If Your S.O. Is a Cover Stealer, Try This Two-Duvet Bedding System

updated Aug 11, 2019
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They say you shouldn’t go to bed angry with your S.O. But clearly, whoever said that never spent the night with a total bed hog. Sleeping with someone who constantly steals the covers is enough to ruin a good night’s sleep. If your partner does that regularly, you might want to look into the ervét System, a two-duvet system that lets you get a better night’s rest.

By day, the duvets are held together by machine-washable magnets, giving the illusion of one comforter. But by night, you can easily separate them so you can have your own.

The idea was born out of a trip to Denmark where Mel and Reid, the inventors of the ervét System, were introduced to the Scandinavian concept of using two duvets instead of one. They DIY-ed versions of their own two-duvet system for a few years and eventually decided to start their own line. In December 2018, they launched a Kickstarter and raised over $75,000. Now, the ervét System is available for order.

The ervét System, which works with both king and queen-sized beds, allows both sleepers to have the exact kind of duvet they want. In addition to not having to share, you can also sleep at your own personal preferred temperature. Each duvet comes with its own comforter insert, and there are three choices: all-season luxe for cool sleepers; lightweight luxe for warm sleepers; and ultra-light basic for hot sleepers and hot climates.

“Every detail of the ervét system is carefully crafted from our years of trying dozens of duvet covers and inserts,” Mel and Reid write on Kickstarter. “The duvet covers have all of the best features: hand-holes for easy insert, ties to keep the inserts in place, and hidden-zipper closures that take under five seconds to close.”

The ervét System bundle includes one set of duvet covers, two comforter inserts, one fitted sheet, and two pillowcases. If you sleep next to a cover hog (or are one yourself), it could be a total gamechanger in how you and your partner sleep at night.