Image Credit: Margaret Rajic | Stocksy


8 Tips for Keeping an All-White Kitchen Sparkling Clean

Image Credit: Amelia Lawrence

Here’s what several professional cleaners had to say about how to keep an all-white kitchen as clean as possible — and what to avoid. 

Image Credit: Joe Lingeman

Put your Magic Erasers to work. 

Keep a few Mr. Clean Magic Erasers on hand for removing dirt, scuffs, and other marks from your walls, counters, and cabinets. 

Image Credit: Credit: Marisa Vitale

Always run the exhaust fan when you cook.

When it comes to maintaining an all-white kitchen, prevention is one of the best approaches. 

Image Credit: Joe Lingeman

Avoid harsh cleaning tools.

When you’re scrubbing down a white kitchen, skip the hard-bristle brushes. White tends to emphasize scratches.

Image Credit: Studio Firma/Stocksy

Clean after every meal you prepare. 

Small food droplets can land on your cupboards and countertops and permanently stain the white surface.

Image Credit: Sarah Crowley

Use vinegar to remove stains.

White vinegar diluted with lukewarm water is a great way to remove pesky stains from white surfaces.

Image Credit: Sarah Crowley

Avoid using colored products.

Skip the blue Dawn soap — instead, it’s best to use only white or clear solvents. Some colored products can cause visible staining. 

Image Credit: Joe Lingeman

Clean under appliances regularly, too.

Always make sure to clean beneath small appliances because food crumbs and grime can build up underneath microwaves and toasters.

Image Credit: Joe Lingeman

Clean your grout on the regular. 

If you’ve got a white backsplash with white grout, it’s important to keep those lines clean. Try a mixture of baking soda and vinegar.