A Harry Potter-Inspired Coffee Shop Is Heading to NYC
Harry Potter fans that never got their Hogwarts letters can still experience the magic of the wizarding world. A Harry Potter and Halloween-themed cafe is headed to New York. The name of the coffee shop is Steamy Hallows, a great little pun based on the Deathly Hallows. You can perk up for the day with a cup of “Coffee Potion.”
On January 6, 2019, Steamy Hallows announced on Instagram that they’d be opening in four weeks and then had their soft opening on February 16, 2019. The announcement was pretty hush-hush and was simply written, “We will be waking the dead in four weeks!!! Stay tuned, spread the word.” The location of the shop was not immediately revealed in the announcement and soft opening post, but according to Time Out, people are speculating that it will open in Alphabet City since founder Zach Neil’s recently shuttered pop-up Cake Shake was located on Sixth Street between Avenue A and Avenue B.
In one of their posts on Instagram, Steamy Hallows revealed one of their Harry Potter-inspired drinks and we’re already in love. Meet the Love Potion Number 9 ¾:
This is our “LOVE POTION NUMBER 9 3/4 LATTE” dark chocolate, rose essence, electric city roasting espresso, raspberry passion foam. oh by the way, we’re doing our soft opening this Saturday February 16th! Wanna be one of the first to come experience this and try our brew? Leave a comment and tag five friends and we’ll pick 5 of you to come for a free potion this Saturday on us! Location announcement Thursday. #lovepotionnumber93/4 #steamyhallows #halloween #witchy#harrypotter #lattee #coffee #spell #love
Steamy Hallows is the perfect place for the Potter fan that really loves to stage the perfect picture for Instagram. Whether you’re taking a picture of your “potion” coffee or posing in front of a mirror with Harry Potter’s classic glasses and mop of black hair, there’s something for everyone to snap a picture of.
You can follow Steamy Hallows on Instagram to see more of the cafe as it continues to operate post-soft opening.