12 Things to Declutter for National “Give Something Away” Day
When we declutter, our focus tends to be on getting things we don’t need or love out of our homes. But it never hurts (and often helps) to flip the script, turn our eyes away from ourselves, and, in this case, consider where our shed items are going. Turns out there’s a national day for that: July 15 is National Give Something Away Day, and it’s the perfect occasion to squeeze in some decluttering and feel extra good about it—on both ends.
This national day was founded in a grassroots effort by self-proclaimed giver, Linda Eaton Hall-Fulcher. Here’s what she has to say about it on the National Give Something Away Facebook page:
“I am trying to give something back to this world. This is something that is so dear to my heart, I am a giver, so I am trying to make July 15 every year a national “Give Something Away Day.” This day is about everyone that cares about anyone or anything—to give away some thing. It may be your family, friends, people you know or people you don’t know. Someone in the hospital, the homeless, children, other families, just any one. If you can give them something, it doesn’t matter what it might be. Just give.”
In the spirit of giving through decluttering specifically, here are some ideas to get you started. Be sure to contact the places you’d like to donate to beforehand to make sure your giving is welcome and to ensure that your giving is in as helpful a manner as possible.
- Extra towels to animal shelters.
- Food items crowding your pantry to a food kitchen. Here’s a helpful list of most-needed items.
- Duplicate kitchen items to a food kitchen.
- Good condition children’s clothing to a homeless shelter.
- Good condition women’s clothing to a women’s shelter.
- Books to local schools, libraries, doctor’s offices. Or check out this helpful book donation list.
- Outgrown baby clothing and no-longer needed baby gear to a local mother in need. (If you can’t think of someone offhand, you may be able to get leads on a person in need through friends or a local Facebook mommy group).
- Excess arts and crafts supplies to a nearby school, after-school program, or children’s art center.
- Toys to a homeless shelter or women’s and children’s refuge house.
- Old Christmas cards and greeting cards to St. Jude’s Ranch for Children.
- Magazines to nursing homes, preschools (for crafts), doctor’s offices, the military, or shelters.
- Expired manufacturer’s coupons to military families. They get a six-month grace period to use them at their overseas commissaries.
What places have you found that are rewarding to donate to?