What Virgo Season Means for Your Home (and Your Zodiac Sign)

Written by

Bess Matassa
Bess Matassa
Bess Matassa is a New York-based astrologer and tarot reader. After completing a PhD, she went rogue and started bringing heaven to earth through everything from zodiac perfume-making classes to tarot dance parties. She is the co-author of The Numinous Astro Deck (Sterling,…read more
published Sep 12, 2019
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Credit: Kath Nash

Assemble the donation boxes and power up your wood polish: with Virgo energy paving the way, September is a month for aligned aesthetics and ease. This early fall decluttering cleanse offers us the opportunity to be in control of our surroundings, as we select the fabrics that sync with our very souls.  

Sometimes maligned as a nitpicky neat freak, Virgo is actually the zodiac’s self-contained queen of discernment, a being who lives by their own code and never gives it away for free.

And with wilderness expedition planet Saturn stationing direct in earthy Capricorn, time’s up on the extraneous. But rather than a hard-edged house purge where you kick it all to the curb, can you let this sloughing off process feel deliciously natural?

So strip it down in softness, astral voyagers, refluffing pillows and releasing what you no longer relish. And remember that every part of you wants your feeling rather than your fixing. Even the cracks and fissures in your habitat can liberate more light.

Credit: Kath Nash

Virgo & Virgo Rising

In the Stars: August’s medicine was a snakeskin shimmy for you, dear Virgo, as you learned to let transformation feel tantalizing rather than tortuous. With your birthday season in full effect this September, you’re asked to relish in taking responsibility for your very existence. Rather than drudgery, operating behind the scenes and crowding your calendar with to-dos, let this be a magical act of recalling why you’re here in the first place. Connect to your abstract mission: Are you here to calm a room with your presence, or to invigorate a crowd? Sync up with your emotional job on earth and let this lead the way to the work you actually want to take on. 

In Your Space: Clarity is key this month and you can power up your mission by leading your home towards a central theme or color. Don’t be afraid to commit fully to a design inspiration that might feel saturated or singular. Let an oversized art or furniture piece take up “too much” space, allowing this spatial commitment to remind you of the enjoyment in the gravity of your own existence. Swap throwaway items for the stuff that lasts, Virgo, and learn to relish your own long haul status. 

Credit: Kath Nash

Libra & Libra Rising

In the Stars: August asked you to sign your own name on the golden line, Libra, as you learned to embrace even more of what was meant for you. As Mercury and Venus enter your sign, you discover the pleasure in the pause. What area of your life affords the most ease? Go towards what soothes your system and let this slow-down remind you that there is worthiness in the “non-doing.” Step off the accomplishment treadmill and bolster your belief that just being here is more than enough.

In Your Space: Allow the slow, cooling waters into your home with literal aquatic accents like an indoor fountain, or gathering of rocks at the bottom of a bathroom sink. Consider the sources of cleansing in your home, ensuring that taps are free of mildew, and water filters are up-to-date. But instead of paranoid germaphobia, let this process feel positively spa-like. Think shell-shaped soaps and fancy water glasses complete with a slice of cucumber on the side. 

Credit: Kath Nash

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

In the Stars: After August asked you to cultivate a beginner’s mind, September invites you to begin to seed something bigger, Scorpio. But first, you’ve got to consider where you’ve had your fill. What has reached a state of saturation? Maybe it’s a particular project, but it could also be a way of being. Cosmic energies are powering up in the area of your chart connected to future, so remember that there are many, many other ways to move forward. Rather than leaning on the tried and true, trust fall into the arms of something different entirely, freeing your mind and your soul. 

In Your Space: Fresh and clean is your design cue this month, Scorpio, as you relish tossing out and clearing the way. With your characteristically all-or-nothing approach, you can find some delight in this mass exodus, as you declutter everything that stands in your way. Consider the places you tread through most and where you might add a new pop of color or object for your gaze to rest upon. September wants you to shift, reorient, and repurpose. Begin with reupholstering and build momentum from there. 

Credit: Kath Nash

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

In the Stars: In August, you learned to assimilate what had come before rather than just racing off for the next shiny object. After all of that subtle work of making sense of your past, September asks you to deepen your trust in your status as a wise one. Your experiential learning to date is unparalleled, and you’re invited to connect with the belief systems that are built from your own frictional learning, rather than hearsay from the crowd. There’s an area of your life where you’re being asked to step into TED-talk style status. Switch on the mic and lay claim to the knowledge that’s sprung from living your own story. 

In Your Space: Treat your space like an embodiment of your Life 101 curriculum, as you inquire about the secret “messages” behind your design choices. Is that hard-backed wooden chair actually supporting a belief that you don’t have a right to comfort? Could you swap it for something plusher and cultivate a well-deserved sense of leisure instead? Pay special attention to the literal words that enter your space, ensuring that fridge to-do lists and white board communications aren’t crowding your capacity to think for yourself and simply let yourself be in the moment. Treat your space like a “please-touch” classroom, allowing each object to serve as a spatial affirmation of what you know to be true.

Credit: Kath Nash

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

In the Stars: August invited you to embrace a “dare to dream” philosophy, as you learned that it was never too late to work towards a cherished vision. And with September’s energies activating your zone of open roads, the expansion continues. As your ruler, Saturn, stations direct, you’re asked to check in with what might be distracting you from this evolution. What projects and people keep drawing you away from your center? When does your brain seem to drag you into a cycle of “less-than” anxieties, when your soul really wants to fly? Begin to soften, settling in to a trust that everything is truly in its right place. When you drop the strategy and connect to instinct, there are no wrong moves. 

In Your Space: Let this emotional focusing play out in your space through a special attention to hearths and centerpieces. What is the focal point in a given room, and what clutter is distracting from it? Invest in opaque cabinetry and clean off surfaces, ensuring that your brain can rest rather than experience a cacophony of clashing aesthetics. Gathering places like family rooms and kitchen tables are the perfect place to start. Let a bunch of flowers, a game table, or a fruit bowl literally draw your emotional energy towards its most easeful epicenter. 

Credit: Kath Nash

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

In the Stars: August’s energy asked you to hold space for yourself sans judgment, Aquarius, as you considered your capacity to ride the fluctuations of feeling. With September’s cosmic vibes igniting the underworld area of your chart, you can step even more deeply into your own shadows without fear. Let this trip serve as an emotional excavation process, connecting you to your own motivations. When you understand some of the tender feelings that lurk beneath a certain knee-jerk behavior or entrenched reaction pattern, you can claim even more of your power.

In Your Space: Let this mining mission take you to the bedrock and basement of your habitat, Aquarius, as you start with the literal bones of your home. Expose a beam. Drill into a wall to hang a beloved picture. Consider what appetites you’re actually feeding in your kitchen cabinets. And ferret out anything that’s been hiding under the bed, sifting through with curiosity rather than shame. September wants you to draw it all to the surface with ease. Break out the metal detector and go hunting for hidden treasure. 

Credit: Kath Nash

Pisces & Pisces Rising

In the Stars: August invited you towards greater alignment, Pisces. With September’s energies leaning decidedly earthy, start by considering how you invite the “divine” into your daily. Is it through explicit prayer? Or by paying attention to signs and synchronicities? This month wants to remind you that seemingly mundane outer events can be powerful mirrors of your own inner processes. Whether it’s the way the wind blows at night, or a passing billboard message on your way to work, let your everyday become infused with more mystery, Pisces. 

In Your Space: September is prime time to treat your space like a temple. Go wild creating little altars atop vanity tables and kitchen counters, transforming the seemingly everyday into ecstatic prayer. Maybe it’s explicitly mystical, adding crystals as paperweights. But it could also be far more subtle, as you learn to venerate sweetness by upgrading your sugar dish or uncover the mysteries of consciousness by color coding your books. Elevate the objects that surround you to high art.  

Credit: supriya

Aries & Aries Rising

In the Stars: August was a starlit slumber party for you, Aries, as you leapt into the arms of those who longed to lift you. September offers up a different flavor of celebration, as planets entering your house of refinement cut some of your vibes down to size. How can you see this process as part of your expansion, rather than punishment? And how can “reality checks” feel like ripe opportunities to competently confront both your wildest dreams and oversized fears? You’ve got to see exactly what’s in front of you in order to decide whether it stays or goes, Aries. Let your flame illuminate it all. 

In Your Space: As one of the zodiac’s premiere minimalists, you know a thing or two about sloughing off, Aries. But before you empty your entire closet into the dumpster, consider the guiding light of “beautiful utility” in every home good you peruse. For it to stick around this month, it’s got to serve both purposes, as you learn to venerate both form and function. Maybe it’s giving that artful knife block pride of place. Or elevating a mudroom shoe rack to star status. September is all about remembering that even the gray matter can be gorgeous.

Credit: Kath Nash

Taurus & Taurus Rising

In the Stars: In August, Taurus, you followed your vines back to their roots. As with all things in nature, this hunkering down is giving way to a rising up in September. With planets gracing your zone of playfulness, you’re being invited to explore and refine. Sidestep anxieties that feel less than luscious, trusting that it’s all part of a much larger plan. 

In Your Space: September’s call to follow natural momentum can find a happy home on carpets and runners, as you start with the simple act of fine-tuning how your feet move through space. Are you constantly getting caught on the edge of an unruly rug? Would it feel better if it was thicker? Experiment with scent diffusers that vary from room to room, carrying you through different zones of living, complete with the olfactory support to match. This attention to movement can also find expression in fans, wind chimes, and mobiles, as you practice harnessing the breeze without breaking a sweat. 

Credit: Kath Nash

Gemini & Gemini Rising

In the Stars: August was a rapid-fire release of past perspectives, Gemini, as you learned to shine up your perception and speak a new storyline into being. With your ruler, Mercury, now moving through the more nuanced turf of Virgo and Libra, and planets crowding your house of hearth and home, September’s flavor is decidedly more internal. Start with a little stillness, noticing where the buzz of back-to-school has got you packing your lunch box before you truly know what you want to eat. Beyond your head, what is your whole bod craving right now? Fortify your foundation by feeding your appetite. 

In Your Space: You can start in the literal kitchen, Gemini, and ensure that your cast iron and your crockpots are up to speed. September’s energy is a slow cooker, and you’re invited to take any anxious spatial scrambling down a notch. Soften any bright lights with a dimmer. Let your space feel like a new lover, all smooth edges and judgement-free zones. You might even create a gauzy effect with some humidifiers or beaded curtains, letting yourself move through the mists of your lair and feel its contours without having to “know” them by sight. 

Credit: Kath Nash

Cancer & Cancer Rising

In the Stars: August bolstered your capacity to hold more space for yourself, Little Mermaid, as you learned to relish the sensation of simply sitting with it all. The flavors of September are more breezy, as planets in your zone of micro-movements ask you to experiment with some shifts in perception. Whether it’s the words you choose to speak to a beloved, or the spin of an internal narrative, there’s part of your messaging that’s asking for an upgrade. Maybe it’s just a moment where you release from the meaning entirely, letting a situation unfold with zero judgement and absolute curiosity. Let the strange shiftiness of your own existence be cause for celebration. 

In Your Space: Start with the area of your home that you harbor the most mixed feelings about and uncover a secret treasure therein. Maybe your tub is in need of a recaulking, yet the water pressure is delightfully powerful. Or the light in a room is a little dim for your liking but perfect for an early evening cool down. September is asking you to let even small degree shifts strengthen your capacity for larger transformations. Trust that drawing back a curtain or moving the sofa a little to the left can catalyze the change. 

Credit: Kath Nash

Leo & Leo Rising

In the Stars: August was a pause for you, Leo, as you learned to release worry and sink in. September quickens the pace slightly, as planets glide through your house of seeding and tending. Consider what you’re incubating in this moment. What have you been crushing on without its knowledge, little love cat? September is an “out with it” moment, and you’re invited to make even one move towards what you’ve been envisioning. As a fixed fire sign, you sometimes want everything to be achieved in one fell swoop. But September offers you the opportunity to let every step feel like the full dance. 

In Your Space: Invite this organic growth into your home through floral and botanical prints, and handmade furniture pieces that remind you of the sweet time it takes to craft and evolve. You may even want to try your own hand at assembly, whether it’s out-of-the-box building or an actual carpentry class. Explore your own spatial intentionality as well. Make a living mood board out of one small piece that’s proof of a more distant dream house, like a backyard hammock that conjures a second home in Hawaii. Rather than McMansion lottery wins, ‘tis the season for tiny moves towards your desires.