One Quick Thing You Can Do This Weekend to “Fake” a Cleaner Home
We’re always looking for ways to make our homes cleaner. The answer is usually “wash, rinse, repeat,” but sometimes it helps to take that process a step further and add “refresh” to your routine.
Baseboards are intended to cover the joint between the floor and wall. Depending on the style of your home, they can be decorative as well as functional—but they can also be a distraction if they’re in bad shape. We’ve been in our 1920’s apartment for three years and I’m just starting to notice the nicks and dings we’ve contributed to our own well-worn baseboards. And at a glance—it just looks dirty.
The solution: Get out your trim paint and touch those baseboards up!
It might seem a bit daunting, as any paint-related project would feel, but believe me, it’s the easiest thing in the world to do.
What you need to paint your baseboards:
Grab an angled brush (I’m obsessed with the Wooster Shortcut. I buy one every time I go to the home improvement store because they’re incredibly cheap and fit perfectly in the palm of my small hands and I use them for everything), a drop cloth or painters tape (or painters tape with a drop cloth pre-attached!), some wet wipes, and your paint and prepare for a cleaner looking room in hardly any time at all.
How to paint your baseboards to make them look cleaner:
Start by washing down your baseboards with a damp rag, and knock any loose paint off that you can see.
After the baseboards are dry, dab a little paint on areas that have scuffs or nicks, making sure excess paint doesn’t fill the void and drip. Keep wet wipes close by to quickly wipe off any trim paint that finds its way to the walls or floor.
Or, if you really want to go for it, paint the entire baseboard and the radiator! One thin coat should be all that it requires since they’re nice and clean to begin with. Just be sure before you start that you’re using the correct trim paint color— otherwise you’re going to be stuck painting all the trim in your home.
That’s it! Stand back and admire how much of an impact this one simple thing has on the overall look of your room!