Ode to an Old Plaid Sofa
Dear Beaten-Up, Broken-Down, Ugly Old Plaid Couch: Thank you. As long as I’ve had a couch, you have been my couch. Your ugly, unmatchable plaid-ness has been my curse and my great joy. Now that the time has finally come to replace you, I find I can barely bring myself to do it. What will my living room be without you? What will I be without you? We’ve been through so much together. When my proud parents brought me home from the hospital, you were there.
Feb 29, 2012
Never Wake Up Late Using the Multiple Alarms Technique
When it comes to absolutely waking up for an important date, taking a chance on missing your alarm clock is not an option. But by setting up multiple alarms and customizing the alarms themselves, you can wake up in stages and make it to that appointment that just can’t be missed.1.
Feb 23, 2012
You Can Do It: 100% Realistic Budgeting Tips & Resources
Budgeting is one my least favorite subjects. One, because I am one of those right brained people who avoids math and numbers at all costs and two, because I was never taught how to make a proper and realistic budget. But, whether or not it’s in our comfort zone, we inevitably hunker down and try to crunch numbers and make a plan.
Jan 13, 2012
Beautiful, Non-Electric Dehumidifiers?
Q: Hello! I was searching around in the Home Hacks and I found great suggestions for adding moisture to the air in a home without a humidifier, but I was wondering if anyone had any bright ideas for dehumidifying the air without a dehumidifier? Dehumidifiers are loud, not very attractive, and an energy drain. Are there any non-electric (and even better–beautiful) solutions for a humid basement or closet? Thanks!
Dec 12, 2011
Is It Safe to Mount Your TV Over the Fireplace?
Out of all of the options available for mounting your flat-screen television, you’ve decided to save space and go for above-the-fireplace placement. Good move! Or is it? (dun-dun-dunnnnnn…) Is the heat from your fireplace doing damage to your TV? Could your mounting decision end up voiding your warranty?Sorry for the eleven-o’-clock news-y intro, but this is critical info for anyone who cares about their gear. Want to know if fireplace placement is safe for your gear?
Nov 29, 2011
Apple 27″ Cinema Display vs. Apple 27″ Thunderbolt Display
Around February 2011 I picked up an Apple 27″ LED Cinema Display for my home office, as a way to help upsize the screen real estate on my 2008-era MacBook Pro. I loved it, and there was absolutely nothing wrong with it when the Thunderbolt Display came out, so I didn’t think anything of it. Then I bought a 13″ MacBook Air, and next thing I know, I’m putting the original 27-incher on Craigslist…But why would I do that?
Nov 9, 2011
Vinegar Prevents Squirrels from Eating Jack-O-Lanterns
This is coming a day late, but we’ll be filing this away for next year: When we prepped our stoop for trick-or-treaters last night, we swept the stairs, turned on the lights, then went to light a candle in the jack-o-lantern. That’s when we noticed his face had been gnawed away – eyes, nose, and mouth – into one gigantic hole:Squirrels are relentless at this time of year as they prepare for the long, cold, and fruitless winter.
Nov 1, 2011
Paint Colors To Complement Blue Tile Flooring?
Q: I recently bought my first home and the kitchen came with blue tile flooring. I considered redoing them with wood flooring but the blue has now grown on me. I have no idea what paint colors would go to make the kitchen look bigger? I’m also considering painting the cabinets white to make it brighter, any ideas?Sent by NidiaEditor: Leave your color selections for Nidia in the comments – thanks!• Got a question?
Aug 3, 2011
Around the World: Unusually Creative Hotels
When my husband and I are choosing a vacation destination we are seeking a way to have fun, relax, see new things, and have a memorable experience. What if your hotel alone could give you all that and more?This list of unique hotels go above and beyond the normal boutique or bed and breakfast experience. The whole concept of these unusual accommodations is to give their guests an experience that they couldn’t get anywhere else.
Jul 8, 2011
Replacement Cushions For IKEA Ektorp Sofa?
Q: I’m trying to find replacement cushions for our IKEA Ektorp sofa. The back cushions especially have completely lost their support in the 3 years we’ve owned it. IKEA doesn’t sell replacement cushions and I don’t believe they are covered by the 10 year warranty.Sent by ErinEditor: Leave your suggestions for Erin in the comments – thanks!• Got a question?
May 23, 2011
How to Operate Your Computer Without a Mouse
Last night we were confronted with a predicament we never could have imagined possible: we went to use our desktop computer and our mouse was gone! Immediately we remembered that we had brought the mouse to school for a presentation but left it there overnight. But what were we to do? Our laptop was also at school which left us only with our iPhone. It was quite a paralyzing experience to be sure! But not for long.
May 6, 2011
Attractive Bins Or Baskets For A BILLY Bookcase?
Q: Has anyone found any great alternate storage bins/baskets that work in Billy bookcases? I don’t love any of IKEA’s options, and it is proving a difficult thing to find the right dimensions. Does anyone have something that they’ve found that fits and looks fabulous?Sent by NatalieEditor: Leave your suggestions for Natalie in the comments – thanks!• Got a question?
Apr 27, 2011
5 Inexpensive Table Covers For Your Next Party
Although parties in general don’t appear to cost a great deal on the surface, you can quickly $5 yourself to death. Try saving a few pennies with these options for table covers that you very well might already have in your own home!1. Sheets/Blankets: Sheets and blankets are the easiest place to start looking for inexpensive table coverings. Most homes have a set for every bed in the house and swiping something colorful, or even just white is an easy fix that doesn’t cost a cent.2.
Apr 25, 2011
10 Little Things To Do Before Guests Come Over
There’s nothing worse than being at someone’s home and not being able to find an extra roll of toilet paper when it’s needed. Check out our list of things to do before company comes for 10 ideas that will help make your guests’ stay memorable for all the right reasons. Over the years there are little things we’ve noticed while attending parties (and hosting our own) that make guests feel more comfortable while they’re in your space.
Nov 19, 2010
Tips For Hosting Parties For Families With Children When You Don’t Have Any
I don’t have children, but they weave their way into my life in many ways and are always welcome in my home, especially when we entertain. But how do we retain our sanity? Do we baby proof the space? Is there a box of goldfish crackers stashed in the back of our pantry for just such an occasion?
Nov 9, 2010
The Best Paperless Invitations
I was raised to believe in the old-fashioned, inherent thoughtfulness of the hand-written note. In fact, “Santa” still leaves thank-you notes in my stocking every Christmas so that I have no excuse not to write them. I am 30. However, when it comes to party invitations, I have to admit I always go online. With features like guest tracking, easy one-click RSVPs, and pot-luck sign ups, it’s easy for both my guests and me to plan for the event!
Nov 1, 2010
Explaining the “Ghosts” That Power On Your Appliances
The spookiest thing to happen in our house this past Halloween weekend was a toaster oven that mysteriously turned itself on. Was it a visit from a long deceased Bagel-Bites-loving ancestor? Probably not. It turns out that it’s part of a sporadic phenomenon that popularly plagues small appliances like toasters, microwaves and coffee makers. Has it ever happened to you?
Nov 1, 2010
Tech Mythbusters: Can a Cell Detect Microwave Leaks?
Ah, the internet. Where else would we find answers to all of our random questions? Our latest internet research: Whether or not your cell phone can help you identify leaks in your microwave. The legend says that if you place your phone in a microwave and close the door, it will only be able to receive an incoming call if there’s a leak. But is that true?Paranoid about cell phone radiation? You’re not the only one.
Oct 5, 2010
Software That We Use Daily: Improving Computer Life
From Gmail to Microsoft Word, here are our favorite computer software. We use these programs daily and have generally try to keep them updated as much as possible. While it can get costly for some of them, they are definitely worth keeping.1. Microsoft OfficeNo matter what people say, I’ve gotten to used to using MS Office, especially MS Word. Even though some people dislike it, I find that it works well, no matter what I plan on writing.
Aug 20, 2010
5 Ways To Turn On Lights When You’re Not Home
One of the best ways to protect your home while you’re away is to appear you never left. Leaving a light on in the front window doesn’t cut it any longer and sometimes you need a little extra believability to help others think you’re still home (though anti-social) while away on vacation.Here’s a few of our favorite choices for making your home a little brighter when you’re away. Do you have a favorite that didn’t make the list?
Jul 13, 2010
10 Things To Pack In A PiƱata That Aren’t Made From Sugar
So apparently we have piñata fever around these parts. We just can’t help it. They’re perfect for a party, a backyard get together, or could even be a fun way to pick summer chores (who says they can’t come pouring out amongst other things?) for little ones, but sometimes we’re not into all that sugar. Here are a few non-food ideas instead!1. Bubbles: You can find small packages of bubbles (check with wedding supplies) that won’t weigh things down too much!2.
Jun 23, 2010
How To Host a Cook-Off
If you’re looking an entertaining idea for this summer there is nothing more amusing than a little friendly competition between friends – especially when it involves food! Hosting a cook-off is a great excuse to encourage friends to go head to head with their best recipes and serves as an instant icebreaker among the guests. With a bit of planning, hosting a cook-off can be stress-free.Here’s the breakdown of planning your own food-centric competition.
Jun 3, 2010
How to Skip DVD Previews and Get Straight to the Movie
Imagine getting ready to curl up inside your humble and comfy little abode. You’ve popped in a DVD and made your way to the kitchen to gather up some delicious treats and crack open a frosty brew. But when you sit down with your grub, you find yourself sitting through what seems like endless and unskippable movie previews and piracy warnings—what a buzzkill. If only you knew the remote-control trick that works on nearly every DVD Player (Hint: It’s not the menu button.
Apr 19, 2010
Storage Containers to Fit Under Very Low Bed?
Q: I have a full size IKEA Malm Bed. I love the look of low bedframes, but have trouble storing anything under the bed since it only has a 5″ clearance underneath. It seems like I can only find 6″ ones. Are there any underbed storage containers that are less than 5″? Sent by Stephanie Editor: Please share your suggestions, sources and ideas with Stephanie in the comments below – thanks! • Got a question?
Apr 14, 2010
New Blu-ray Discs Won’t Play in Old Blu-ray Players
In the ongoing history of technology, there will always be bigger and better digital formats coming along to try and dethrone the top dog. VHS won over BetaMax, and Blu-ray beat out HD DVDs—but who will beat out Blu-ray? Well if it’s up to Sony, Blu-ray XL will. That’s right, Sony’s seemingly begun eating its own tail and releasing new Blu-ray XL discs that aren’t compatible with current Blu-ray players (including the PS3!).
Apr 8, 2010
How To Make Creamy Ice Cream with Just One Ingredient!
(Image credit: Apartment Therapy) Yes, that’s right; you heard us. Creamy, soft-serve style ice cream with just one ingredient. No ice cream maker needed, either! What is this one magic ingredient that can be whipped into perfectly rich and silky ice cream, with no additional dairy, sweeteners, or ingredients needed whatsoever? • Read the full
Aug 20, 2009
Adding Height to Bedside Tables?
Q: I recently purchased a set of end tables (see pic) from Craigslist. I want to use them as bed tables, but need to add about 5″ of height. I tried to remove the legs, but they don’t screw off. I would have to saw them off to remove. Any suggestions on adding height to these tables w/o completely demolishing original piece? Thanks! Sent by Michelle(Include a pic of your query and your question gets posted first!
Aug 10, 2009
The Rule for Guests: How Many? How Long?
Summer’s the prime time for visiting friends and for them to visit you. But, as my grandmother used to say when my family would visit her, she was happy to see us come and she was happy to see us go. It wasn’t that she was inhospitable; she loved having us over. It was that she understood the rule of visiting. There’s a rule about how long guests should stay that she often quoted…Fish and guests, she liked to stay, smell after three days.
Jul 14, 2009
My Great Outdoors: Art and Chel’s Modern Balcony Kitchen
My balcony is an extension of my kitchen and home. I have experimented with all kinds of furniture arrangement, surfaces and growing over the past two seasons, and this season I am finally satisfied with the layout and look. Chelsea and I (and Porkchop) enjoy our balcony in the warm months by cooking and relaxing
Jun 9, 2009
Re(al)view: ZeroWater
We’ve been using a PUR gravity fed pitcher water filter system in our household for several years now, a decision that has weaned us off a bottled water addiction. Yet, there’s always been this sneaking suspicion that the pitcher’s filter system was only doing a halfway decent job of filtering the water, especially compared to the expensive reverse osmosis systems we’ve occasionally pondered investing in.
May 5, 2009
Recycled Beauty: Boylan Soda Bottles as Bud Vases
(Image credit: Apartment Therapy) In Week Three of the Kitchen Cure, part of your assignment was to do something beautiful for your kitchen. Here’s a shot of our dining table over the weekend—not exactly the kitchen, but close. And it uses those recycled soda bottles we’ve been talking about… • Click here to read the
May 5, 2009
Green Porno: Isabella Rossellini Reveals All…
(Image credit: Apartment Therapy) Time to expand your green knowledge. We must admit that we had actually never seen an episode of Sundance’s Green Porno until recently, and now we’re totally fascinated! Leave it to Isabella Rossellini to make the sex life of insects (season one) and marine animals (season two) feel like a walk
May 4, 2009
It’s Cleaning Time! Kitchen Cleaning Tips and Inspiration
(Image credit: Apartment Therapy) Your Kitchen Cure assignment this week is to clean up the kitchen and finish restocking, reorganizing, and doing whatever your kitchen needs to be ready to get cooking next week. Cleaning isn’t the sexiest topic, but we still love to talk about it. A clean kitchen is a healthy kitchen, so
May 1, 2009
Being Comfortable In Someone Else’s Home
Have you ever had this situation? A friend comes over to your house. Maybe you go in the other room to put something away and when you come out, before you’ve even said anything, your friend has made themselves at home; they’re opening a bottle of wine, they’re surfing the net on your computer, they’re rummaging through your DVDs, they’re making playlists on your ITunes. How do you feel when this happens?
Apr 23, 2009
Good Questions: How Do I Clean Old Linoleum
Dear Apartment Therapy,I’m in the process of moving to a new apartment. The whole place had beautiful wood flooring except for the bedroom. I got the OK from the building super to tear out the ugly stained berber flooring and replace it with some lovely wood floors or maybe those tiles from FLOR. I was hoping to find wood floors underneath that I could re- finish, but instead I found a weird but pleasant surprise…Got a good question you’d like answered?
Mar 12, 2009
Good Questions: Ridding Curry Odor From Couch?
As someone who LOVES the smell and taste of curry, we found this recent reader question an amusing one: I recently bought a couch from a lovely Indian couple off of Craigslist. The couch is perfect except for the fact that the couch smells like curry. What would be the most cost effective thing for me to do to get rid of the smell?Thanks! JayneGot a good question you’d like answered?
Feb 3, 2009
Good Questions: Sectional Sofas for under $1500?
Hello AT! I am looking for a modern sectional sofa for my condo. I don’t want to spend more than $1500 before shipping. I’ve been considering the Annex Sectional from CB2. I am a little nervous about ordering a sofa without sitting on it, and I don’t have a CB2 near me (I live in Tampa). Does anyone have experience with this sofa? Likes? Dislikes? Thanks! Brad(Note: Include a pic of your problem and your question gets posted first.
Jan 9, 2009
How To: Politely Get Guests To Leave
While sometimes we’d like to say, “Here’s Your Hat, What’s Your Hurry”, we’ve come up with a few ways on how to politely get guests to leave. Put an end time on the invitation. That way, guests know ahead of time there is a curfew that needs to be followed. Increase the lighting. It always seemed to work at every restaurant we ever worked at–it’s a subtle signal that will hopefully let your guests know it’s time for bed. Starting to clean up.
Nov 21, 2008
10 Cheap and Easy Ideas for Decorating the Table
If you’re having people over this month, no doubt you’ve spent a good amount of time considering the guest list and what you plan to cook. You’ve probably started cleaning in advance and have a lot of details you’d like to take care of. Don’t forget to have fun dressing the table and making it festive and inviting for guests. Don’t worry we don’t like a formal fussy table, but planning out what you want to do ahead of time will make it easy and fun.
Nov 11, 2008
Look! Baby Bouncer For Adults
The baby bouncer is an item we consider essential for young babies. We received our Oeuf lounger as a gift two years ago and it’s happily bouncing baby number two at this very moment. So we have to admit – the baby bouncer is something we’ve always wanted to try out for ourselves.Baby always looks so comfortable gently bouncing up and down with each movement he makes. Glad we aren’t the only ones who had this thought.
Oct 22, 2008
Follow Up: Best White Paints
After our recent post on Best White Paints, we received an email from a friend who has a background in decorative painting. Jump below for her notes on white paints…• Benjamin Moore Super White (cool white, pretty modern/stark)• Benjamin Moore Linen White (yellowy-peach tone) I love this color, but depending on lighting situation, can look a bit dingey.
Oct 8, 2008
Roomba Pet Series: Cleans After your Pets
If you’re an AT fan with a dog who has an affinity for shedding (if you’re like me, he sheds more hair than it looks like he has on his body), then you know what a pain it is to keep your space looking good under the carpet of dog hair that rests on top. IRobot’s Roombas have always been a favorite of pet owners for the little upkeep required to reap the results of a twice-daily room vacuuming. Now, iRobot has released a line just for pet owners like us!
Sep 3, 2008
Good Questions: Good Dresser for a Changing Table?
A friend of ours is on the hunt for a dresser that will double as the changing table when her baby is born. I’m looking for something simple and affordable- something that will easily work as a dresser as they grow. But it has to be a comfortable height for changing. Any suggestions? Well, it’s a great idea to use a regular dresser for changing, especially if you’re limited in space. A good height would be about 36″ tall.
May 8, 2008
Good Questions: How Best to Caddy the Shower?
Hello AT,I’m curious as to how you all store your shampoos, soaps, lotions etc that you use in the shower. I have a shower caddy that hangs on the shower head but think it looks cheap and dorm-room-esque.I find that if you put your bottles on the tub ledge they are continually knocked off, so there must be alternatives… any ideas?…(Note: Include a pic of your problem and your question gets posted first.
Mar 27, 2007
Good Questions: Mah Jong Clone?
Hello AT, I am madly in love with the Roche-Bobois Mah Jong seating system, but it’s way, way out of my league economically. I keep thinking: I do know how to get the *look* (using, say, the silky 9-button pillows and floor cushions from Urban Outfitters), but how do I get decent back support and “spread control”? Is there a way to build a good frame, or to chop off the legs of an existing futon frame or very spare sofa?
Jan 24, 2007
Good Questions: Skylight Help in Paris?
Hello AT,Dear AT,I’m in the process of buying a tiny apartment in Paris. While it is in fairly decent nick, there are a couple of things I want to improve; as much as possible, I’d like to have a pretty clear idea of what I’m going to do before I meet with the contractor next month (I’m doing things long distance, eek).I have a couple of things I need help with; I’ll space them out so I’m not too much of an irritant. I do think all have general relevance.
Jan 8, 2007
Bo Concept: How Bad Is It?
Does Bo know? As we monitor comments coming into the site as well as hits on the site, we have noticed that week after week, the one post that gets the worst comments is Bo Concept (largely customer service), but it is also one of the top posts each week (we have stopped listing it) as the result of Google searches on the web.We would love some good news about this store as it has some very eye catching and good designs, but we can’t find much.
Dec 14, 2004