This Company Transforms Shipping Containers into Sustainable Tiny Houses
Mexican architects Rodrigo Alegre and Carlos Acosta launched Vivienda Minima de Descanso (translation: Minimal Leisure Dwelling), an innovative prefabricated housing system that incorporates sustainability into every aspect of the design.
“Most people who live in an urban area think of weekend homes as being large, expensive and hard to come by,” says Acosta in the company’s press materials.
The eco-conscious units are made out of repurposed shipping containers, and they’re fully customizable. VMDs can be one or two bedrooms, or even larger should you choose to combine several containers. “It has all the basic things you need to live comfortably,” explains Alegre, “with well thought finishes and fittings, all from eco-conscious suppliers.”
The exterior facade is made out of viroc, a board that is fire and water resistant, non-toxic, with acoustic and thermal insulation. Step inside and you’ll find a water heater that dramatically reduces energy usage, as well as a system that ecologically disposes of household food waste. You can also order solar panels and harvested-rainwater tanks for responsible energy production, as well as toilets that further minimize the impact on the environment. Every aspect, from the basic structure to the interior design touches, relies on an ethos of sustainability.
It takes approximately 99 days from the moment you order a VMD to the delivery. The base price of $49,000 which includes electrical and plumbing systems, finishes, bathroom furniture, lighting, and the deck. Shipping and additional customizations are charged in addition, but considering you can move a VMD to any location and the structure is suitable for housing for at least 50 years, it’s a solid investment.
Whether placed in a buzzy destination or in a remote piece of land, VMDs are a housing solution that brings you customizable luxury and a connection to nature and the environment.