Could You Live in Under 200 Square Feet?
Here at Apartment Therapy, we’ve had lots of lively discussions about what constitutes a “small” apartment, a “little” one, a “tiny” one, and so forth and so on. But there seems to be a general consensus that around 200 square feet is where you go from a small apartment to a really small apartment, little to really really little, tiny to teeny-tiny. It’s the boundary between “whoa, this place is tiny,” and “how is it even possible for a human to live here?” Nevertheless, people have made it work and, in one case, even made less than 200 square feet work for more than one person. Take a look around these teeny-tiny homes and tell us — could you live in under 200 square feet?
At 193 square feet, this little Swedish apartment is undeniably gorgeous — and undeniably small. A smart layout and monochrome color palette gives the apartment a spacious feel that belies its small size, but you’ll still have to climb a scary staircase to get into bed. You can see more photos of the apartment in this post.
And how about this wee little apartment under the eaves by Paris architect Marianne Evennou. Evennou took a seemingly unworkable space — only 125 square feet, with plenty of unusual roof clearances — and turned it into a lovely and very functional (if somewhat cozy) home.