Watch 5 Famous Paintings Come to Life in These Real-Life Renderings
Inspiration for your home can be found anywhere—and that includes classic paintings that showcase both real and imaginary architecture. At least, that’s the idea behind a new collaboration between HomeAdvisor, a website that provides homeowners with tools and resources for home improvement, and NeoMam Studios, in which they’ve produced real-life renderings of locations in famous paintings. Click through to see the painting become a realistic rendering, and hopefully inspire you to think about architecture and art—both on the canvas and in your everyday life—in a new way.
“Evening Snow at Kanbara” (Utagawa Hiroshige, 1833–1834)
The snowy masterpiece is the perfect painting to spend a few minutes with this time of year. Hiroshige, a Japanese artist of the Edo period, is “considered the last great master[…] of Japanese woodblock printing.” This painting is part of a series Hiroshige created after traveling along the famous Tōkaidō road.
“House by the Railroad” (Edward Hopper, 1925)
Looking toward the Victorian era for some interior design inspo? Look no further than American realist painter Edward Hopper’s “House by the Railroad.” You’ll find this painting especially moving if you love the juxtaposition of two very different aesthetics occupying one space—“House by the Railroad” very much pits Victorian elegance versus the industrial modernization of the railroad.
“Houses At Falaise In The Fog” (Claude Monet, 1885)
From one extreme to the other—Claude Monet, one of the fathers of Impressionism, is less concerned with realism, like Hopper, and more focused on creating movement and playing with light in his pieces. That’s why this transformation from canvas to real-life rendering really wows. The color scheme of the hills and homes tucked away in Falaise are so gorgeous, I’d like to bathe my entire living room in them.
“Palmeiras” (Tarsila do Amaral, 1925)
“Palmeiras” offers us another bold color scheme, and a playfulness with geometric patterns and shapes, to boot. Painted by Brazilian artist Tarsila do Amaral, who studied in Paris and was majorly influenced by African art, this painting showcases her iconic minimalist technique.
“Taos Storytellers” (R. C. Gorman, 1993)
From Brazil to New Mexico: Abstract-realist R.C. Gorman’s “Taos Storytellers” features two Navajo women—a common subject for Gorman—outside traditional pueblo buildings in Taos, New Mexico. Gorman is known as the “Picasso of American Indian Art,” and the colors and architecture on display in this painting show us why.
To see more paintings come to life—including some by Vincent Van Gogh, Amrita Sher-Gil, and yes, even Bob Ross—head over to HomeAdvisor.