Melissa & Ramzy’s Tons of Light Townhouse
Name: Melissa Milakovic
Location: James Bay in Victoria, BC, Canada
We met and fell in love in Edmonton and within weeks, Ramzy was told he was being posted to Victoria, BC. Newly in love we decided to head to the West Coast together to see what it was all about. With very little time to find a home, we found this amazing townhouse in the heart of James Bay, one of the most sought after neighborhoods in Victoria, only one block away from downtown and the ocean. We’ve been here for a little over one year.
Our home is our refuge. When we bought it, it was a horrendous shade of beige (and had been a rental for over a decade) — including doors, baseboards, blinds and walls — so we got right to work. With new paint, light fixtures and an updated kitchen we were able to decorate a home we began to love.
I love every single room (minus the bathrooms as they are last to be renovated) in our home equally. My studio is my sanctuary, my kitchen my comfort, living room my refuge and our room a soft place to land. Each room has its own magic and feel. The house as a whole would be considered eclectic and warm.
On paper, we might seem like opposites but in life, we are very similar. So when it came to decorating, it was easy. We love to scour vintage and thrift shops for interesting bits and bops and most of our home is fitted with such furniture and trinkets. Our love of travel is also apparent in our home with souvenirs and postcards to remind us of the places we’ve been and hope to go.
My inspiration comes from what I like. I don’t ever try to match anything, I simply find something I love and find a place for it in our home. Our home is an extension of both our personalities — vibrant, energetic and interesting.
I knew we had a beautiful home when we had a new friend over for dinner and her very words were: This is the best decorated home I’ve ever been in. That is quite a compliment.
Thanks, Melissa !
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