How to Clean a Bathroom Fast! (So You Can Get Back to Living Your Life)
Cleaning bathrooms, ugh right? No one likes to do it, and certainly no one likes to spend a ton of time doing it. So take as little time as possible to clean yours by checking out this complete guide — all the tools you’ll need and the order in which to tackle tasks — so you can get the toilet scrubbing done quickly and get back to living life.
The key to a faster bathroom clean up: Gathering all the materials/tools/cleaners you need before you start, and tackling the tasks in the right order so you don’t make any more movements than you need to do.
Below find the complete list of tasks to do in the order that will get you finished most efficiently. Want an even FASTER cleaning? Skip the steps labeled optional (this time…you do want to clean those areas at least a couple of times a month).
- Sponge, scrub brush or heavy duty wash rags
- Heavy duty multi-purpose cleaner
- Toilet bowl cleaner (can use your multi-purpose cleaner if you choose)
- Toilet bowl brush
- Dusting supplies of your choosing (like a gentle, all-purpose cleaner and an old wash rag)
- A broom
- Window/glass cleaner
- Vacuum (if you have a rug or want to clean the floor this way)
1. Shake out or pop into the washing machine any floor mats/rugs you have in the bathroom. Tuck them out of the way if you just shook them out. Throw dirty towels and laundry into the laundry room (or the washer if it’s not being occupied by a mat).
2. Spray a healthy coating of the cleaner of your choice over your dirtiest areas so the cleaner can soak in and loosen dirt while you tackle other tasks. The shower, toilet and sink are good places to start. Do this ONLY if you’ve got good ventilation or are not using harmful cleaners. Don’t forget about the shower liner or shower door, too.
3. (Optional) Take a broom to any spider webs you spot in a corner.
4. (Optional) Clean out light fixtures (especially above the mirror)
5. Use window cleaner on your windows and mirror.
6. Temporarily move items on shelves and the counter top, dusting the items as you move them. (Optional) Dust the blinds or any plant leaves. If the insides of your cabinets are fairly organized and it’s easy to pull things like boxes, lazy Susans or baskets out, give the inside shelves a dust.
7. Wipe your bathroom countertop and sink.
8. Clean the outside of the toilet (the top of the tank, the back and bottom of the bowl) and then clean the seat and under the seat and in the bowl. Flush if needed and close the lid. Swipe the top of the lid.
9. (Optional) Clean the baseboards or any other odd things like radiators, fans, art frames, and the top of the toilet paper holder.
10. Use the right sponge or brush you need for your shower’s material and scrub from top to bottom. Use your shower head to wash off all cleaner residue.
11. Sweep/vacuum the floor (or if you have a non-washable rug in there, vacuum the rug).
12. Replace the rugs, fluff the towels and arrange everything back just so. Consider adding a fresh bouquet of flowers.
Want the same guidance for your bedroom? You’re in luck → How To Clean Your Bedroom Thoroughly and Efficiently: A Quick & Easy Guide.