This First-Time Homeowner Built a Dog Room For His Pups
To folks who are aspiring to put down some permanent real estate roots, the mere idea of becoming a first-time homeowner sounds equal parts thrilling and terrifying. Aside from being a major commitment, buying a house is generally regarded as one of life’s biggest achievements, hence the reason shiny, new homeowners host housewarming parties or engage in other celebratory activities to commemorate their foray into home ownership. But in the midst of settling into new digs, one redditor wanted to ensure that his dogs were just as comfy in their new space as their human, so he built them a special hangout spot, appropriately dubbed the “Dog Room.”
“I bought my first home about a year ago and needed to make space for my pets. I have a Siberian Husky, Golden Mix, and a Norwegian Forest cat who take up a lot of space and wanted to make a space for them,” Reddit user Rootersrevenge wrote. “I have a two story home and realized I should have some extra space under the stairs. I am not a handy person at all but wanted to give it a shot. I thought the project would be a quick weekend project but it stretched out over multiple weekends because of mistakes and reading Reddit posts trying to figure out how to fix them! After my 50th trip to Home Depot I am done!”
Basically, the project involved transforming a tiny 46-square-foot space beneath the stairs into a perfectly pup-friendly lounge space. The cubby came together after the new homeowner hung drywall and used paper tape, premixed mud and a sanding square to pull everything together. He also installed vinyl flooring, which not only makes for perfect dog-sprawling breaks, but also gives the area a more polished look and feel.
And finally, to top off the Dog Room, Rootersrevenge constructed one of the most adorable doors you’ll ever lay eyes on. The red sliding barn door leads to the finished cubby and matches the brightly painted interior, which also has light fixtures as well as other decorative touches added by the owner.
Check out more of the step-by-step photos and the big “Dog Room” reveal on Reddit.