This Unexpected $150 IKEA Kitchen Find Doubled This Apartment’s Storage (I’m in Love!)
In my opinion, people who live (or have lived!) in small spaces are some of the most clever folks around. Just because an apartment might not have the same square footage as a whole house (see these 150-square-foot homes!) doesn’t mean the renters or owners should have to sacrifice their belongings.
Finding unique storage solutions is a common experience for small-space dwellers, and Melanie Levene, who lives in this 275-square-foot “meticulously arranged small space,” is no exception. During a slow day at her former job, she daydreamed about what to do with a quirky area in her studio apartment.
“My apartment is so small that, with the way my bed and couch are arranged, there’s no way to fit a traditional nightstand without sacrificing an entire wall of storage,” Melanie explains. “I’ve had to think outside the box, not just for the nightstand but for almost everything else in this space.”
After flicking through several websites, Melanie came up short — all of the options weren’t aesthetically what she had in mind and/or too expensive. But she wasn’t going to give up. Eventually, she wound up looking at corner kitchen cabinets from IKEA. It turned out to be a wonderful decision for more than one reason.
For starters, Melanie initially fell in love with a traditional nightstand. However, it cost $1,200, which was way over her budget. This corner kitchen cabinet and shelf cost less than $150. (Melanie also added baskets to organize her belongings.) Plus, it’s large enough to store several of Melanie’s items. “The real question is, what don’t I store in my nightstand?” Melanie says.
On top of the nightstand are miscellaneous, easy-to-reach items like a Hatch alarm clock, glasses, her Bose earbuds, and a few nighttime beauty products. Meanwhile, the inside of the cabinet is arranged into three sections: the top is a mix of beauty accessories and travel products. The second section is dedicated to her cat’s needs. The third area is devoted to an extension cord and all things Taylor Swift.
Melanie loves how the nightstand has improved her small apartment’s overall storage and functionality. One day, she hopes she’ll find a traditional nightstand of her dreams, but for now the IKEA corner kitchen cabinet is a great alternative. She’s toyed with the idea of putting on a door, but decided against it. However, she might be adding some paint to refresh the look.
Using an IKEA counter kitchen cabinet as a nightstand isn’t the only clever aspect of Melanie’s New York City apartment. To see more, visit the full home tour.