Darrin’s Super Compact Bachelor Pad in Singapore
Name: Darrin
Location: Changi, Singapore
When it was time to get myself a bachelor pad, I opted for a 495 sq ft apartment in the eastern part of Singapore. When I received the keys to my place, what separated the living room and the sole bedroom were three sliding glass panels.
Working with my interior designers, I conveyed my ideal, which was to have a centerpiece console that could accommodate and display my 400-plus vinyl collection. We came up with the idea to replace the dividing glass panels between the living room and bedroom with a console that had enough cabinets to store my vinyl as well as a ledge-like folding door to each cabinet that can display a vinyl record when closed and can retract into the cabinet when lifted to open. In the centre of the console, I opted for a swiveling panel that housed my television. This means I only need one TV for both rooms. From the built in island/dining table, I requested for a small extension into the living room that serves as my study table.
In the bedroom, the existing closet was ripped out and replaced with a floor-to-ceiling one that maximized the use of the space. A customized bed with storage platforms on the floor also provided ample storage space.
I love the transformed apartment which is an ideal space to entertain my friends.
Thanks, Darrin!
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