Collin’s Fresh White Room

Name: Collin (6 months)
Location: Seattle, WA
We found out two days before Collin was born that we were picked by his birthmom to become his adoptive parents. That didn’t leave us a lot of time to plan a nursery…so we didn’t.
It wasn’t until Collin was two months old that I started to create his little room. I wanted it to be fresh, clean and a space he wouldn’t grow out of. My husband is a pilot and I loved the idea of adding a little touch of aviation to the room.
At the beginning of the adoption process we painted the room white. We had many years of infertility and loss and keeping the room white helped make me feel hopeful and excited that one day, when our baby came, I could do whatever I wanted in that room. I hadn’t planned on having a mostly white room, but as things came together I liked the fresh feeling of the white. It also reminds me of the hope we held onto all those years waiting for our little Collin.
Source list:
• Crib: Babies R Us
• Dresser: IKEA
• Bookshelves: IKEA
• Rug: World Market
• Chair: Craigslist
• Floor Lamp: IKEA
• Curtain panels: Homemade
• Table Lamp: Kasala
• Map: IKEA
• Mirror: Homemade (idea found on Pinterest)
• Pillows: ETSY (Dedeetsyshop)
• I love you Print; Etsy (the big harumph)
• Giraffe stuffed animal: Anthropologie
• Frames: Target
• Pouf: Target
• Banner: Homemade by Family
• Paper Airplane Mobile: Homemade
Thanks Rachel!
(Images: Rachel C.)