This Keychain Lets You Avoid Touching Dirty Surfaces Like Doorknobs and ATMs
On a typical day, we touch countless communal surfaces: doorknobs, ATM keypads, the checkout screens at the grocery store. In the middle of the current coronavirus pandemic, we’re especially conscious of all the potential this leaves for catching or spreading disease.
That’s what inspired the creation of the Hygiene Hand, a combo keychain, stylus, and door opener that helps you avoid touching surfaces.
The Hygiene Hand has sixteen days left in its Kickstarter campaign, but it’s already far exceeded its $5,000 goal, with over $270,000 in contributions as of Sunday.
The tool can be used to press buttons, pull door handles, and even sign on a screen. It’s made of copper, which is antimicrobial (but creator StatGear still recommend sanitizing it after use — and using it in combination with a retractable carabiner so you don’t have to put it in your pocket).
On Kickstarter, StatGear, which makes survival gear for first responders, explained how the Hygiene Hand came to be:
“A week and a half ago in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak in New York City I went to a pharmacy to pick up a prescription and was asked to use their stylus to sign for the purchase. When I pointed out to the pharmacist that the stylus must be full of germs from all the people picking up prescriptions before me they said they are out of hand sanitizer so I should just wash my hands when I get home.
“As the days went by and the coronavirus spread I became more and more aware how many times I have to touch things that must be full of germs.. elevator buttons, buttons to pay by credit card at stores and gas pumps and of course pulling open doors to public bathrooms.
“I went back to the office and met with my design team and decided we would immediately start designing and prototyping a solution to this problem.”
Fast Company points out that the Hygiene Hand not the only tool of its kind. The similar Virus Hook also includes a bottle opener and pocket clip.
The Hygiene Hand is expected to ship to backers in May and eventually retail for $25.