Here’s What Happened This Weekend
Five things to know, now that it’s Monday. Lisa Frank continues to make Millennials’ dreams come true. First a coloring book, now an athleisure line. Yes, you can deck yourself out in rainbow unicorn leggings and dolphin crop tops to your heart’s content. Go forth like the ’90s never left. The internet got reaaaaalllly excited about a Harry Potter version of Pokémon Go. Unfortunately, it’s still just rumors.
Aug 1, 2016
Famed Photographer Bill Cunningham Dies at 87
Legendary New York Times fashion photographer Bill Cunningham died on Saturday at the age of 87. He had been hospitalized recently after a stroke. Born in Boston in 1929, Cunningham moved to New York after dropping out of Harvard. He started out as a hat designer, and when the fashions became less formal in the 1960s, he picked up a camera instead.
Jun 26, 2016
IKEA Collaborations from HAY & Tom Dixon Are Coming in 2017
Big news from IKEA: collaborations with British designer Tom Dixon and Danish brand HAY are in the works for 2017. Both collections were announced yesterday at IKEA’s annual Democratic Design Day, where the company also revealed its latest Life at Home report.
Jun 9, 2016
There’s an Airbnb for Seniors Meant to Keep People Connected
The sharing economy isn’t just for the young. The Freebird Club is an Airbnb-like service that connects traveling seniors with seniors who have spare rooms. There are a few notable differences between Airbnb and Ireland-based Freebird Club: mostly, that the host always stays (the idea is to foster connections); and it’s members-only, so the over-50 pay a fee to join and use the service. Freebird Club makes it easier for seniors to travel, knowing they won’t be in a place alone.
Jun 3, 2016
Dusen Dusen Taps Jessica Williams for New Home Collection
Dusen Dusen continues to snag our favorite funny ladies for their look books. The new home collection, available in June, features Daily Show senior correspondent Jessica Williams. Their first home collection last year caught our attention with SNL star Aidy Bryant, and Williams is making those graphic prints pop as well. The collection debuted during NYCxDESIGN where we snuck a peek of it at Sight Unseen OFFSITE.
May 24, 2016
A Peek Inside Paisley Park, Prince’s Minnesota Recording Studio
Quite unassuming from the outside, you’d hardly guess this building was the creative refuge of The Purple One. But at Paisley Park in suburban Minnesota, Prince recorded nearly 30 albums. Take a look inside: 55,000 square feet on nine acres, Paisley Park was completed in 1988 and houses four recording studios, a video editing suite, and a 12,500 square foot soundstage.
Apr 28, 2016
Molly & Daniel: The Freelance Life in LA
Molly and Daniel are true blue partners in crime. They live together in a 1920’s-era Los Feliz apartment, work together as business partners, and support each other’s freelance work goals. They’re also great storytellers, fun to be around, and, as far as cute couples go, they’re like Olympic ice skating team cute. Here’s life with Molly and Daniel… The story of Molly and Daniel starts off with a simple twist of fate.
Mar 16, 2016
The Mysterious History of the Fourth Meal – and Why it Might Be Coming Back
Most of us eat three meals a day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But this isn’t true all over the world, and it hasn’t always been the case even in America. Several historical references make mention of a mysterious fourth meal — a second or ‘reve’ supper. Although we may think of our standard of three meals as the norm, it’s not just hobbits who eat more than three meals a day.
Oct 23, 2015
Why Do People in the South Call Lunch ‘Dinner’ and Dinner ‘Supper’?
I grew up in the South, and that means I had a grandma who was an excellent cook, but it also means that, throughout my childhood, I was exceedingly confused about what the word ‘dinner’ meant. Most people I knew used dinner to refer to the evening meal and lunch for the mid-day one, but at grandma’s dinner happened at noon and there was another meal, supper, in the evening. Were my relatives trying to confuse me? What, exactly, did it all mean?
Oct 20, 2015
The 3 Types of Toilet Paper Users: Which One Are You?
I swear I’m not obsessed with bathrooms, but this discussion came up during one of our editorial meetings the other day. We obviously take our jobs VERY seriously and no topic is too detailed, or too inappropriate for us to write about. “Crumplers” (as demonstrated in the lead photo above) are devil-may-care types who want to get in and out of the bathroom fast, with the least amount of fuss.
Sep 18, 2015
50 Household Terms You Might Not Know Were Brand Names
Many of the terms you use around the house are actually trademarked. (“Grab me a kleenex, will you?”) Or at least they were at one point, before we all started using them as if they were just a regular part of the English language. And actually, a few of the brands on this list have lost the right to enforce their trademark because the term became so commonplace. So here they are in one tidy list (a little ammunition for your next trivia night).
Jul 27, 2015
A Cottage Kitchen Gets a Makeover
Aug 19, 2014
5 “French Women” Strategies for a Healthy Home
I’ve been reading French Women Don’t Get Fat and its sequel, A French Woman For All Seasons, as part of the research for a piece I’m writing. The lessons of the books are simple: take pleasure in what you eat; eat everything — in season and of the best quality you can find — in moderation; drink water; move a little every day; and, play to your unique strengths. A recent experience made me think that these same lessons could also apply to your home.
Jul 23, 2014
A Light and Bright Kitchen Update
Jul 11, 2014
5 Reasons You Should Be Using Plastic Furniture Covers Right Now
Chances are good you’ve dismissed clear plastic furniture covers as tacky, uncomfortable, and best left in the past. But we’re here to tell you to take a second look. Here’s why: 1. Protection: Just as you use a cover to protect your mattress, you should do the same for other furniture as well. Furniture can be a large investment, so why not extend its life as long as possible? That large blue ink stain will otherwise bother you for years…. 2.
Apr 1, 2014
IKEA Responds: Expedit Versus Kallax
In response the the uproar about their discontinuation of EXPEDIT, IKEA released photos of the KALLAX yesterday. Like many of you mentioned in the comments, the KALLAX is a slight tweak on the beloved shelving system: a more scratch-resistant surface, slightly rounded corners, and thinner outer boards, but the same internal dimensions (see the full side-by-side image after the jump).
Feb 21, 2014
West Elm Comes to London
The news in London this Fall has been all about the launch of J.Crew, but for those who prefer to shop for their home rather than their closet, another exciting shop has come across the pond! West Elm just launched a brand new store on Tottenham Court Road, the main drag for super sized furniture stores. The highly anticipated hip branch of the Williams-Sonoma group opened last Thursday.
Dec 11, 2013
New Blu-ray Discs Won’t Play in Old Blu-ray Players
In the ongoing history of technology, there will always be bigger and better digital formats coming along to try and dethrone the top dog. VHS won over BetaMax, and Blu-ray beat out HD DVDs—but who will beat out Blu-ray? Well if it’s up to Sony, Blu-ray XL will. That’s right, Sony’s seemingly begun eating its own tail and releasing new Blu-ray XL discs that aren’t compatible with current Blu-ray players (including the PS3!).
Apr 8, 2010
Bo Concept: How Bad Is It?
Does Bo know? As we monitor comments coming into the site as well as hits on the site, we have noticed that week after week, the one post that gets the worst comments is Bo Concept (largely customer service), but it is also one of the top posts each week (we have stopped listing it) as the result of Google searches on the web.We would love some good news about this store as it has some very eye catching and good designs, but we can’t find much.
Dec 14, 2004