The 5 Essentials You Need to Tackle Your Least Favorite Bathroom Chore
It’s official: Cleaning the bathroom is a nasty job. In a recent reader survey, the largest group — 13.3 percent — said that scrubbing the shower or tub was their least favorite chore.
But just like buying a new pair of leggings can give you a kick to get exercising, arming yourself with a cleaning kit just might get you jazzed to take on the task. To make easy work of a tough job, here’s the 5-part pack I’d recommend (for around $38, out the door).
A Solid Shower Spray
Time is your friend when you’re cleaning the bathroom. Spray a cleaning solution generously all over the shower and tub and let it sit and lift up all the grit and grime while you handle something else.
Our pick: Seventh Generation Tub and Tile Spray, $2.99, or make it yourself!
A Long-Reach Scrub Brush
The scrubbing is the hardest part. Once the cleaning spray has been on for at least 15 minutes, get yourself a brush with a long handle so you can cover more area with less effort.
A Detail Scrub Brush
For the stubborn spots your workhorse long-handled scrubber can’t reach, you’re going to want a tiny detail brush to clear out any gunk still left at the corners, around fixtures and in shower door tracks.
If you’d rather just buy one brush…
Read more about why I love the OXO brand: The Kitchen & Cleaning Tool Brand I Always Go Back To
A Grout Pen
Sometimes a shower spray isn’t enough to keep your grout looking sparkling clean. For that, try out a bleach-powered grout pen. Use it to “draw” along your yucky grout lines, then follow behind with a quick scrub of your detail brush.
Our pick: Tilex Tile and Grout Pen, $6.99
A Shower Head Attachment
If you have a shower head hose as part of your permanent bathroom fixtures, you know how handy it can be for rinsing down after a thorough shower scrub. So for those of us who don’t, grab an inexpensive shower hose attachment. If you’ve ever tried to use one of these to, you know, actually take a shower, you know they can be dubious and finicky to attach. But for just a second to rinse after a clean, they’re a lifesaver.
Our pick: Danco VersaSpray Handheld Shower, $8.98