How to Deal With Greywater Toilet?
Q: The apartment complex I live in gets kudos for recycling water- water used for bathing, cooking, washing, and cleaning flows down the drain, gets treated, and is then stored in a separate tank used exclusively for flushing toilets. While I applaud the initiative, the water is not completely treated (hence not reused for any other purpose than flushing) and is greyish black in appearance and leaves severe streaks on the toilet. I have come to live with this and clean the toilet almost five times a week. The bigger problem is whenever I lift the toilet lid, several drain flies (or in this case, toilet flies! Gross!) fly out…
I have to make sure I get them all out before I get to use the toilet. And any spa-like bathing experience flies (no pun intended) out the window with the darn critters swarming around. Keeping in mind this is recycled water and probably helps them thrive, is there a cleaning method that will help me deal with this menace better? -Sent by Cheeka
Editor: Recycling water? Yay! TOILET FLIES?!? Boo. Readers, how can Cheeka deal with the environmentally- and fly-friendly toilet, and perhaps even cut down on weekly toilet cleanings? Thanks!
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