5 Pro Organizers Share Their New Year’s Resolutions
2019 is here and you’re probably thinking about your New Year’s resolutions. While for some, that might mean gym memberships and swear jars are on the horizon, others have goals for next year that are a little more home-oriented.
So to inspire your own home design ambitions, we called on a handful of pro organizers to find out what their New Year’s resolutions were, and how they plan to achieve them. From editing chinaware collections to decluttering kitchens, here are five goals our favorite pro organizers hope to accomplish in 2019.
Joanna Teplin, The Home Edit: Be more present.
“We travel so much, so my resolution is to be more present at home—when I’m actually home! That means putting the phone down and embracing the time with my kids and husband, fully.”
Nicole Anzia, Neatnik: Declutter the dining room.
“My goal for the New Year is to go through the items in my dining room console and decide what I really want to keep and will use, and which things I can part with. Additionally, I want to make the things I love and want to use more frequently more accessible. For instance, I like my grandmother’s china and will use it, but need to make it easier to get to. I never use my crystal glasses because I don’t have a full set, so I think I’ll give those away.”
Lisa Ruff, NEAT Method: Pare down in the kitchen.
“My New Year’s resolution for my home is to do a major edit of my kitchen before we renovate it this spring, which will mean donating a lot of old dishes and appliances, as well as clearing out any other cookware that’s currently cluttering up my kitchen.”
Ashley Izsak: Work with what I have.
“This year, my New Year’s resolution is to truly follow my belief that life isn’t about the stuff we have, but about the love we give. Sometimes the flood of social media and the accessibility to ever-changing trends instills a feeling of wanting—more stuff, more of the latest and greatest, and it’s in those moments where I remind myself that I can just rearrange the furniture, I can work with what we already have and save up for the pieces we truly love. It’s all about feeling at home in our space, taking away instead of adding more, getting grounded, and settling in.”
Juliette Von Hess, MiniMax: Up my hustle!
“My goal is to up my hustle in the New Year, so I can book a month-long trip to Europe (or even better, finally move into an elevator building in NYC)!”