It’s Sagittarius Season: Here’s Your December 2018 Home Horoscope
Unfurl your magic carpets and throw back the sash, astral voyagers. December in the cosmos asks us to give it up and turn it loose, as we surrender to the trust in what we cannot see, and offer ourselves up to be blended by the fully immersive experience of living. With mutable fire sign Sagittarius leading the pack of wild ponies, it’s a rolled-back ride to meet the rising road.
After last month’s deep dives into the Scorpio underworld, we’re ready for a wedding reception-like celebration, hitting the dance floor with our newfound knowledge and demon-fighting badges in place. As pulsating human creatures, we’re in a perpetual two-step with change, and this month reminds us that there are as many ways of meeting and moving with our own evolution as there are songs to shimmy to.
How can you rise to meet the moment, confident that you have everything you need already in place? How can you immerse yourself in the act of living without having to fully understand? How can you mix and mingle with your emotional environment, letting yourself be seasoned by every experience without immediate assessment?
So slip into the kitchen or the garage. Turn up the heat and turn on the engine. It’s a top-down, lids-off month for knowing that there truly are no wrong moves.
In the Stars: Happy birth month, astral voyager! You’re the zodiac’s original wild one, and this month is a true celebration of your bombastic boldness and insatiable appetite for adventure. After last month’s refinement of your mission and mantra, what are you ready to sink your teeth into? Let yourself get a little bit obsessed and maybe even a little excessive, reminding yourself that being fully “in” is your ticket to juicy joy. Curb any tendencies to float along the surface of the superficial, and commit to celebrating the depth of your passions.
In Your Space: Your home should feel heart-shaped right now, with a rooted, impassioned quality guiding all design elements. Start with a clean and clear purge of “meh” objects and color palettes, and focus in on saturated shades and fully committed furniture that you want riding with you for the long haul. You might also find delight in really diving down the rabbit hole of aesthetic finds, so don’t be afraid to go deep on a flea market bender, or to research the intricacies of a new DIY technique to upgrade your lair.
In the Stars: After sinking into your beautiful bod last month, you’ve learned a lot about your instincts, Cappy, and now it’s time to put that knowledge to the test. Become a subtle connoisseur of your environment during December, as you prep for year’s end and your birthday season. This starts with getting comfy being in the background for a minute, releasing any need to prove. Curiosity is your gateway to self compassion, and as you lift your antennae towards new approaches, you can let yourself be dazzled by the variety in both your world and yourself. Anything that’s stuck is begging for you to unstick it right now. Relish melting the glue and releasing what’s been binding you.
In Your Space: Let this sense of undoing loosen the vibration of your space, and imagine that your lair is a communal habitat for spiritual seekers. Pillows on the floor, drapery, coffee table books, bongos, and shades of purples. Make it feel comfy and casual, like a pair of beloved jeans and classic white tee. Letting your environment feel like a threshold and temporary landing strip, rather than the end-all-be-all solution to a problem will remind you that in-betweenness can feel adventurous and expansive.
In the Stars: Because of your urges to shake and break up the status quo, every so often, you get a rep as the cosmos’ maverick. But those radical renovations don’t have to come years apart, or be as dramatic and 180 degree as you might imagine. This month’s energy wants you to radicalize and electrify at every moment, and this can start with your thought patterns, since you have a potential to harden around your most fiercely held beliefs. Make sure that your credos are matching your experience, Aquarius. When in doubt, return to the streets for new flavors of smarts.
In Your Space: Let this street style infuse your space, as you hunt down garage sale finds and delight in the DIY. Don’t be afraid if the styles or palettes aren’t streamlined, and surrender to mix-and-match, welcoming wild new collisions you never imagined possible. Anything you can “break up” is favored, so treat your furniture like props for a late night dance party and move them into unlikely spaces and positions. Pay particular attention to information sources like desks and filing cabinets, and toss any documents that are dragging you down.
In the Stars: After November’s journey towards fully owning your feelings without any traces of victimhood, this month’s medicine is to sing these songs to the ripe and ready world. What are you ready to share, sweet Pisces? What is on the tip of your tongue just ready to break into melody? Notice anything you’ve been holding back from unleashing and lean into the risky, exhilarating sensation of really letting it rip. You’re on a Disney mission this month to really become the hero of your own story, Little Mermaid. Crank open that shell and steer the ship.
In Your Space: Let your lair feel deliciously performative, and boldly self-centric. Don’t be afraid to deck out an entire room in your favorite color, or to throw a dinner party in self-celebration, with no particular occasion. Play up the drama with mood lighting, rich fabrics, and big prints, taking design cues from a hybrid between Hawaiian islands and Old Hollywood. Your luscious blooms and bursts of feeling are a cause to be fully fêted Pisces. Let your space feel sumptuous and inviting so you can share yourself with the world.
In the Stars: After last month’s restorative water power, you’re coming back to life fully lit and connected with the forward motion of your original fire, Aries. Pay close attention to what’s making your blood heat up and getting your muscles happily tensed in anticipation of action. Let it flood your body with the sweet sensation of aliveness. There’s a deep opportunity here for you to bring up and out exactly what the world is ready for, with minimal pushing and shoving. Make like a blossom and turn your face towards the ready Sun.
In Your Space: Build on last month’s Cali surfing town inspo, and play with the collision between allowing and actioning. Let your space stand at the intersection of easy, breezy, and exuberant effort, reminding you that you can find magic in musculature. Think wind chimes, prisms, and bird feeders, that capture an essence of shifting, natural world aliveness that both responds to what’s here, and harnesses it for change. Expose your bricks and your beams, and let your space feel like an open channel.
In the Stars: After last month’s deep lessons in pleasure and receiving, this month asks you to make good on the promise of everything you gleaned in private. Let it be lighter, Taurus, and remind yourself that you are allowed to be in process. Not everything must come out of the oven fully baked and fully fit for a feast. Get messy. Get experiential. Mix your flavors and shake the dust off your sense of stability, knowing that your soul security can never be taken. You can carry this sense of yourself through every situation, no matter the storm.
In Your Space: As you dance with the winds of change this month, you can ground this wildness by taking root in your space and treating it like your emotional base. Without getting overly heavy about it, can you let signature pieces give focus and fixity to each of your rooms? Maybe it’s a chair that looks like a throne, or a table that’s been in your family for generations. Celebrate furniture that’s difficult to move between rooms and let it settle in. Creating this kind of solid center will help you hit the open road, knowing that you have a sanctuary awaiting you each night.
In the Stars: With all of the cosmic energy focused in your “opposite” sign of Sagittarius this month, you’re leveling up, Gemini, and expanding like never before. Where have you been playing it small or awaiting more information before making a move? Where do you feel like you’ve become indistinguishable from the opinions and assessments of those who surround you? It’s high time to claim a place at your own table, and to celebrate the distinctive perspective you have to contribute to the conversation.
In Your Space: Plump up the faith in your perspective by washing your windows and clearing platforms for your own creations. What have you been dying to DIY? Don’t worry about how perfect it is, just give those crafts a whirl and display them in your home for all to see. And place special attention on your tables, desks, and any place where you invite yourself to think and scheme. Clear away any clutter and background noise, so you can bring forward your distinctive brand of knowledge without having to footnote your every move.
In the Stars: You may be a water babe, Cancer, but you’re also a cardinal sign, which means you’re a directed, sometimes linear, action-based operator in the world. This month’s mutable medicine opens you up to a different flavor of getting things done, as you can release into the sweet sensation of letting the Universe have the first move. What signals and synchronicities are coming through your channel, Cancer? What nagging feelings are you ready to follow all the way down? Get curious about everything that you can’t yet see.
In Your Space: Turn the lights down low, Cancer, and let your space feel like a creative cave with a healthy dose of chaos. Lose the edges and leave objects to linger before cleanup. Notice unlikely collisions between patterns and colors you may have kept apart for fear of clashing. This isn’t about becoming a wild messy hoarder, but is instead just a slight softening and melting of your environment, that can teach you to reach for information about your next moves in a different way. Let your environment feel like ombré and see what borders are ready to be blended.
In the Stars: After finding the power of pure poetry last month, Leo, December wants you to explore how you can start to generously share your heart with the whole, wide world. You are the zodiac’s love beam, and when you let yourself pulsate without censorship, you are fit to warm us all. What have you been hoarding that you’re ready to unleash and let loose? What tight grips are no longer serving your highest evolution? Shake it out and shake it down, Leo, knowing that anything that stays stuck to your tree is meant to last.
In Your Space: It’s the perfect month for a purge of anything heavy, emotionally stagnant, or just plain unfunctional. Whether or not you’re physically moving houses, treat this month like a massive clean out and celebratory garage sale. Invite friends over and give them treasured items you no longer need, complete with their dramatic origin stories. And rather than ruminating, move items out quickly and even impulsively, trusting in your gut about what needs to go. While you’re at it, invite in powerful natural world accents that channel the desert, reminding you of your generous expansions and boundless potential for growth.
In the Stars: With this month’s pack of mutable signs squaring off against your Sun, you’re asked to loosen the controls even more, Virgo. Start by noticing what exactly lies beneath any urges to manage, classify, or cordon off parts of your experience. Is it maintaining a reputation for competence? Fear of chaos? Belief that if you aren’t the one to keep things refined and regulated, that life will betray you? Whatever is beneath these urges is asked for your sweet attention and a healthy dose of humor, Virgo. What’s one, small thing you could leave “undone” this month, letting other forces in the cosmos pick up the slack?
In Your Space: Take design cues this month from those excessive still life paintings that are spilling with fruits and liquors and flower petals, and let your space feel like a Vegas buffet table. What feels parched rather than full in your home right now? Plump up your beds and loungers with excess pillows. Let there be “too much” of one color, or play with the heady scents of tuberose or vanilla. Fill vases with blooms and your cabinets with snacks, letting this be a celebratory act of more, more, more, rather than preparation for the apocalypse.
In the Stars: After rediscovering your castles in the sky last month, December is all about claiming ownership to them, Libra. While not always positioned as the “teacher” of the zodiac, one of your greatest gifts is your ability to reach out, relate, and walk a mile in another’s kicks. Put that into play this month, finding delight in being the mentor, wise one, and counseling force in others’ lives. Rather than this feeling like a silencing of your own wants and desires, let it be like pure rocket fuel that reminds you of what a stalwart source of support you are for the world.
In Your Space: Take design cues from classic libraries and studies, and let your space feel like a Clue game board. Rich leathers and cushions, studded sofas, dark stained woods, and globes on stands. Really root into the sense that your home is your lair and your laboratory. You might play with the idea that you’re a therapist who sees clients in their home, and see what design inspo arises. Also experiment with color coding books, or turning their spines inward. This sense of streamlined visuals will remind you that you are an infinite source of knowledge and can always reach inwards for any lessons.
In the Stars: With all the soft-lit integrations of your primal parts last month, Scorpio, this month is a breezy invitation to step out of the trenches and begin to truly enjoy letting things rise and fall around you without conscious control. Sound like a Scorpio’s nightmare? While you’re not one who’s known for loosening their grip, the recipe for delight lies in taking an inventory of past moments where you’ve released your hands from the wheel and the glorious landscapes you’ve been able to experience as a result. Catalogue your past adventures and use them as food for your latest leap.
In Your Space: Let your home feel bold, expansive, and wider than its walls. Incorporate canopied action in your bedroom, stars on the ceilings, fans and lighting fixtures, and clear walkways and throughways. You are learning to move in a lighter, fresher way, and you can infuse your space with this sense of breath. Think new sheets, clean counters, and open doors. And no matter the weather, make sure to crack a window and bolster the circulatory flavor with scents redolent of fresh meadows and herbs.