It’s Gemini Season: Here’s Your June Home Horoscope

Written by

Bess Matassa
Bess Matassa
Bess Matassa is a New York-based astrologer and tarot reader. After completing a PhD, she went rogue and started bringing heaven to earth through everything from zodiac perfume-making classes to tarot dance parties. She is the co-author of The Numinous Astro Deck (Sterling,…read more
updated Jul 16, 2020
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(Image credit: Kath Nash)

Break out your prismatic paints and line up your mood rings, space travelers. This month in the cosmos is a slip and slide into brand new perspectives, as planets in Gemini, Cancer, and Leo take us straight out of the black and white, and into the technicolor of our wet and wild inner visions.

June’s key concepts are spatial sensitivity and constructive change, and there’s no better place to start than on our home turf. The Sun in buzzy Gemini gives us street smart perspectives, and the ability to mix and match high and low brow to craft an entirely new astral abode. Pleasure planet Venus’ trip through tucked-in, flowy Cancer into sparkle and shine Leo, reminds us to make our worlds extensions of our essences, and to shape lairs that lift up our emotional security and put love on top. With dreamboat Neptune stationing retrograde, give your bedroom pride of place, and value nooks and crannies fit for imaginings that extend far beyond your four walls.

What truly feels like “home”? How can you slowly and sweetly shift a chair or vase just so, and let it be a mirror for your availability to show up for your own life with new information? Catch the light from all angles, astral travelers. And get prepared to be dazzled by your willingness to meet the moment, exactly as it is.

(Image credit: Kath Nash)

In the Stars: It’s your birthday month, Gemstone, and you’re ready to trick out your wildest visions in colors fit for the long-haul. With Mercury traveling through your sign and into touch-feely Cancer, this is prime time for turning up the karaoke machine and gifting your song to the world. What’s ready to be birthed in your world? What have you been holding back from sharing? Sing it loud and proud, Rainbow Brite. And be willing to stand by what’s on your heart, no matter the seeming cost.

In Your Space: Power up with straight-shooting primary palettes with nothing to hide. You may even experiment with color blocking a room, and knowing that no matter what seemingly extreme choice you make is temporary. Make sure to invite a pack of pals over to celebrate whatever major rainbow shifts are transpiring. This is your time to share everything that’s changing.

(Image credit: Kath Nash)

In the Stars: With pleasure and partnership planet Venus traveling through your mermaidy waters for the first half of the month, it’s a moment to really return to your fantasy life in a major way, and heal past heart wounds so you’re ready for the second half of the month’s exposed fiery force. Know that you don’t have to come out of your shell all at once. Get clear on what lives inside your heart and what’s ready to be released, and then simply slip on your swimmies and come on back to shore.

In Your Space: Imagine that your space is a precious, velvet jewel box or chocolate sampler. Think rich, supportive shades and fabrics fit for touching close to your skin. The word “boudoir” is your guiding style light. Let each room feel like a private, backstage dressing area where you can both play with your inner visions and get ready to debut them to the world when the moment is right.

(Image credit: Kath Nash)

In the Stars: This is your month to go out beyond the known roads, Leo, as Gemini planets light up your arena of inner galactic imaginings and future longings. Where have you been playing it small? Where do you need to open the pathways of possibility wider than you have before? Venus’ transit of your sign during the second half of the month powers you up with pleasure, and partnerships of all flavors and styles are ignited. Rediscover your faith and get to flying, glitter kitten.

In Your Space: This is a design overhaul month for you, Leo, and anywhere and anyhow you can “upgrade” your space is supported. Maybe it’s just swapping out one old item for a fresher version of itself. Or bleaching that tub to perfection again. Search out dark corners that have aligned with an older version of yourself that no longer feels fitting and smoke em out.

(Image credit: Kath Nash)

In the Stars: You’re wielding your self-sufficiency like never before Virgo, as Gemini planets ignites your zone of boardroom moves and wilderness survival. Get rugged and remember your regal right to claim your own kingdom, without having to prove it by breaking your back operating behind the scenes. Where can you simply step into your goddess given right to rule your own land?

In Your Space: Infuse your home space with a sense of magical majesty by upgrading your dining room and entryways. Infuse any room that faces that public and entertains guests with the sense that you’re always ready for their arrival. There’s no sense of scrambling to find the good plates, or apologies made for the state of the kitchen. Ready your space to receive what’s already yours.

(Image credit: Kath Nash)

In the Stars: You are wilder than you’ve been imagining this month, Libra, and it’s time to throw caution to the wind and your suitcase in the trunk and take off for far-flung lands. With Gemini planets traveling through your arena of risk and faith, notice any sticky spots where you’ve been playing it safe. Push against the edges of those limitations. Notice the narratives that have kept you contained. You may have to release some of how you thought it would be or should be. And this release will take you closer to the vast territory of wishes and what ifs that will set your soul ablaze.

In Your Space: The key concept for you is circulation, and literally anywhere you can find extra space in your current home turf is favored. Maybe it’s a window herb garden. New curtains. Or that skylight you’ve always been craving. Whatever you choose, keep it light, clean it up, and create a space where you can move your body with ease and be ready to pack for a voyage at a moment’s notice.

(Image credit: Kath Nash)

In the Stars: Can it all just be a little bit lighter, sweet Scorpio? This is no easy feat for the zodiac’s premiere deep diver, but this month’s Gemini energy igniting your underground zone of obsessions, power moves, and potential forgiveness, cracks you open to the possibilities of repositioning your pain. Where can you open your palms just a little bit to let the butterflies land? Where can you still honor your own intensity, while also infuses it with laughter and perspective? Strap on your headlamp and get curious.

In Your Space: While you don’t have to give yourself over entirely to frills and pastels, think of where you can turn the shades up a notch in your space, and remove any overly heavy furniture pieces or fabrics in favor of something just a bit breezier. Let your entryways and passages between rooms feel free and easy, and remove any obstructions. It’s a perfect month for soft carpets and padded rugs that let your step feel quietly supported.

(Image credit: Kath Nash)

In the Stars: It’s prime time for love of all stripes, Sag, as Gemini planets power up your partnership zone, and Venus dances through your underground intimacy chambers and back out into the wildly adventurous world towards the end of the month. Don’t shy away one bit from couples’ collisions, and turn your characteristic high spirits towards the deep dives you’ll need to make to come clean about what your heart really wants. Risk rawness, little pony, and you’ll be rewarded with a settled sense of your desires and the willingness to share them without apology.

In Your Space: This is a gorgeous month for diving into your space’s foundations. Schedule a home inspection, or simply look into your building’s records and get super intrigued by what lies beneath the landscape where you live. While you’re at it, it’s prime closet cleaning time. Face past treasures head on, whether they provoke pleasure or pain, and decide what you’d like to bring forward.

(Image credit: Kath Nash)

In the Stars: With Gemini energy dancing through your zone of miniature maneuvers and magic in the mundane, it’s a month for starting small and diving into the systems that support you. As Venus transits your arenas of partnership and intimacy, consider how you show up on the daily for others, and the sacred exchange between give and take in your relationships. Where have you been bowing down perhaps too far to service someone other than yourself? Refine, recalibrate, and be ready to receive as much as you give.

In Your Space: With the focus on the divinity in daily detail, it’s a beautiful month for cleaning out cabinets and focusing on carefully placed objects and “everyday altars.” Let your space feel sweetly ritualized, and build little odes to treasured items on desktops and end tables. And let this process feel like it’s yours and yours alone. If you live with others, make sure to carve out a sanctuary that’s just for your own purposes.

(Image credit: Kath Nash)

In the Stars: It’s a magic month for joyous expression and creative innovation, Aquarius, as Gemini energy ignites your zone of popsicle sticks and endlessly sunlit afternoons. Power up your process by taking some time to tap into what used to light up your spirit. Recovering lost hobbies and childhood dreams is your key to greater freedom. With Venus scooting into your zone of relating, remember that you can reach out for support during this dream birthing process. Surround yourself with creative confidantes who understand your vision.

In Your Space: Recapture your sense of support by opening up your design process to collaboration. Visit friends’ and neighbors’ spaces, and go wild with the Pinterest boards. This month is all about rediscovering your tastes, and the perfect gateway to finding out exactly what lights you up is to first sample all the available wares. Don’t be afraid to get silly in your space. Play is critical, so splash those colors and activate the mobiles and fluffy throws.

(Image credit: Kath Nash)

In the Stars: With Gemini vibes dancing through your zone of emotional home turf and security, and Neptune stationing retrograde in your sign, this is a month of deep retreat, fish babe. Yet as the sign who’s perpetually primed to dissolve into the ether, this is a slightly different flavor of space taking. Instead of escapism, it’s about moving down into the core of your cravings and dreams. Really getting to know the after hours you, in all your messiness and magic. Collide with your own spirit, Pisces, and meet every shade with curiosity and compassion.

In Your Space: Treat your home like a complete container for every last longing. Literally every object, color, and fabric can become an extension of your personality. Let the environment bolster you and hold you with ample pillows, sturdy furniture, and clear zones for work and play. Each room can become a distinctive ode to a different facet of yourself, so don’t worry if there’s no design master plan.

(Image credit: Kath Nash)

In the Stars: With Gemini energy sliding into your zone of curiosity, and Venus traveling through your emotional arenas of nurturance and play, June is a month for rediscovering your sense of “both and.” Banish any black and white thinking and power up with the sense that there’s no end game. No winning and losing. No coming out on top or on the bottom. Show up for every experience and let it be a full, holographic learning. You’re like wet clay this month, Aries. Get excited about all the potential shapes you might become.

In Your Space: Model your space after an artist’s atelier and let it feel wildly experimental and creatively expansion. You might even allow things to remain in process. An unpacked box, a half painted wall. Just let the design work unfold in its own time, and delight in stoop sales and flea markets. You’re next source of inspo lies where you least expect it. Keep all doors open for its arrival.

(Image credit: Kath Nash)

In the Stars: As Gemini energy activates your zone of value, worth, and natural talents it’s a back to the basics of self-love month for you, Taurus. And with Venus traveling from your curious zone of communication into your touchy-feely tucked-in spaces, you’re being asked to consider what makes you feel safe and stable. There’s a difference between safety that’s solid gold, and comfort that’s becoming confining, and it’s time to divine the subtle distinction. Feel into cycles of change that are inevitable, beautiful, and necessary, and know that you can stand in the center as they swirl around you.

In Your Space: Ground down amidst shifts with rustic accents and simple pieces that remind you that you can find solidity without having to excessively grip or possess too much. Focus on a few statement pieces and really celebrate them. A new lounger of high-quality material. Bowls and utensils that feel supportive and nourishing. Think farmhouse in the South of France, and savor spatial sensations that are both stripped-down and undeniably gorgeous.