Can You Help Us Out? Take Our 60-Second Money Survey to Tell Us How This Year Has Changed Your Budget
Can we take a minute to talk about the greatest taboo topic of all? By which we mean … money. Because we think it needs to be talked about more. As this pandemic crawls on, millions of people have lost their jobs, become underemployed, or been furloughed. Yet that reality can sometimes feel a bit invisible, unless you are directly affected.
Our money and budgets of course have everything to do with the food we buy, order, and consume. The editors here at Kitchn want to understand you, your budget constraints, and how we can help you shop and cook in a way that fits your life. So, would you help us by taking a super short survey about your money and budget, and how they’ve changed during the past 6 months? We promise it’s 100% anonymous, and it would help us a lot as we plan our recipes and other stories for the fall and winter. It should take 60 seconds, tops.
If you fill out this survey, it would be a huge help. It would help us get a clearer picture of how you, our most loyal readers, are needing to adapt your shopping and cooking, and to make Kitchn serve you a little better.
This post originally appeared on The Kitchn. See it there: Can You Help Us Out? Take Our 60-Second Money Survey to Tell Us How This Year Has Changed Your Budget