It’s Time to (Fill in the Blank): Make Some Progress on Your Project
Last week, I asked everyone to choose a project from their to-do list to work on this month. Well, today is a day set aside for you to spend some time on your own personal Cure project – it’s the official “fill in the blank” day and, of course, it’s going to be different for everyone. Think of it as a bit of a breather in the group chores; a chance to move forward on what matters to you – the project that will make a a difference (big or small, it’s all worth it) to your home. So, without further ado, go for it!
Today’s Assignment:
Spend some time on the project that you selected last week and move it forward, or even complete it, if possible. Please let us know what project you chose, what you’ve been doing and where you are at in the process in the comments. If you need help or have questions, be sure to ask below for feedback – you are part of a very smart, stylish, savvy and super supportive group!
If you’ve already completed your project, you can catch up on anything else you feel behind on. If you are feeling good about your progress, then simply enjoy the well-earned day off!
I know we’d all love to hear what everyone is up to today – no pressure and don’t feel like you have to be far along to discuss your project – baby steps will still get us to our end goal! Keep us in the loop in the comments…
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