How to Clean Scuff Marks from TrafficMaster Allure?
Q: We have TrafficMaster Dimensions Allure flooring installed in a bathroom. We have some scuff marks and some dulling in some areas. What do you recommend in caring for this type floor? Is there a particular cleaner? Can you use wax of any kind. We are happy with the flooring but need your advice on the questions above.
Sent by Robert
Editor – We’re going to first quote the Allure owner manual to advise you to never use a wax on the TrafficMaster surface. The flooring is very dense and non-porous, negating the need and effectiveness of using a wax.
The Allure One Step formula (available at Home Depot; a vinyl cleaner) is recommended for maintenance of the surface, including scuff and mark removal. Home Depot recommends rubbing with a green Scotch Brite pad dampened with allure One Step, but we’ve found that using a Magic Sponge with gentle pressure will do the trick without the need for the formula. More details and customer feedback about maintenance of the popular TrafficMaster Allure vinyl flooring available in our initial post and also here (PDF).
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