How To…Stay Warm at Home without Much Heat
Today, in our chilled state, we came across a great list of strategic steps and tips for staying warm at home if there’s little heat (for whatever the reason may be).
Today is the first day that we’ve been truly cold in our home office, reminding us that the seasons have very officially shifted. We have on our wool socks, scarf, and almost considered finding some fingerless gloves so we could type more comfortably! We want to know your top way(s) of staying warm indoors. Read below for WikiHow’s ways:
• If you can not afford to heat your home, contact your energy supplier. They will work with you to find a payment plan you can afford. In addition, you may be eligible for federal assistance paying your bill.
• Eat enough fat! This will keep your thyroid and metabolism functioning properly, and you’ll stay much warmer.
• Take a hot shower or bath and use oil or lotion on your skin when you get out. It’s almost like putting on another thin layer of clothing.
• Humidity holds heat. Increased humidity will make a significant difference in your comfort level. Whenever you take a shower or bath, leave the warm water in the bathtub to increase the humidity in the air.
• Use a hot water bottle. Great for warming your hands & lap while sitting; also put it under the covers at the foot of the bed. Ahhh!
• If the air is too cold when you’re trying to sleep, consider rigging a makeshift cloth “tent” over your bed. Your own breathing will warm up the inside of the tent very quickly. There’s a good reason those antique beds had roofs and curtains…
• Use a humidifier. The added moisture in the air can increase the apparent temperature of your home by as much as 15 degrees.
• Turn on the lights. Incandescent and halogen bulbs create light through heat and can significantly increase temperatures in a room.
• Use a candle heater. It doesn’t create as much heat as a fireplace or real heater, but will create warmth very cheaply.
• Take advantage of solar energy; place a dark rug in sunny areas of your house during the day to absorb the sun’s heat.
• Place short fans set to their lowest settings so that they blow across radiant style heaters to circulate the warm air away from the heater, allowing the heater to warm new air.
• Microwave socks or small homemade “pillows” filled with rice, dried corn, or beans for one minute in the microwave and use as a heating pad or bed-warmer (if you don’t have a microwave, use a hot water bottle).
• If you can afford it, leave other heat-producing appliances on, such as computers/monitors or strong lamps.
• After cooking, leave the oven door open to let the heat escape and warm up the area of the room around it.
Image via Real Simple’s “Stay warm and save money with these heat-saving habits and products.”