IKEA Is Launching a New Collection for The Tech-Obsessed
Tech lovers, IKEA has heard your prayers and is finally answering! This year, on April 1st, they’ve launched a new collection that you just have to see.
IKEA is the perfect place to get all of your furniture shopping done on a budget. Plus, you can get some tasty Swedish meatballs when you’re done!
But IKEA is so much more than their delicious food. The retailer knows what we all really want. We’re so tech-obsessed in this day and age, they’ve finally come up with the perfect products for everyone that has their nose buried in their phones or tablets.
On April 1, 2018, IKEA introduced their newest collection, SKÄMT.
SKÄMT Toilet Tablet Reader: When nature calls, so does your tech. The new SKÄMT toilet tablet reader will help ensure you never have a boring bathroom break again.
SKÄMT Laptop Rearview Mirror: Look away for even a moment and you might miss something big on your latest Netflix binge. With the SKÄMT laptop rearview mirror you can keep an eye on your surroundings without ever missing a moment.
SKÄMT Plate with Social Media Stand: Conversing over a meal is so 2000s. Never miss an episode or Instagram post with the SKÄMT plate and social media stand – perfect for breakfast, lunch and dinner and all your snacking in-between! It also functions as a perfect tripod for the most insta-worthy food shots.
SKÄMT Phone Pillow for Bed: Because the bedside table feels too far away. With your phone’s very own resting place in the SKÄMT phone pillow for bed, your phone never needs to be more than an arm’s length away.
SKÄMT Dog Collar with a Selfie Stick: Taking photos of your pup can feel like a full-time job. With the SKÄMT dog collar with selfie stick you can capture your best fur-riends moments all day long and leave two hands-free to give him all the belly scratches he deserves.
April Fools! You didn’t actually think IKEA would make a dog collar with a selfie stick, did you? Though, we have to admit that phone pillow for your bed looks pretty cool. Maybe IKEA should consider selling that in their stores.
If you were looking to purchase something from IKEA, we apologize for the joke! You can check out one of these 12 high-end IKEA hacks that are gorgeous. Or, if you’re trying to restyle your space, you can look at these IKEA products that designers buy time and time again.
Which fake product from the SKÄMT collection do you wish was real?