This Picture Frame Lets You Know When Your BFF Is Thinking About You
It’s now easier than ever to get in touch with a long-distance friend. Thanks to video chatting platforms like Zoom, Google Hangouts, and FaceTime, we can reconnect with our old pals and feel like we’re sitting in the same room as them. And even shooting a quick “thinking of you” text can show your far-away friend that you care. But Uncommon Goods thought of a more unique way to show your buddies that they’re on your mind.
The gift marketplace website is currently offering “Long Distance Friendship Frames” that light up when your friend is thinking about you. Rather than standard matting, the frame hosts a photo of your choosing in translucent glass that lights up and changes color when its “mate” is touched either across town or across the country. Each frame connects to its respective home’s WiFi system and frames can be programmed to match with one other, or an entire group, of frames.
Just like Uncommon Goods’ Long Distance Friendship Lamps, the photo frame comes with a “Filimin Bridge” that connects to your internet router and an electrical outlet. Simply plug in the Bridge and your photo frame is good to go and will send signals to your friend no matter how far away they are.
Each frame is assembled locally in the U.S. and was designed by electrical and computer engineer John Harrison and his wife Vanessa Whalen, a Professor of Violin at Wichita State University, who also develop mobile apps for kids that teach them how to manage and express their feelings.
With a simple touch, you can tell the ones you love that they’re on your mind, which is especially comforting during this uncertain time. A single frame sells for $99, and a set of two sells for $198.