A “Passeggiata” Is the Soothing Italian Habit You Need to Weave into Your Workday

Written by

Sarah Magnuson
Sarah Magnuson
Sarah Magnuson is a Chicago-based, Rockford, Illinois-born and bred writer and comedian. She has bachelor’s degrees in English and Sociology and a master’s degree in Public Service Management. When she’s not interviewing real estate experts or sharing her thoughts on laundry…read more
published Aug 1, 2024
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While I definitely don’t subscribe to the Girl Boss mentality, I do struggle to step away from a task once I’m in the zone. For whatever reason, this is especially challenging at the end of the workday. Once I close my laptop, it’s suddenly time to make dinner, take care of some personal admin, and take out the dog. This nonstop daily routine, as you can imagine, isn’t very restorative!

Lately I’ve noticed how more folks are embracing a more slower-paced, laid-back, Italian-inspired lifestyle. To help regulate my daily routine, one way I’ve tried to incorporate la dolce vita is through the Italian practice of la passeggiata. As a result, I’ve not only more fully embraced the summer season, but I’ve also developed a habit that serves me year-round.

What Does La Passeggiata Mean?

La passeggiata is the Italian ritual of enjoying an evening stroll with loved ones to instill a sense of connection with your community and surroundings. It provides an opportunity to people-watch and observe the daily goings-on of the neighborhood. In Italy, locals use the passeggiata to meet up with friends, savor a gelato or espresso, flaunt their impeccable style, or simply delight in the beauty of city monuments and squares. 

I first learned about the concept of la passeggiata through one of my all-time favorite travel guides, the incomparable Rick Steves. (Side note: The saddest book I own is my Rick Steves’ Guide to London 2020. Needless to say that spring trip got canceled!) What immediately appealed to me was the idea of shared connection and activity as a way to break up the monotony of the day

While my husband and I both work from home most days, our interactions during standard work hours are minimal. It can be tough to shake off the Zoom calls and team meetings before switching gears. Given research that a daily commute can bring closure and decompression to the end of the workday, I figured the passeggiata was worth a try for both of us. 

My partner and I initiated daily evening strolls a few months ago and generally have kept up the practice, weather permitting. We head out around 5 p.m. with our dog, Rodeo, and saunter around the block, greeting neighbors and visiting with their dogs on their post-work walk. It’s always a relief to leave behind my screen and reenter the physical world around me. 

Credit: miniseries / Getty Images

How La Passeggiata Has Transformed My Daily Routine

My family’s evening stroll quickly became one of my favorite daily rituals. It’s comforting to check in with my loved ones and switch up my environment after an eight-hour virtual workday. I can hear all about my husband’s day and give our dog the attention and exercise she deserves. I feel like I’m a more active member not only of my family, but also of my community. I’ve started to recognize new faces and be recognized in return. Plus, getting up and moving after being sedentary for hours is a necessary health commitment. I can’t believe how transformative such a simple habit can be!

I’ve noticed two main ways adopting this custom has improved my day-to-day life. First, having this practice embedded in my routine promotes healthy work-life boundaries — an ongoing struggle for me. Even if I’m on a deadline and intend to return to my task later, the breath of fresh air helps me return refreshed and better able to produce high-quality work. In a way, this daily ritual helps to deprogram my brain from the constant sense of availability afforded by (or imposed upon by, depending on your outlook) technology. 

As a result, I feel a little less stressed and way more human. When we leave the house, our laptops and phones stay at home. I’m no longer beholden to notifications of all varieties. For the most part, the pings can wait. I anticipate the fresh air and neighbor encounters. I soak up the various seasons and shifts in weather. I’m brought back down to earth and feel more centered.

On most work days, we easily prioritize an early evening passeggiata. During weekends, my husband and I organically find a time when we’re both wrapping up some task (or nap!) and venture out together before launching into the evening’s plans. If an evening stroll isn’t possible for your schedule, you can get a little creative with timing to reap the practice’s benefits.

Recalling the past couple of years when I worked in a pretty demanding startup environment, I’d watch in despair as my family ventured out while I tried desperately to finish my workload. Now, I don’t take for granted how fortunate I am to have a career in a different industry that supports and celebrates a more balanced lifestyle. 

All this to say: I realize this routine won’t work for everyone. But if you’re struggling to detach from the task at hand and crave connection to the world around you, la passeggiata could be a simple adjustment that makes all the difference.