, 2019
How Nicole Gibbons Spends Her Perfect Night In
Perfect Night In is a series where we ask actors, artists, entrepreneurs, and beyond how they’d spend the ultimate luxury—a blissful evening at home. We wanted to feature a dynamite design boss for Women’s History Month, so say hello to interior designer and entrepreneur Nicole Gibbons.
Mar 21, 2019
What the Spring Equinox Means for Your Home, According to your Zodiac Sign
Queue the ’90s Enigma and bust out your Swiffer duster pads, astral voyagers. March 20th’s Spring Equinox offers up a sparkly return to innocence, and an opportunity to get fresh and clean both inside and out. Ushering in the cosmic New Year, the spring equinox is a potent portal that takes us from the dark, interior wintry mix of claw-footed bathtubs and down comforters, and into the light bright of rolled-up blinds and new life emerging through the pavement cracks.
Mar 20, 2019
This Viral Challenge on Reddit Is All About Cleaning Up Your Neighborhood
Although we all can relate to feeling surrounded by metaphorical garbage, lots of people spend time in public areas that are unreasonably littered with real trash, too. This was the case for me in my former Brooklyn neighborhood. The litter on one particular block that passed over a bridge was so awful that I actually started picking it up myself once in a while. (Because I can apparently rage clean as long as it’s not in my own home.
Mar 18, 2019
The Perfect Morning Habit for Your Enneagram Type
A healthy morning routine can truly set the tone for an amazing life. Starting each morning with intention and thoughtfulness can transform your relationship to the rest of your day. Morning routines have been linked to heightened productivity, lowered stress levels, and more effective time management. Sounds great right?
Mar 18, 2019
6 Ways Introverts Want to Be Celebrated This National Introverts Week
Here are some ways to honor the powerful silent types in your life this week—especially if that person is you.
Mar 17, 2019
Don’t Throw Away Your Old Mascara—It Could Save a Baby Duck!
If you thought your dried-out mascara wands weren’t good for anything but the trash can, think again. Thanks to Reddit user marilynbmonroe, the web is abuzz with a surprising—and potentially life-saving—way to repurpose your old mascara wands when you’re done with them. The Wands for Wildlife initiative is asking supporters to recycle their mascara wands to help save the lives of wild animals.
Mar 11, 2019
4 Smart Things to Do with Your Tax Refund, According to a Financial Planner
‘Tis the season for filing taxes and more importantly, receiving your tax refund. But before you go and blow it all on a trip to Tulum or a pricey pair of shoes—guilty!—you may want to consider some more productive ways to use your tax refund. We called on financial advisor Douglas A. Boneparth, CFP and President of Bone Fide Wealth for advice on how to smartly use our tax refunds, no matter how big or small the amount. But first: savings.
Mar 10, 2019
How to Deal With Being Homesick
We’ve all been there. Whether you’ve packed up your life for a cross-country move, or you’re just on an extended business trip, sometimes you can’t help but feel a little homesick. How can you cope when you’re yearning to be home and more importantly, what do these feelings even mean? We called on clinical psychologist Joshua Klapow, Ph.D., to help us break down everything we ever wanted to know about homesickness.
Mar 6, 2019
4 Ways to Achieve an Anxiety-Friendly Home
Designing a cozy home isn’t just about on-point aesthetics. Have you ever thought about how your home actually makes you feel? Interior designers and therapists alike believe home design influences your well-being and emotions, and can even exacerbate your anxiety and stress levels. Whether you are facing clinical anxiety or situational stress, creating a peaceful living space is a great first step toward preventing—and managing—stressful emotions.
Feb 27, 2019
Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard Created a Plant-Based Baby Line (and OMG, There Are Sloth Diapers)
In between juggling film and TV roles, being a wife, mother and getting her zen on with the help of organization photos, Kristen Bell somehow managed to find time to launch a line of baby products with her husband Dax Shepard. This week, the couple announced a collection of baby goods named Hello Bello, an adorable moniker that pairs well with Kristen and Dax’s reputation for being unbelievably cute at all times. There’s even a nod to K-Bell’s favorite animal—the sloth.
Feb 26, 2019
Never (Ever!) Say This Word To Guests In Your Home
We all work so hard to make our homes beautiful, relaxing spaces where we can host our friends and family. So what if I told you that by merely uttering one little word, you could derail all the positive, beautiful attributes of your home in the eyes of your guests? Please, lovelies, never say this! “Sorry about the mess.” “Sorry it’s so hot in here.” “Sorry, we’re out of milk.” Sound familiar?
Feb 24, 2019
10 Smart Ways to Improve Your Attention Span
Because staying focused isn't always easy.
Feb 24, 2019
6 Things You Should Never Do with Essential Oils at Home
Essential oils, which are essentially (see what we did there?) concentrated plant parts used for aromatherapy, are ultra-trendy for a reason. Not only do they smell good; essential oils can be used around the house to clean, soothe, and set the mood. Having a hard time sleeping at night? Studies show lavender might help. Tummy problems? Grab your peppermint oil. Looking for a non-toxic way to de-germ your countertops?
Feb 23, 2019
8 Ways to Maximize Your After-Work Time
It starts with good intentions. How many of us have, in an effort to shake off the stress of the workday, ended up in a daze on the couch? Whether you spend your evenings bingeing on Netflix or mindlessly scrolling social media, the post-work lull can compromise productivity and, in the end, keep you from truly relaxing. So why not set your post-work self up for success? All it takes is a little intention.
Feb 18, 2019
Some Genius Is Making a Coffee Mug and Water Bottle in One
If you’ve ever commuted by train, bus, or bike or regularly hike with your dogs, then this genius new hybrid to-go container will no doubt solve one of life’s pressing problems—by combining your water bottle and travel coffee mug in one. No longer do we have to literally juggle beverage containers while trying to channel an octopus, or choose between life-giving caffeine and hydration.
Feb 15, 2019
Here’s What Every Love Language Is Like at Home
Everyone shows love differently. The Five Love Languages, developed by counselor and author Gary Chapman, sum up the most common ways we give and receive love. Chapman’s theory is that every person has a primary “language” for loving, which is how they naturally show their affection to the people closest to them. Curious how your roomie or partner’s love language comes out at home?
Feb 14, 2019
How Well-Designed Homes Support Healthy and Satisfying Sex Lives
We know that you can design a home that supports your priorities and goals. So what does a bedroom built for better sex look like?
Feb 14, 2019
5 Things Happy Couples Always Do on Valentine’s Day
Whether you’re in a long-term relationship or newly coupled, Valentine’s Day is all about celebrating you and your partner’s unique relationship. And while that can make picking out a good V-Day gift tough sometimes, it also means that there’s a whole day devoted to celebrating all the special things you and your partner do for each other on a daily basis.
Feb 13, 2019
5 Small Home Habits That Keep Punctual People Running on Time
“Early is on time, on time is late, and late is dead.” You probably heard your parents say this a thousand times while you were growing up—turns out they might’ve been onto something. You might strive to be fashionably late to parties, but when it comes to starting your day, few things feel as good as being punctual (also coffee—definitely coffee).
Feb 7, 2019
Is It Ever OK to Sleep with a Space Heater On?
For as awesome as having an electric space heater can be during the cold weather season, they often come with a lot of safety risks. We called on Jim Bullock, a retired FDNY Deputy Chief and President of New York Fire Consultants (NYFC) for advice on how to manage our space heaters properly at home. From when to turn yours off to places you should never put one, here are 10 expert tips for handling your space heater safely this winter.
Feb 6, 2019
A Goop Series Is Coming to Netflix
Pour yourself a glass of kale juice, because Netflix is about to get Gooped. The lifestyle company, helmed by patron saint of jade eggs and juice cleanses, Gwyneth Paltrow, has inked a major deal with Netflix to create a docu-series that will air this fall. Split into 30-minute episodes, the program will be hosted by Paltrow and other members of the Goop team, and will discuss “issues relating to physical and spiritual wellness,” Variety reports.
Feb 5, 2019
10 Amazon Buys Under $10 to Support Your Active Lifestyle
When it comes to health and wellness, nothing matches the motivation that comes with fresh start of the new year. But new stuff comes pretty close. If January had you motivated to try a new workout class or integrate more exercise into your routine, the secret to keeping up those healthy habits in February might be treating yourself new workout gear.
Feb 1, 2019
This $30 Amazon Buy Improved My Hair and Skin After Just One Use
My hair is anything but easy—I’m constantly on the hunt for shampoo and conditioner that will give my limp locks some extra volume, while keeping my unnaturally blonde shade looking healthy. It’s been a daunting journey to say the least. So imagine my surprise when my longtime—and life-changing—hair stylist, CoCo, examined my limp locks and declared that my hair care products, in fact, were not the problem.
Jan 30, 2019
The $4 Trader Joe’s Buy That Saved My Dry Winter Hair
As January turns into February, it would seem that the harsh cold weather is here to stay. One day we have temperatures in the 40s, and the next, it’s a frigid 5 degrees. With these fluctuating temperatures comes dry skin and brittle, damaged hair. The winter weather can even take a toll on those who don’t color or use heat tools, or those who already have silky hair. One way to combat dryness is using a hair mask to help keep your locks hydrated.
Jan 29, 2019
Here’s How Darren Criss Spends His Perfect Night In
Perfect Night In is a series where we ask actors, artists, entrepreneurs, and beyond how they’d spend the ultimate luxury—a blissful evening at home. If you watched the Golden Globes, you witnessed Darren Criss hitting a major career milestone when he won Best Actor in a Miniseries or Television Film, beating out big names like Hugh Grant and Benedict Cumberbatch.
Jan 24, 2019
5 Small and Smart Ways to Shop More Sustainably This Year
Conscious shopping is all the rage, and it’s not hard to see why. Along with supporting ethical and eco-friendly clothing and furniture companies, shopping sustainably can help the environment (by cutting down on production waste), the economy, and the lives of workers who are unfairly paid. It’s no surprise then that more and more people are starting to smarten up about where they shop, even taking on sustainable shopping challenges to help spread awareness and make an impact.
Jan 20, 2019
5 Home Truths That Are Worth Remembering Over and Over
Over the years I’ve written a few posts on Apartment Therapy about certain home “truths.” Like 9 Home Truths We Tend to Forget (That Are Worth Remembering), or the rental-centric 9 Important Design Truths Every Renter Should Remember. I’ve even shared truths about stuff that we should strive to remember. The reason why these ideas have resonated with myself and others is that the world is an incredibly complex, fast-moving place.
Jan 18, 2019
5 Ways to Be Better with Money in 2019
It’s official: 2019 is here and it’s time to get your money right. We called on Priya Malani, co-founder of Stash Wealth, a financial planning firm for millennials, for advice on how to better handle our money in the New Year. From setting up a different savings account to signing up for automatic withdrawals, here are five money-savvy tips to jumpstart your 2019 financial goals.
Jan 13, 2019
The $20 Magic Makeup-Removing Towel Amazon Reviewers Are Obsessed With
If you wear makeup (ever), you know the dread of taking it off at the end of the day. Good news: we discovered a top-rated product on Amazon that will make removing your makeup a breeze—and won’t cost you a fortune either. If you haven’t heard of the MakeUp Eraser, we’re here to catch you up. Beloved by beauty bloggers and vloggers around the globe, it’s basically a microfiber towel that can remove even the most stubborn of makeup with nothing more than water.
Jan 12, 2019
The Best Planners for 2019, According to People Who Get Sh*t Done
‘Tis the season for thinking about finally getting our sh*t together, and there’s no better way to get started than investing in a good personal planner for 2019. But with all the fancy options on the market, we thought it would be wise to ask a few of our favorite hustlers (i.e. people who already get stuff done) what their preferred planners were instead.
Jan 5, 2019
This Tiny Teardrop Trailer Can Sleep a Family of Four
We’ve seen that many travelers have been eager to indulge in the #camperlifestyle. This includes scouting the perfect sites to explore and sleep in, but most importantly, shopping around for a camper that will make for the perfect road trip. Add incredibly cute, family-friendly, and comfortable into the mix, and you’ll get the Summit: a charming teardrop trailer from Colorado Summit.
Jan 4, 2019
How Jonathan Adler Spends His Perfect Night In
Apple pie is his answer to four questions, FYI.
Jan 3, 2019
This Furniture Collection Is Part-Bed, Part-Desk
It’s safe to say that telecommuters will experience love at first sight with designer Geoffrey Pascal’s Unexpected Office collection: A brightly-colored set of unique office furniture that creatively meshes the bed and desk together, which makes working in bed more feasible. Named Grafeoiphobia, Pascal’s collection takes its name from the fear of desks.
Jan 2, 2019
Women Sleep More Peacefully Next to Their Dog, Not Their Significant Other
There are some things about sleeping that seem to just be a fact. You sleep better in your own bed, totally true, right? Flipping your pillow to the other side will instantly cool you off and lull you back to sleep? Also true! Sleeping with your dog next to you, instead of your partner, will give you a better night sleep? That is also, apparently, true. Are you one of the many dog owners who has been saying this for years?
Dec 29, 2018
The Best New Year’s Resolution for Every Zodiac Sign
A new year always brings about thoughts of self-reflection: What can you do in 2019 to make your life better? “Better” of course is different for everyone. Your better might translate well to “more colorful,” or “more sustainable,” or “more well-rested.” If you know something that needs improving in your life, then write that down as your New Year’s Resolution and get to resolving.
Dec 27, 2018
The 3 Words that Keep Me Grounded When Life Gets Out of Control
To put it euphemistically, my house is full of life. We have five children, ranging in age from 10 to 4 months. The only time we aren’t mired in chaos or teetering on the verge of it is for a couple hours after the brood is in bed—and that’s only when the 2-year-old isn’t escaping from his crib and joining us in the living room with a reckless cackle. As my pal (good old Shakespeare himself) says, here’s the rub: I’m a Highly Sensitive Person and an introvert.
Dec 24, 2018
Hot Sleepers Can Finally Sleep Comfortably Through the Night With This Cooling Weighted Blanket
Are you one of those people who cannot sleep without the fan on? It might be below 20 °F degrees outside, but you still need your fan on to sleep peacefully. Some of us need the added coolness when we are all bundled up during the winter. Did you know that your body changing temperatures while you sleep (think: waking up at 3 AM drenched in sweat) has to do with the overall quality of your sleep. Sleep occurs when your core temperature is dropping during a normal circadian rhythm.
Dec 23, 2018
One Really Good Reason to Sleep with Your Bedroom Door Closed
If you thought leaving your bedroom door open every night was the safer way to sleep, then think again. According to new research from the UL Firefighter Safety Research Institute (FSRI), in the event of a home fire, a closed door can actually be an effective barrier against deadly levels of carbon monoxide, smoke, and flames—plus it might buy you more time to escape.
Dec 23, 2018
33 Productive Things You Can Do Instead of Spending Money
They say idle hands are the devil’s playground. Or is it an idle mind? When our twitching fingers tap from “add to bag” to “checkout” before we know what happened, it certainly feels like our good intentions of not spending money uselessly have been thwarted by a devilish boredom that whispers, pitchfork held aside, to go on ahead and just check to see if there are any good sales.
Dec 8, 2018
It’s Sagittarius Season: Here’s Your December 2018 Home Horoscope
Unfurl your magic carpets and throw back the sash, astral voyagers. December in the cosmos asks us to give it up and turn it loose, as we surrender to the trust in what we cannot see, and offer ourselves up to be blended by the fully immersive experience of living. With mutable fire sign Sagittarius leading the pack of wild ponies, it’s a rolled-back ride to meet the rising road.
Dec 5, 2018
What Your Birth Month Can Reveal About Your Home
The driving force in how you decorate your home—and really just how you live in it—is dictated most often by your personality. Who you are as a person impacts what art you hang, how you set up your rooms, how often you host people, your cleaning tendencies, and how you unwind at home.
Nov 28, 2018
40 Fun and Fulfilling Things to Do on “Buy Nothing Day”
Maybe you’ve already stretched the dollars you’ve saved during what has become, somehow, Black Friday month. Or you could be one of those who would never dream of spending a precious day off saving money at the cost of braving dense crowds on the prowl for a good deal. Whatever your reason for skipping shopping on Black Friday, there’s a day—the same day—just for you: Buy Nothing Day.
Nov 23, 2018
This Common Bite-Sized Grocery Habit Could be Costing You Big Money
Fact: The convenience of having a pre-portioned, pre-packed snacks in your fridge or pantry to grab and go anytime, whether you’re packing up for work or school, is undeniable. And so I remain eternally grateful to the companies that make the little hummus-and-pretzel packs and sacks of olives. (They’re much better alternatives to picking up a bag of chips at the convenience store!) And yet. As you already know, with convenience comes a price.
Nov 18, 2018
Here’s How Alyssa Edwards Spends a Perfect Night In
Perfect Night In is a series where we ask actors, artists, entrepreneurs, and beyond how they’d spend the ultimate luxury—a blissful evening at home. Alyssa Edwards is all about the hustle.
Nov 15, 2018
You Can Get Your Whole Life Together with an “LFT” Weekend
Life is all about balance. While some weekends are made for sitting back and relaxing, others are made purely for productivity. Recently, a reader called Jinnet suggested the idea of an occasional “let’s finish that” (LFT) weekend, and we have to admit, it has a nice ring to it. “Every once in a while I declare a ‘let’s finish that’ weekend. I start nothing new and tackle projects that may be three-quarters done (that tends to be where I lose interest).
Nov 9, 2018
7 Daily Home Habits That Will Boost Your Creative Energy
Creativity starts at home. That’s why it’s important to know what kinds of things you can do around the house to get your creative juices flowing. We called on two of our favorite creative experts: Rahti Gorfien, Professional Certified Coach (PCC) and ACCG at Creative Calling Coaching and Danielle Raine, a U.K.-based creativity coach for advice on everyday habits that can help improve our creativity from the privacy of our own place, and they had lots to share.
Nov 8, 2018
Print Off This Checklist & Save $100 This Month
Budgeting is too often misunderstood. The problem: Many people look over their expenses after the money is gone. Then they get startled or—even less productively—embarrassed at how much money was spent on things like eating out or buying new clothing, and vow to cut back next month. It’s an endless cycle that does little to change your spending habits.
Nov 1, 2018
7 Secrets of People with Incredible Discipline
Have a goal (or a few of them) you want to meet? You probably already know that discipline is your friend. Whether you want to learn how to get things done more efficiently at the office or just muster up the motivation to check the first thing off your to-do list, you won’t accomplish much without the daily grind of hard work.
Oct 28, 2018
This Glamping Site Lets You Sleep Near the Grand Canyon
At this point, you’ve probably heard of “glamping” a time or two, if you haven’t already experienced it in person. This term that has gone from foreign to familiar comes in various forms, from a minimalist tree house in Norway to a covered wagon in Yosemite National Park. And now, the latest glamping attraction to make its debut is Under Canvas Grand Canyon, a luxury camping site 25 minutes away from the National Park entrance in Valle, Arizona.
Oct 28, 2018
Sleep Under the Northern Lights in a Dome-Shaped Tiny House
Travelers from all around the world voyage to see the sky’s natural lightshow that is known as Northern Lights. But thanks to this tented dome, you can experience the phenomenon in an entirely new way—in the comfort of your own bed. Located on the shores in the Finnish Lapland, this tiny home can comfortably fit up to four guests with one bedroom and nearby bathroom facilities.
Oct 26, 2018
You’re 5 Minutes from a Better Financial Future
When it comes to getting your financial life in order, a little effort can go a long way. So to help you get your money right, we put together a list of foolproof five-minute tasks that will get your fiscal future on the right track. From weekly budgets to 401K contributions, here are seven simple things you can do today to start taking control of your finances. Do you avoid checking your credit report because, well, you’re scared of what you’ll see?
Oct 24, 2018
Is it Better (and Cleaner) to Shower at Night or in the Morning?
While my showering habits have shifted since having kids (read: I shower less), I’ve always been a morning shower-er, purely for practical reasons. My fine hair styles better when I don’t sleep on it, and the ritual of a morning shower jolts me awake and helps me mentally prepare for the day ahead. Plus, I tend to get hot at night, and I feel fresher when I rinse it all off in the A.M. But fans of night showers defend their habits for similarly practical reasons.
Oct 10, 2018