June Memo – Professionalism

Written by

Maxwell RyanCEO
Maxwell RyanCEO
Maxwell left teaching in 2001 to start Apartment Therapy as a design business helping people to make their homes more beautiful, organized AND healthy. The website started up in 2004 with the help of his brother, Oliver. Since then he has grown ApartmentTherapy.com, added…read more
published Jun 1, 2018
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(Image credit: Maxwell Ryan)

A simultaneous rise on both sites in May continues to underscore the continuing rebound of 2018

Q2: Mission Critical – All Hands on Deck

Dear Team,

Our 2018 adventure together is already five months old. We have been visited by 120 million people, published over 300 million pages and sold over ten million dollars in advertising in attempt to not only thrive as a business, but also to inform, inspire and educate a new generation as they move into adulthood, discovering for the first time the joys of food and home. Our work is beyond entertainment. It is always to help people build their own personal foundations, and, in a small way, to repair the fabric of our country currently being pulled apart by politics.

I want to thank each and every one of you for your hard work and your discipline. You have all been brilliant – all that is except for those among you who continually eat all of the delicious food coming out of our photo shoots. There is a full scale cafeteria in operation here in Soho and for some strange reason no one ever seems to buy lunch except for me. I am certain Sweetgreen no longer has a line outside its door.

I should also like to say, on a personal note, that it has been wonderful to dive into this All Hands on Deck quarter with you all. This company and what we do on a daily basis has been a central part of my life for nearly fifteen years, and it is very close to my heart. In addition, this current crisis has been invigorating. Working closely with the Sales team, in particular, over the past few months, I have learned a great deal and gained a far greater appreciation for the central role that they play in our organization.

There are few greater pleasures in life than in serving in a company like this, where smart, ambitious minds gather every day over tables, desks and screens to tell the story of what it’s like to be alive right now through photographs, images, words and moving pictures through a medium that’s multidimensional, addictive, and so fast and intimate that it can change world events. It means the world to me to be attached to this work. This is more than a job. It is an important moment in the evolution of how we communicate and inform ourselves as a culture.

Evolution, however, always brings disruption, surprises, confusion, hurt feelings and tremendous discomfort, which is why even more professionalism is required of us all.

We are changing fast and all of us need to learn new ways of working each and every day, myself included. There will be some to whom this is obvious. They’ve seen it before. Others will be taken by surprise, it will be uncomfortable and the transition fierce.

All of us, however, must stick together in our attempt to learn, grow and become the future of this medium. While it will be easy at times to criticize others, judge other’s work, or think we’re the only ones that know the right way, we must avoid harshness and division at every turn. In our daily work through to our quarterly objectives, we must choose unity of purpose over conflict and discord, treat others with respect and build understanding in order to win. We may even disagree, but find unity by agreeing to commit.

In difficult times, professionalism, trust and respect are essential in avoiding useless drama, strengthening the fabric of our team and winning the day.

Finally, with so much to do, it is difficult for me to leave this week, but leave I must – to tour England in search of Harry Potter with my eleven year old daughter. For seven days I will generally have to behave myself, hike green mountains, have tea and scones daily and stay far away from my computer. It will not exactly be hell, and I will get plenty of rest and read books I normally don’t get to, but I will be counting the days until I can join you again, and we can continue our great adventure.

In the meantime, behave yourselves, remember that we’ve only got a few more weeks to go and don’t eat all the cupcakes.

Best, M
