How To Get Your Rental Back to Move-In Ready (After You’ve Customized Your Heart Out)
Who likes getting their security deposit back? We do! If you’ve gone crazy with color or went ahead with a full-blown gallery wall (and have the holes to prove it), then you’ll need to take a few steps to make sure you save your security. After all the boxes are packed, don’t forget to address this stuff. So you went nuts with the shelving or you got fanatic about frames. No biggie. It’s time to patch away.
Jun 22, 2015
These Studios Prove That One Room Living Can Be Super Stylish
In most of the glamorous homes you see on decorating websites, the living room, dining room, kitchen, and bedroom are all separate spaces. So what are you to do when you’ve living in an apartment that is really just a single room with a stove and a sink on one end? Take inspiration from this collection of super stylish studio apartments. As these spaces prove, living in one room doesn’t have to mean sacrificing style.
Jun 21, 2015
5 Lessons to Learn from a Truly Kickass Gallery Wall
Remember Paula and Paul’s fantastic house tour from a few weeks ago which showed off their enviable art and collectables in various areas of the house? We’re focusing on the crowning glory of that amazing gallery wall to give the rest of us some pointers on how to keep a staid feature alive with new possibilities. 1.
Jun 12, 2015
Really Weird Home Decorating Ideas That Still Strangely Work
When it comes to decorating your home, you have to trust your gut— even if it whispers nonsense in your ear, telling you something nuts, and leading some people to think that you are certifiably fit for the loony bin. Sometimes you have to take risks, try something new, even if it is ostensibly weird or strange. It’s like the first person who saw a lobster and said “I bet there is succulent and tasty food to be found inside that hard shell with beady eyes and antennae.
Jun 7, 2015
Jason & John’s Hyper Saturated Home: Part 1
Name: Jason & John of Madcap Cottage Location: Lefferts Gardens, Brooklyn Size: 2,800 square feet, Tudor-style single family home Years lived in: 4 years “Green is our neutral,” explains Jason, as my jaw drops. Everything in Jason and John’s house that can have color does. And every color is saturated. I can’t stop smiling and sometimes I have to laugh out loud for the sheer joy of it. John and Jason have a long history and familiarity with design.
Jun 4, 2015
Our Best Advice for First-Time Decorators
It’s that time of year when a lot of people are graduating, and striking out on their own, and moving into their first real ‘adult’ home or apartment. It’s an exciting, and maybe also a little intimidating, time, full of possibilities and pitfalls. Here are a few of the things that I wish I had known when I was a fledgling decorator, all those years ago. 1. Don’t buy everything all at once.
May 29, 2015
Kerry’s Fun French Quarter Apartment
Name: Kerry Maloney Location: French Quarter — New Orleans, Louisiana Size: 800 square feet Years lived in: 6 years; Rented Six rows of neatly displayed wigs decorate a brick wall in Kerry Maloney’s French Quarter apartment. They’ve been collected from Mardi Gras costumes throughout the years. They’re decked out with stars and plumes, birds and elaborate handmade crowns. There’s the French aristocrat, the drum major, the conehead, and the wizard.
May 11, 2015
The Rule of Threes: Why You Should Know It, Love It, & Use It
Now we know you all hate it when we say you SHOULD follow this or that rule, so call this post the Guideline of Threes in your mind if you must. Because there’s a good reason that sitcom wasn’t called Four’s Company, or there weren’t six blind mice. And that same reason can help you create an interesting home that’s not just functional, but also has visual depth and satisfaction.
Apr 13, 2015
Mark & Levi’s Home Among Modern Mementos
Name: Mark, Levi, + Theo Location: Upper East Side; New York City Size: 400 square feet Years lived in: 1.5 years; Rented Mark and Levi both share a love for beautiful things. With Mark working for Artsy, an online destination for the art world, and Levi for the luxury American jewelry brand David Webb, they both spend their days surrounded by beauty. Stepping into their Upper East Side home, their creative perspective is evident as is the harmony with which they decorate their space.
Apr 11, 2015
Candace’s Old World Home with Modern California Charm
Name: Candace Soriano and Jason Rein Location: Hancock Park, Los Angeles, California Size: 800 square feet Years lived in: 7 months; Rented Candace is an interior designer by trade and when you walk into her home in the heart of Los Angeles, it exudes a beautiful, relaxed, grown up feel. She lives here with her boyfriend, Jason, and they chose this part of town because of its historical charm.
Apr 6, 2015
Ideas to Steal: 5 Grocery Store Tips to Develop Your Decor
You go there every week to fill your fridge, but just how much attention have you paid to the decor at your favorite grocery store? Not enough! From smart space planning to draw-your-eye blue light specials, your mega mart has plenty of stellar ideas you can steal for your own space. Let’s take a look. You know we constantly extole the virtues of great lighting in your space and the grocery store really gets it done.
Apr 1, 2015
Lisa’s Artgoodies and Vintage Finds
Name: Lisa Price Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan Size: 936 square feet Years lived in: 10 years; owned Imagine a house where the best of the best vintage and thrift store finds are arranged by color. Imagine really cool vintage furniture in really good condition. Imagine that almost every accessory and piece of furniture comes with a story (from a family member, a stranger at a flea market or a previous owner at a yard sale).
Mar 28, 2015
The Very Best Things You Will Ever Do for Your Home
There are a few things that are transformative—things that go beyond decorating and get to the very core of what makes you happy at home.
Mar 20, 2015
Chris’s Cozy Chicago Hideaway
Name: Chris Tuttle Location: Boystown; Chicago, Illinois Size: Studio Years lived in: 1 year; rented From the moment I walked into Chris Tuttle’s space, I felt like I had escaped city life. Dark walls and rich décor set the warm mood. The snug studio is peppered with charming and colorful vintage finds. And when I say snug I mean snug – you can practically see the entire thing from the front door.
Mar 18, 2015
9 Rugless Rooms That Rock
It’s always interesting when homeowners make an unexpected choice in their spaces. In these nine rooms, one might expect to see a rug, yet these decorators have chosen to forgo one. It’s a slightly more subtle, sparse look that really lets the rest of the room shine. Take a look. So, tell us. What do you think about this look? Would you (do you) sport a bare floor?
Feb 26, 2015
Kera’s Modern Cultural Family Home in Abu Dhabi
Today, we continue our collaborative series curated by Jeanine Hays and Bryan Mason of Aphrochic for Apartment Therapy. They handpick homes from around the world to share that capture the culture and style that they celebrate in their book, Remix: Decorating with Culture, Objects, and Soul.
Feb 23, 2015
UK Style: 5 Particularly British Design Lessons I’ve Learned
I’ve been living in London for nearly a decade now, having moved here from Canada as a bright-eyed university graduate, in search of tea and adventure. Through my friendships and work as an interior designer (not to mention my work for Apartment Therapy— I love a good House Tour snoop), I’ve been lucky enough to have been invited into countless English homes over the years, from Cornwall to Yorkshire and nearly every county in between.
Feb 19, 2015
Jenn & Hunter’s Historic Landmark Apartment
Name: Jennifer Laskey + Hunter Hall (and Kitty Capone + Niblet) Jennifer is the Creator/ Owner of RedLight Special Events, Weddings by Jennifer Laskey & Salvage Beauty Design Co. and Hunter is the Creator/Managing Partner of Archetype Hospitality & Development, LLC. Location: Los Feliz; Los Angeles, California Size: 1,300 square feet Years lived in: 6.
Feb 17, 2015
5 New Yorkers Who Made the Most of Seriously Small Apartments
I never fail to be impressed by the ingenuity of city dwellers living in itty bitty teeny tiny spaces. Especially now that I’m shopping for apartments in New York, and all I can think is… where do you put the furniture? Here are five apartments belonging to real New Yorkers who have solved that problem in creative ways, and managed to squeeze a lot of living out of a little space. I really like what Linsey’s done with a fairly typical New York studio layout.
Jan 29, 2015
10 Things to Look For On Your Next Apartment Hunt (That You Haven’t Thought Of Yet)
Of the many things you might be on the lookout for when searching for your next apartment to live in — hardwood floors, big windows, a lot of space — don’t neglect the odd but useful items on this list. They might save you a lot of future pain and make sure you enjoy your next home! We spotted these ideas from a thread on Reddit asking for what to look out for and what to asking when looking for an apartment.
Jan 20, 2015
Taylor & Alana’s Carefully Crafted Hoboken Apartment
Name: Alana Biagioli & Taylor Gulbins Location: Hoboken, New Jersey Size: 900 square feet Years lived in: 6 months; Rented You may recall Taylor’s house call post a couple months ago, and the apartment in Hoboken that lured him and his girlfriend, Alana, out of Manhattan. The square footage and daylight in their home definitely seems worth the move. They have created a fresh and modern space that has plenty of character and craft. Decorating this apartment was clearly a labor of love.
Jan 16, 2015
The Shared Wall: A Neighborly Guide to Co-Existing in Close Quarters
When you live in the close quarters of an apartment or condo, a little bit of consideration can go a long way towards happy neighbors. Sharing a wall can get awkward, so think about these tips before problems arise. If you can prevent or nip little squabbles in the bud, you can potentially save yourself massive amounts of misery and stress for years to come. Consider these keep-the-peace ideas: Think about your shared wall when planning the layout of your room.
Jan 11, 2015
6 Ways to Create a Home That Shows Off Your Personality
When the budget is tight and you don’t have tons of time to spend shopping, sometimes purchasing a lot of your home’s design elements from the same few places is just the easy thing to do. So then what can you do to make sure your living room doesn’t look like a catalog spread and that your home feels like “you?” Find the answer in a few simple steps.
Nov 30, 2014
Time for a Few Finishing Touches: Hang Artwork or Bust Out a Little Holiday Decor
What you choose to decorate your walls with is one of the things that makes your style truly yours and all that matters is that you love it! Whether it’s high or low, rare or mass produced, permanently placed and lit or a constantly changing casual display, taking the time to hang artwork with care will make the most of it. Today’s the day to get the job done right! OR, if you are all set with artwork, spend a little time dressing up your space for the holiday season ahead.
Nov 19, 2014
Be a Style Hustler: Street Smart Ways to Get What You Want In Your Home
Hustlers know: there’s the hard way to do something and then there’s the smart way. Your home is no different. Look to the shrewd, the savvy and the street smart and learn a thing or two about how to beat that long con that is your decor. All hustlers have a grand vision and you should too. Whatever you need to do to get there — goal setting, vision boards or a step-by-step strategy — a solid plan means you’ll be one happy hustler in the long run.
Nov 10, 2014
‘Jolie Laide’ and the Very French Art of Appreciating Imperfection
It’s funny how sometimes a phrase can change its meaning as you change your mindset. That is, its definition and significance remain the same and suddenly you realize that you’re the one who has come to better understand it. Such was the case recently when I was reminded of a French term I learned and thought I understood long ago: jolie laide.
Nov 10, 2014
Jessica & Matt’s Vivacious Home
Today’s tour is the newest in a collaborative series curated by Jeanine Hays and Bryan Mason of Aphrochic for Apartment Therapy. They handpicked homes from around the world to share that capture the culture and style that they celebrate in their book, Remix: Decorating with Culture, Objects, and Soul.
Oct 30, 2014
10 Totally Unique, Stylish & Steal-Worthy Halloween Decorating Ideas
Blogger and DIY crafter Jennifer Perkins is no stranger to styling her home with a collection of unique tchotchkes and vintage finds; her first house tour showed off her love of mid-century modern kitsch and DIY style. She’s back with a new house, this time showing off a home full of fun Halloween decor ideas.
Oct 14, 2014
Stephanie’s Sunlit Treehouse
Name: Stephanie A. Meyer Location: Lowry Hill; Minneapolis, Minnesota Size: 1800 square feet Years lived in: Just over a year; Rented As a food writer/blogger, photographer, and newly-minted cookbook author (coming this fall!), cooking and sharing food is at the heart of Stephanie A. Meyer’s home.
Oct 6, 2014
Brice & Ilene’s Chicago Getaway
Name: Brice & Ilene Bloom-Ellis Location: Lincoln Square, Chicago, IL Size: 600 square feet Years lived in: 2 years; owned Brice and Ilene are two social workers from St. Louis, where they have a home filled with memories of raising a family, many of their favorite objects, and plenty of space. But, finding themselves in Chicago hotels way too often (Brice travels to Chicago regularly for work), these mid-century lovers began exploring real estate on a small scale.
Oct 5, 2014
Justin’s Warehouse Acropolis
Name: Justin Bauer Location: Boyle Heights; Los Angeles, California Size: 3,500 square feet Years lived in: 2 years; Rented Artist and Creative Director Justin Bauer‘s industrial live/work space is located on the outskirts of Downtown Los Angeles and is an open-concept lover’s dream.
Sep 21, 2014
Erin’s Photo-Finish Pre-War Brooklyn Apartment
Location: Brooklyn, New York Size: Approximately 750 square feet Years lived in: 5.5 years; Rented Upon entering my pre-war Brooklyn apartment, the first things you see are the dreamy period archways and the three large black and white photographs of my daughter as a newborn, framed against grey walls. My love of photographing interiors has influenced the style of my home just as my love of decorating influences my photography of beautiful spaces.
Sep 18, 2014
Home Decorating Ideas: The 5 Secrets to Pulling Off Simple, Minimal Design
What differentiates a truly stunning, minimally designed interior from one that’s just not full of a lot of stuff? From a room that’s sophisticated and rich rather than plain and boring? Creating simple spaces isn’t hard, but it does require a particular balance of key design ingredients to make the right minimal mix. 1.
Sep 7, 2014
Make It: 5 DIY Curtain Tie Backs
Are your curtains in need of some tie backs, but you don’t want to spend a lot of money on them? Here are 5 crafty DIY versions. 1. Brass Curtain Tie Back, DIY from Blackbird 2. Rope Curtain Tie Backs, DIY from Cottage in the Oaks 3. Ribbon Curtain Tie Back, DIY from Homemakers Challenge 4. Utensil Curtain Tie Back, DIY from Country Living 5.
Aug 18, 2014
Eva & Philip’s Art-Filled Wanderlust Home
Name: Eva Katz and Philip Sugerman Location: Jamaica Plain; Boston, Massachusetts Size: 2,600 square feet Years lived in: 8 years; Owned No wonder passersby stop to snap photos: Situated on a charming street near Jamaica Pond in Boston’s Emerald Necklace, the exterior of Eva and Philip’s pretty Painted Lady is a total jewel. Inspired by art, food, and worldy travels, the inside shimmers just as brightly.
Aug 5, 2014
Ian & Martha’s Tasteful and Sentimental Home
Name: Ian and Martha Robinson Location: Church Hill; Richmond, Virginia Size: 1,800 square feet Years lived in: 4 years; Owned Ian and Martha Robinson have the kind of style that seems effortless. Once you get to know them, however, you realize that it’s even better than that: their style has developed over time from attention to craftsmanship, quality, and artistry. They value simplicity and beauty, and are mindful about the practicalities of living on a budget and with two children.
Jun 17, 2014
Under $50: 15 Bold & Unusual Frames for a Gallery Wall
Spontaneous as they might look, there are guidelines for putting together a well-styled gallery wall. Arranging frames around an invisible horizontal line guarantees a great layout. And, to get a punchy kick of style, trying working in a unusual frame (or three) with an eye-catching shape, color or texture. In the midst of your simple and chic thin black or white frames, find a way to work in a bold or unique frame like these below.
Jun 10, 2014
Best Bargain Buys: 10 Stylish Wallpapers Under $100/Roll
Wallpaper, the oft-maligned, terribly misunderstood wall covering, is enjoying a much deserved comeback. The days of impossible to hang, doubly impossible to remove old-fashioned ditzy floral nightmares are thankfully in the past. Modern wallpapers are easy to hang, easier to remove, and feature motifs created by popular artists, bloggers, and designers. Of course, these new wonder wallpapers can sometimes come with a hefty price tag.
Jun 3, 2014
Allison’s Silver Lake Charmer With a View
Name: Allison Pierce, Musician. (Shared w/ her roommate, Lizzy Sanford) Location: Silver Lake; Los Angeles, California Size: 2 Bedroom + 1 Bath Years lived in: 2 years; Rented When a few snapshots of Allison’s apartment landed in my inbox, I knew it was an incredible space. Overlooking Silver Lake, this two bedroom home has a wonderful, dreamy quality, and ample space to living comfortably.
May 21, 2014
Austin & Jenny’s Sunny LA Loft
Name: Austin and Jenny Flack (+ Emmy Lou) Location: Lincoln Heights; Los Angeles, California Size: 1,200 square feet Years lived in: 1 year; Rented We had the pleasure of ending a two day road trip at the home of Austin and Jenny Flack, in Lincoln Heights, Los Angeles. In a home nestled in a a group of industrial-style lofts, newlyweds Austin and Jenny have created an open, airy space full of upcycled elements, combined with a modern, streamlined feel.
Apr 24, 2014
Coppy’s Traditional Meets Modern Loft
Name: Coppy Holzman Location: New York, New York Size: 3 bedrooms, 2 baths Years lived in: 3 year; owned Coppy Holzman surrounds himself with an extensive collection of books and eclectic art, making his Manhattan loft a true reflection of his creative passions. The moment you walk into his home you are greeted by his loving dog, Biggie, and then a large contemplative image of the Queen of England.
Apr 22, 2014
5 Free Ways to Make Any Room Feel More Spacious & Look Better
Looking to make an impact on your home this weekend that you can afford? How about free? It’ll cost a little energy, time (and muscle strength) but if you’re looking for some ways to improve your small (or any size) space, try these five free ideas. 1. Improve your home’s traffic flow How you and guests move through your space has a big effect on how spacious your home is perceived.
Apr 13, 2014
Real Room Inspiration: Decals, Removable Wallpaper, Washi Tape & Contact Paper
Whether you’re a renter, a non-committal type of person, or have growing kids that like to change their minds often, there are plenty of reasons to explore the option of temporary wall decor. It can also be very affordable, depending on which route you go and how creative you get. Here are ten examples of how you can use decals, removable wallpaper, washi tape, or contact paper in your space.
Mar 28, 2014
Dan and Elizabeth’s Americana Inspired Home
Name: Dan and Elizabeth Good Location: Church Hill; Richmond, Virginia Size: 850 square feet Years lived in: 9 months; Rented There is something truly inspiring about being in a home that loves the city it is in. Dan and Elizabeth love the city of Richmond, and it shows in all the details of their cozy apartment in the Church Hill neighborhood. They live only blocks away from St.
Mar 9, 2014
Design Dilemma Solved: 7 Ways to Add Visual Height to a Room
Something feeling “off” about one of your rooms? It could be the space is a little too heavy on the low-end. You might need a visual weight adjustment. Relocating certain design details high-up in a space can create a more sophisticated, balanced room. There are ideas you can try that will take only a little time to tackle, and there are some that might take the afternoon. You decide what your room might need and how much time you have this weekend!
Mar 8, 2014
7 Last-Minute Valentine’s Projects: It’s Not Too Late For Love!
What’s that you say? Valentine’s Day is tomorrow? I should probably do something about that… Perhaps I’ll whip one of these sweet, quick crafts, which utilize elements most of us probably have around the house. Good luck to us all! Heart Garland by Hank & Hunt: Make this using scrap paper or old magazines, and then hang it someplace so your Valentine has to walk through it. Tangled in love!
Feb 13, 2014
Stephen & Antwann’s Cool, Clever Home
Name: Stephen Stocker and Antwann Nourse Location: Andersonville, Chicago, Illinois Size: 1,100 square feet Years lived in: 2 years Two items I spotted at Stephen and Antwann’s home: A book by Nate Berkus and a painting of the Superman “S”. So what do you get when you cross Superman with Nate Berkus?
Dec 20, 2013
10 IKEA Holiday Decorating Ideas Worth Stealing: 2014 Edition
Ikea stylists are good at showing us common folk how to style our homes in inspirational ways for the holidays. You don’t need to shop at the Swedish giant in order to have a festive and fun household this season. Follow these tips, tricks, and suggestions to do it yourself. TOP ROW: Hang Ornaments on the Wall: Perfect for small spaces, wall-hung “trees” have all the festive feeling without the large footprint.
Nov 20, 2013
CB’s Quirky & Personal Duplex
Name: CB Owens, NYU grad student in Food Studies, and Catering Sales Manager at ’wichcraft Location: West Village; New York, New York Size: 450 square feet, plus rooftop terrace Years lived in: 4+ years; Rented I first met CB way back in our days as undergraduates at NYU, where “home style” had everything to do with outfoxing the limitations set upon you by countless questionable roommates, inadequate wall space, awkward 80″ bed frames (what the heck were those all about?
Nov 19, 2013
The Creative Process: 5 Ways to Cultivate Inspiration & Ideas
I had a conversation with a friend recently about the creative process and how people seem to just “come up” with amazing ideas in the spur of the moment. For those who depend on their creativity for a living, and even those who struggle to fill a blank wall at home, here is a little secret… If you want moments of inspiration, you have to cultivate them.
Oct 30, 2013
Print Out Your Own Free Vintage Style Posters (Yes, Free!)
Like many of you, I often struggle with finding artwork I like versus artwork I can afford. For example, I love vintage posters. But good, interesting (not to mention affordable,) prints can be hard to find. Until now, that is… Now, you can download hi-resolution vintage posters for free at Free Vintage Posters and put your printer (or a commercial printing service) to work (just remember to change your printer settings to their highest resolution color mode and use good quality paper).
Mar 8, 2013
How To Make a $1 DIY Smartphone Photo Projector For the Kids
If you’ve got a smartphone (and we bet you do), magnifying glass, shoebox, and some everyday spare parts, you can construct a miniature digital projector that would make the Lumiere Brothers proud. This could make an excellent project for the kids, illustrating the properties of light and the science behind movie projection.
Feb 5, 2013
Christi’s Creative & Crafty Austin Apartment
Name: Christi Finley and her pup Lilly and a roommate (not pictured) Location: Bouldin Creek, Austin, TexasSize: 675 square feetYears lived in: Rented, 1.5 years Living in a small space doesn’t mean it has to be boring, as evidenced by the home of creative and crafty apartment dweller Christi. The South Austin home she shares with her roommate and her incredibly photogenic pup Lilly is packed with color, pattern, texture and style.
Nov 20, 2012
Natalie and Kevin’s Perfect Parkdale Perch
Name: Natalie and KevinLocation: Parkdale, Toronto, CanadaSize: Approx. 1500 square feetYears lived in: 9 months; Rented When searching for a new place to call home, Natalie and Kevin never dreamed they could find such a spacious, bright, and charming place within their budget in the city. Nine months after moving in, Natalie is still pinching herself.
Aug 29, 2012
Jennifer’s Touch of Hollywood Glamour
Name: Jennifer LaskeyLocation: Windsor Square / Hancock Park, Los Angeles, CASize: 1,000 square feetYears Lived In: 11 months Bette Davis, Marion Davies, Mae West, Ava Gardner, Douglas Fairbanks, Clara Bow, William Randolph Hearst…a who’s who of Hollywood royalty that once called the historic Los Altos apartments “home”. Now the tony address is home to events planner and vintage design specialist, Jennifer Laskey and her feline sidekick, Capone.
Aug 15, 2012
Sara’s Vintage, Luxury Find
Name: Sara, Blogger and Real Estate ConsultantLocation: Dupont Circle, Washington D.CSize: 718 square feetYears lived in: 2 years; OwnedWhen you have a blog that focuses on how to achieve high fashion at a bargain, there is a good chance your home will reflect that same sensibility. Blogger Sara’s home radiates world charm, luxury, and her keen ability to mix her taste in high-quality vintage pieces with great low-price steals from her favorite bargain shop, Home Goods, and D.
Aug 14, 2012
Why You Should Switch Your Cell Phone to Military Time
Thinking of “fourteen hundred hours” as 2 o’clock will take some getting used to, but there’s one really good reason to switch your cell phone to military time: You’ll never make an afternoon alarm mistake ever again.Have you ever woken up late one morning to find your 6 a.m. cell phone alarm was actually set to go off at 6 p.m. that night? It’s an easy (and far too common) mistake to make.
May 15, 2012
Callen & Eli’s Artful Treehouse
Name: Callen & Eli Location: Austin, Texas Size: 800 sq ft, open floorplan Years lived in: 2 months Art can be therapeutic and transformative. You realize that shortly after stepping into Callen and Eli’s delightful studio space. The cheery open floorplan among the trees is filled with vintage treasures, handmade objects, and a very agreeable sense of relaxation. It’s art therapy done right.Callen has always possessed a connection to the arts.
Mar 21, 2012
Elizabeth’s Urban Artist Retreat
Name: Elizabeth DuvivierLocation: Providence, Rhode IslandSize: 1,200 square feetYears lived in: 5 months — rented Elizabeth’s 2-bedroom apartment embodies all the those ephemeral qualities that transform an empty shell of space into a real home — it’s artful, personal, comfortable and above all, designed for actually living.
Jan 12, 2012
Kirstyn’s Peaceful Pacific Heights Hideaway
Name: KirstynLocation: Pacific Heights — San Francisco, CaliforniaSize: 700 square feetYears lived in: 2 — rented Kirstyn’s apartment is the quintessential San Francisco home, chock full of the impeccable architectural details we go crazy for. Each element, from the built-ins, to the molding, to the hardware, has been restored and finished with care.
Nov 22, 2011
Steve & Stacey’s Vintage-Inspired DIY Modern Apartment
Name: Steve Reidell and Stacey MarquardtLocation: Humboldt Park — Chicago, IllinoisSize: 1200 square feetYears lived in: 3 — rented At the risk of sounding creepy, I am enamored with Steve and Stacey and their amazing style. Not only do they both have cool jobs, theyalso live in this fabulously decorated vintage apartment. Plus, Stacey is a DIY Queen — a girl after my own heart! What is not to love?! Steve is a DJ and the man behind The Hood Internet.
Nov 8, 2011
Drew’s Vintage Bohemian View
Name: Drew SteinbrecherLocation: Cincinnati, OhioSize: 1060 square feetYears lived in: 7 Drew is a modern design “Renaissance Man”. He can knit, he can sew, he can quilt, he can take photos, he can thrift with the best of them, he’s a graphic designer, an Etsy shop owner and an entrepreneur. Whew. Oh, yeah, and his apartment is amazing.
Sep 19, 2011
Samer’s 1930’s Streamline Moderne Apartment
Name: Samer FawazLocation: Los Angeles, CaliforniaSize: 1100 square feetYears lived in: 1 1/2 years When you walk into Samer’s home you sense you are someplace special; someplace that has an interesting history. The building was originally built for actor Jack Haley, aka the Tin Man in “The Wizard of Oz.” Over the years it was home to many models, rock stars and writers. In the summer of 1960, the penthouse had its most notable resident – Senator John F. Kennedy.
Sep 14, 2011
Nickel Tile Floor! A DIY Bathroom Renovation
This project was completed by some regular readers from Seattle: “In March 2010, I came upon the ever-popular Penny Tile floor post on your site. At the time, we were in the process of renovating our 1950s rambler and I was unsuccessful in finding a contractor to complete a concrete overlay (thin-set concrete) design on our master bathroom floor.
Aug 24, 2011
Kathryn & David’s Mix of Modern & Craftsman Apartment
Name: Kathryn Bentley & David ScheidLocation: Echo Park – Los Angeles, CaliforniaSize: 800 square feetYears lived in: 2 years Craftsman love! Every time Kathryn and David start the search for a new apartment with more space, they are reminded how lucky they are to live in a space with the original architectural details beautifully restored.
Aug 18, 2011
Ryan’s Georgetown Vintage Americana
Name: Ryan ZagoneLocation: Georgetown — Washington, DCSize: 330 square feetYears lived in: 1.5 — Rented In a leafy corner of Georgetown that is also a quick walk to Dupont Circle, Ryan has made a studio apartment into an efficient home. He has drawn on some of the District’s best resources for vintage and antiques while adding contemporary pieces and travel finds. The result is distinctly masculine and simultaneously rustic and refined.
Jul 26, 2011
Christina & Corey’s Crafty Take on a Courtyard Apartment
Name: Christina and CoreyLocation: Santa Monica, California Size: 580 square feet (1 bedroom + 1 bath)Years lived in: 9 months — rent Christina and her boyfriend Corey live in a modern updated retro building within a classic Southern California courtyard setting. Together they have created a crafty modern home and a double office in the wide space of their living room. While their decor is contemporary, the charm lies in the vintage touches of the original design.
Jun 22, 2011
How To: Cut & Install FLOR Carpet Tiles
After years of perusing FLOR’s catalog and website, I finally bit the bullet and ordered the carpet tiles for my entryway and kitchen. The Problem: I have gone through about five different rugs in my entryway. With one pitiful rug pad and two overly-welcoming dogs that rush the front door every time they hear a noise — I was forever straightening, fixing and flattening the front rug.
Jun 16, 2011
Sarah &amp Craig’s Jamaica Plain Treetop Treasure
Name: Sarah, Craig, and son, Maceo Location: Jamaica Plain — Boston, MASize: 1099 square feetYears lived in: 8 — own It’s fun enough to be around one homeowner who beams with delight and pride for her home. But when it’s a couple and it’s apparent that they equally love their home and they genuinely share an aesthetic without much need for compromise, it’s even sweeter. Such is the case at Sarah and Craig’s delightful treetop home.
May 24, 2011
Anna and AJ’s Modern T-Loft
Name: Anna Bautista & AJ CalomayLocation: West LA/T-Lofts &mdash Los Angeles,CASize: 1,000 square feetYears lived in: 1 year — Own Anna and AJ have are the first residents in this brand new loft apartment. They have taken on the task of giving it a full makeover with new decor and furnishings, and the brains behind the operation is the interior design duo of Natalie Younger and Sayre Ziskin.
Apr 27, 2011
Layered Rugs
The other day we looked at a bunch of rooms that went unexpectedly without rugs or carpets, embracing a relaxed bare-floor look. Today let’s go in the opposite direction: what does it look like when one rug just isn’t enough. The most common look for layering rugs seems to be an animal hide (faux or no) over a sisal — this is probably the most neutral option. Other examples mix patterns and colors, sometimes creating a bohemian wonderland of textiles.
Apr 22, 2011
Savannah’s Sophisticated Studio Apartment
Name: Savannah Farris-GilbertLocation:West Hollywood — Los Angeles, CaliforniaSize: Studio apartment Years lived in: 1 — rent Savannah, a Graduate student in the Architecture-Interior Design program at UCLA is perfecting her love of Interior Decorating. I think it must be a craft she honed in on very early — as she told me her mother often helps her hunt for new pieces for her apartment.
Jan 19, 2011