Short on Space? 6 Effective Ways to Make More Room in Your Bathroom Cabinets
Running out of room in your bathroom cabinets? Instead of trying to declutter again (though that’s never a bad place to start), maximize the space your home has with these effective ways to make more room in a bathroom cabinet!
1. Throw out bulky packaging
Packaging is, almost always, way bulkier than it needs to be. Which is fine, if you’ve got all the space in the world. But when you’re low on room, peel away the unneeded boxes, wrappers and other packaging products that do more harm than good.
→ 10 Perfect Canisters for Kitchens, Bathrooms & Laundry Rooms
3. Add different shelf levels
Don’t let that empty space above your stuff be wasted space. Add small free-standing shelves (or if you don’t rent and want to DIY, add in fixed shelves). Adjust the heights based on your storage needs, but don’t let big bulky items discourage this idea (look to tips #1 and #2 if that happens). Feeling particularly ambitious? Look to kitchen organization ideas for how to really maximize cabinet space; roll-out drawers and shelves can work wonders in a bathroom, too!
4. Incorporate hooks or magnets on the door
The inside of the doors are often unused real estate, but can be absolutely vital in catching the small random things that end up littered around a bathroom like ponytail holders and bobby pins. But also small, plastic containers on the insides of doors (perhaps attached with a magnet) can also be great for housing things you use on a daily basis, like cotton swabs, so they don’t have to clutter your counter top (particularly nice if your bathroom is very small).
5. Know that tension rods work wonders
As we’ve seen before, a tension rod is a magic tool with quite a few uses around the home. How to use them to give yourself more room in your bathroom cabinets? Well, anyway that might work for you! From hanging cleaning supplies to jewelry, tension rods come in multiple sizes and could be put to work in your space.
It’s always a great idea to take an inventory of what you have in your bathroom and really think about which of those things need to be in there for daily use. Now if you’ve got a very small bathroom, you might have a small home and not have any additional space for bathroom things. But if you do have extra room in another closet somewhere, you might consider taking non-daily items out of the bathroom to clear up some space. Or, find another spot in the bathroom that’s not in your cabinet to store it stylishly, too!