Put This In Your Holiday Hosting Arsenal: An Emergency Cleanup Kit
It’s hosting season and you know what that means: your home will soon be getting a workout. Be it parties or houseguests, lots of traffic means lots of messes. Since you know spills are inevitable, do yourself a favor this year and put together an emergency cleaning kit so you’ll be prepared to act fast when someone slips up.
Having this quick kit on hand has two benefits. First, it’ll help you deal with those messes quickly (and therefore more effectively) and more importantly, it lets you avoid the drama and embarrassment that can go along with an accident. Keeping these key things close means there’s no need to frantically empty everything from under the sink in the middle of a party or family dinner (and make the spiller feel worse than they already do!).
The Emergency Kit
- Sponge or microfiber cloth
- Small handheld broom and dustbin
- Countertop cleaner
- Soda water (to dilute a stain but it’s also handy to have on hand in case you run out during your party)
- Salt (combine with soda water as an effective natural stain remover)
- Laundry stain stick or wipes for clothing spills
- Masking tape for picking up those final, invisible shards of a broken glass
Put these things in a caddy and get ready to be the graceful host who can dispatch spills and get back to the party that much quicker.